Page 17 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 17
11El E--Grey Stone: 12E1B--Cr6r Etone :
Ir: memory of Willien: Junes Fox
Alfred Swsles 185101530
18eC-1947 hi6 beloved wlfe
husband of Sarah 4.. CmBE
Bile Emond -. - 1864-1944
-- - 1892-1913
1892-1948 their sol: Carnet J.
11EL1--Grey Stone: their dsu. Pearl K.
ELLAKCEli 1886-1922
in memory of -
T. S. Belenget 12El?--Blsck Stone with Grey Cross:
Apr. 4, 1877-Dec. 25, 1943 LhVICNL
his belove6 wife Fllliam A. Lavigne
Cbrcline LonQre 1879-1931
--- Margeret M. Cloutier
Aug. 3, 187E-Duc. 24, 1971 his belcved wiie
11E12--Grey Grhnlte Stone: 1886-1957 -
13 TOUR Edne
L. Arthur Lstour deughter of
lecz-1966 wlllis~ M6rgbret Levigne
beloved hustand of died Nov. 28, 1915, e&ed -8 yebrs
Celina Ledouceur
1904-1976 12E14--Rsieed Grey Ground Stone:
11El2--Grey Ground Plaque: DCSCbZ
Tonorine Lefaive in memorp of
1855-1912 -.. Albert J. Dueome -
vifs of - 1908-1950
Cliver Letour huebend of
--- - ---
1852-1919 Kaude Csrter
11x11--Foot Stones:- -- 12~ll--~reg Stone:
- -
Georgie in memory of
lellie Gecree 3. Thomson
Victreen 1882-1951
Mary beloved husbaad of
F6 ther Euma St. Feter . --
M~ther 1881-1987 -
--- their Bon
11El6--Polished Eed Stone: Eimer George
GKbWIkE - aged 23 month8
in loving memory of
Ches. Sm. Cregoire 12Ell--Polished Grey Grhnite Stone:
190&-1947 BEMILULT
- - Rermides Berrieult
12E16--Grey Stone with Cross;
DUPUIS his beloved wife
John Dupuis Helen Quesnelle
1856-1827 . -. 1901-1928
his wife - - their son R~ymond
Louise Pistte 1922-1931
1871-1916 -
--- ---
. . . -