Page 12 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 12
Hewis (continuet) 6EP11--Grey Stone with Cross:
died Kov. 1965 WOC'L
Mary Hewis DeviG (L
died died
Kej 2F_, 1510
Agnes Hewie Chew eged
died July 1967 2C yesrs
Thonks Thorton Rosie
died Feb. 1913 died
John Hewis July 21, 1924
died Sept. 1950 aged
---. %S yebrs
6El6--Polished Black~Stone ;oseph Wood (h 1
and Foot Stones: 1853-1S38
REID L. Wood (E
Fra~cis 1856-l%26
Karlow - --
Aden 9. Reid 7ElQ--Grey Stone with Cross:
1865-1935 BCTJFSCIi
LL.VIGTqZ in memcry of
.Ernest P. Levigne Be thalie
1887-1945 Arbour
beloved husband of wife of
Mary Ellen Reid Trefflie
--- 6ged 40 years
wrequiesc6nt in pacem died Mer. 26, 1508
6E14--Red Stone: rnthe getes of heeven for...".
Neil Leitch ?El@--Foo t Stones :
died Apl. 30, 1517-eged 64 Cherlie (NI
years Caroline
James Jr .
Eobert J. - son of Cinderella (S
Keil & Mary A. bitch
died Jan. 9, 1906-6ged 24' Fa ther
years Liother ---
"may his eoul rest la peece,
?El?--R6ised Black Plaque:
- -- amen rn Yc CARTU;
6E12--Red Stone: . L:ary J . McPeake
JXEGEE 1867-1958
in loving mamcry of wife of
Annie Teresa Patrick UcC6rtan
Feb. 17,18E5-0ct. 20,lS56 7E17--Grey Stone:
beloved wife of CROWE
Lloyd Jaeeer HerEen Crowe
1881 -1958
beloved husband of
Ida St. Arnaud
"requiescent in pacem