Page 497 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 497

rONSTRUCTION                            177
                  4-CONTRATS ACCORD~S                  4-CONTRACTS AWARDED
             La valeur des cont r:Lt.S dl' c'ollslruotion  The value of building contro,(Jts D.wal'cI(,d
           ~.cljllgés l,n 19;)2, au Cn nn.(h~. o~t i nr(~ri(Jurp.  in ('n.nn.dn. in lflii2 was 21.1 per (Jent l(\s~
           de 21.1 pOUT oent il. c'.elle de 19[)1, alorR qlw  than iu 1951 \l'hen the value of the
           la. va.loul' des conlmts  'était élevée 11 un  contmds re:l.clled un unpreeeclC:!Dtecl leve!.
           niVeo,ll  .inllll~ÜI ntteilli.  ;l.lI]>l~nLV:I.llL. 1.Jall!;  ] n tlu,  }'ruVIO.~t\ of  Queb(,(~, tho vo,lue of
           la p\'OVillCt\ cie Qu'hoc, les cuntmts o,ccord.~s  cont.mots f\\I':u-cl."d in  Hl:'L  ~l.1n()unted to
           ~(\ r.hitrrent ii :f;:W7,~):n,400 en 1952.  .'6Gf:J7,931 AOO.
             21-Valeur des contrats de construction au Canada, par provinces, 1943-52.
              21-Value of Construction Contracts in Canada, by Provinces, 1943-52.

                   PflOVlNCES       [1)43     1944      1045      1946      Iun

                                     •        i         •          S          t\
           lIc-du-P.-r.......... P. E. I,litnd ...  719,300  657,000  OIYI,BOO  650.200  3.UOI,000
           N.-F;oœ9c.......... N. ScoLi......  0, [57,200  14,(l81,nOO  13,480.-1UO  28,855,00U
           N.-Brunswick.......     6,620,600  Il,8U8.000  10,720,000  26.60B.50U  27.()[7,300
           Québec ..........................  01,81(\.700  89,884.800  121, 0'13,400  226.800.500  2M,202,400
           OnLario.............•...........  R3.025,,JOO  III. 7·j 1.800  [01. 856. 000  252,787,400  258, 700 .~OO
           Manitobll ........... , ......  la, 0!:i3 ,000  12.900,400  22,228.700  25,741,500  34.446,100
           St klttc" wo.u. .       3,070.000  ~,677,OOO  In.o 6.100  10. 497. lioo  23, (l.1O, 200
           Alh rl.l\...................  18.520,300  111,501. 000  32,677,800  38.971.91l0  47,425.100
           Col.-Dril............ .oriL. Col  13,803,300  32,536.200  38,033,000  6 .700.200  30,4<\0.800
                ·rOTAI~.. ................ .1206,101,900  291.961,800  409,012,700  663,355,100  718,137,100

                   PROVINCES        1048      1049      1950      1051      HJ62

                                                         S         $
           Tcrn>-Neul'c  N,·.wfoundlnnd..  .  .        10.005,000  10.609.400  21,1185,300
           Ile-<\n-P.-E  l'. J,. I,b,nd. . . .  2,409.600  .1,498;';'00  2,663.500  3.21\1.000  3,489,000
           N.·F.ef>8lle  N. SeoU.... .  36,624.200  3.1 .041 ,000  .15, (l'13. 300  07 ,S.~7 ,000  78,502.000
           N.-Brunswick           28,080,100  19 .5aB, 100  34,502,100  20.083.UOO  26,177.000
           ~n~hco                327, l. , l ,000  355.408,.100  533 .971 ,700  480,100,000  ::;!)7,n:n .·100
           . ntnrlu              350,012,300  421.0118.000  M7.161.000 1,017.421'1,000  732, 70S. 100
           Manil.oba. . . . .     '\6,41-1,700  78.517.aoo  07,986,300  lil,157.700  05.60U.3OO
          S""knlehew.. n          18.27:3,000  4~, 300,200  27.56.1,000  ao. (104,700  611.170.000
           Alherta..      ..      74,07[,700  104,380.600  134.878.500  183,075.100  231,191,300
          Col.-Bril  ::: .. : .Dril. Col.  70.583.000  70,428,700  81. 2aO, 600  381,5017,500  106.273.200
                TOTAL ..•..•••••.••.•..•• 954,082,400  1,140,U6,200  1,525,764,700  2,295,499,200  1,812.177,600
                                                 Source'. Madean Du.il4"''11 Reporl." Lld.
            Lt Buro!l.u Md6ml de la Stntist.iquo a  fn .ID4f>, the Dominion BUl'eau of Sto.tis-
          OOITIlIl0ne'\ en HH::>, un l't,1I)v6 cles unité,'  tics institutecl  11. ~ur\'ey  01' dwelling units
          de lo~ meut eL d ·s nou voIles maisons cons-
                                               and hou ses bu i1t in Co,uada.  In 1948, it
          truites au Cl1nacla.  En 1948, on a inauguré
                                               ion.ul!,urated a now series of statisties bt1s cl
          une nouvelle série de statistiques fOlldée sur
                                               on a lOonthly, nfltiOJ.l-wide survey made in
          un relevé à l'échelle nationale effectué meu-
          suellÜD10nt on coop6ration aveo ln, Société  eo-op,·ration with the Centml J\ f\ncl
          Centrale d'Hypothèques et de LogemenLs,  Hou,;ingo Corporation and using a .!\mpling
          d'apr s un procédé d'échantillonnage.  methocl.
            Ce relové englobe tou t  les 7.000S roétro-  This BUrVElY eovers ail Jnetropolitl1u zones
          politainos et tous los contres urbains cowp-
                                               anù all 1ll"1Ja.n COlnrnuniLies 'with a popula.-
          tant 5,000 :ÎlJles et pills do population.  Uo
                                               tion of 5,000 or ove\'.  A so.mpling of 400
          échantillonnage de 400 !endroits, situés en
          dehors de OtiS rnuDioipalit";~,  compl~te C~S  loc/l·litios outside tlll'~U municipll.lities com-
          données.                             pletes the Ùll.ta.
   492   493   494   495   496   497   498   499   500   501   502