Page 9 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 9

                 3~ll--Creg Stone wl th Cross:                  4$ls--  Red  Stone:
                 McGüIRL                                        TWZU-y
                Klchsel  J.                               (N)  in meacrg  of
                Kc"v1re                                         Hhrry  H.  1E3-1545
                 dled  April  3, 1902                           belove6  husbend  of
                 age  23 yrs.  2  DOS.                          M~ry E.  1653-1664
                 "he's  gone  and  left  us  here               ME CI^  A.  1966-1953
                                             to  weep           beloved  hüçband  of
                 to  jcys  beyond  our  view                    Ch therine
                 and  when  like  hin. we  fa11  asleep                    ---
                mey  we  be  heppy  tOow                        4Ele--Grey  Stone  wi tn Cr~ss:
                Pa trick                      -           (El LESStJS
                McCuire                                         in ~effiory of
                 died  Dec.  20,  1914                          Busete
                 h&ed 86 years                                  Lesshrd
                MhrY                                            died
                wife  of                                       Aug.  14,  10C3
                Patrick                                         aged  50  yrs.                    ~.
                Y cCuire                           -                      .---
                Jan.  19,  1512                                 4E17 .-Beised  Black  Cround  Plaque:
                            - - -                               F.  Didace  Grise        Eda  S.  Rhrtweil
                 aged  63 yrs.                                  cEISE                    cals&
                 3ElC--Red  Stone  with Croes:                  1914-1974                1870-1449
                Kc %.RTIIY                                                                beloved  wlfe  of
                                            A    .
                 Corr.eli us RcChrthy                     (a)                            Frederlck ,S.  Crise
                died  Jan.  28,  1905--aged  106 years                     ---           1E74-155C
                 Brldget,  his wife
                 died  hpr.  20,  1906--eged.80  gears
                 also'three  infants  . .                       4E15  and  16--Cre~ Slone wlth  C~CSB:
                 Rosella                                  (W)  LEFiOLJX
                wife  of  Willism KcChrthy                      in memurg  of
                 died                                          Capt6iG  Nichsel  Leroux             .
                 PeS.  24,  1904                                1861-1903                   ..  .
                 aeed  18  geers                               bis wife                            -
                willib~ KcCsrtby                               Mary  Ann
                 dled                                           1867-1943
                 kpr.  4,  1906                                 6 dsughter
                 aged  31  yebrs                                Gzrtrude
                 James  McCar thy                         (El 1895-1944
                 died                                           sons
                 Kov.  30,  1695                               H'el ter
                 aeed  42  pare                                 1866-1914                           -
                Nellie,  wife  of                              Albert
                John  HcCerthy                                 1882-1945
                            ---                                4E14  and  15--Raise&  Ground  Stone:
                d.  Sept.  6,  1S07,  eged  32 gebrs                       -- -
                4E2C--  Grey  Stone wlth  Cross:               BOL'FkIE
                FUSER                                           "the  parents  of  a  priestn
                in meffiory  of                 .  -  *  .     Fepoleon  aourrie
                Samuel  K.  Fraser                             1870-1947
                 born  in  Town  of
                KIllill8  CO.  W~O  -                          Theress O'Connor
                 Irel.6nd                  .                    "prey  for  thernw
                May  24,  1824                                             - --
                 d.  k!ay  3,  1903
                             -- -
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