Page 496 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 496

476                         CONSTRUCTION

            19  Valeur de l'industrie du bâtiment, province de Quêbec, 1951-53.
              19-Value of Building Construction, Province of Quebec, 1951-53.

         __________É_,.N_u_rv_IÊ_'Il._A_._rr_O_N            I~llrN .. l&j3
                                                             ~'(I00  5'000  $'000
      'J'pT L,                   To·rAI_.                    589,248  63D,442  673,558
      11~~bitllt.iun3, duplex, L11liison.l!l do l'apport,.  Dw(,·llin~,UJI duploxus HJld u.pllrllllollh... , ... 300,i'mO :307, \00 356,900
      i\'1a.llUrn,ct.1\re5. \l~inc8 t~t, , nut.iqucs  .  Fuelo.>ri"•• plunt. "nd work shop.. . . . .  79.320  92,I21l  (l7. :140
      Entrepôts t ma~(\8ina.. , . . . . . . . ..  ,  Warcboll""", .torchous"". . .. . .. .  21,113  10,202  Ill.654
      Eléviltcure A gmm    .     Grain olovutors... . . . . . . . . . . . . .  467  30S  301
      Bi\tiR8oS do mines ct, ILluulitus  .  Minonnd 0111I building....  S.420  0.538  12.an7
       'tatiOIlS, bureau,; d'usines. ote  ,  .  Stut;,lUS, 1V')l'k. offices, eto.  a,Ma  3,088  3.li2:l
      URines do chemills do fer, réservoir::. d'èlJ.U
        et tl'C8S(JflCf:....•..•••.... , ....••  Rtdlwn.y shnp9. wutor and (ue! s:liLtion.i..  1,IJ.H;  1,0:\7  3.lli2
      HôtQI~, olubs, re::tf.ILurn.o  1 dc......  lTutcl6. nhlb&, rc~lol.Luron  ,ote.. , ..  9.41l8  \1 ,401  ;;,262
      Ti:difil.:PH i\ hllrr'f11 X" •••••••••••••••••  omoo huilùillgll  .  17,(I(·;a  15.1:10  14.370
      C\'luKfi8ina, gros et dtit-nil.  .  SloJ'l"'. \l'hol_10 ",nd r 1••i1.. ,.  18,092  1:1 ,4:13  25.7liO
      Garllg 6 cL r ·11l1•....................  Oan~l((' and· rvic  StUt..iOIl8.•. , ..••. , ...•  4,I6il  4.309  6,170
      Th~l\tre9, areluul, ijlLllps d'1L111U~l1lcnt.  Thontr 8 o.ronns f~mU801llent IHdlt!  .  3.763  3,04.5  2,117
      BAliUlcot<l do fonllo (6àllf 10 logemont.), ..  Fu,rlu blllldillWJ (oxdHdinp.; ciwrllinp;s)  .  17,li31\  IIl.a7"  1f).1l 10
      l'o.>8let! ùe rudio cl do t~l6"isioo  .  Radio and tolevision broadoasting. elLû  .  5,li01  0,010  (; ,602;ars d'u\rions  .    ACI'Oplf1Jl  hu.n~nr~  .     1.32:1  004  4.747
      fi:k\ulisaéllwntH ciro tc:intUl'eri ott netotuj'I1I-'.'·  r.!HllIdl'il;"su.l'\I1 dry olcallillg  ·8t..ubli~h11lt;Dt8.  70,1  509  00\1
      .l1;colcs, institutions  .  , ühools, in lituti ns.. ,  .  33,430  5O,UlIO  '11,:)0
      l'CgliJJ.eB cL 6diti,:cs 1'OliKie1lx.,  .  (;hllrr1a  aoù roli..ciùu8 buildings..  IS,tH!)  )1'.828  12. !)I:!
      H6pitl'J,l1 x. I:tu,nat.orilt , etc  .  1It)!~pit.u.llJ. 6lumWrill, otc  ,  12,212  17.305  .17.172
      Autfl'~ in"til,ulrioll. , ,  .  Otol'UI' injjl.itution/Ù iJuiJlliogll  .  12.4.5:1  IO.5GI  9.007
      ArSCORu:<, bt\ruque8  .     Al'lllollril.:8. bû-rri1(jlts...........•...  12.41')  22.523  17.1l:!3
      Camps ct, rlortou1t, cuisin  .  BllIJkholl~, dorrnitorics, f:'ookcrics ..  <i,6i2  5,1)45  5,li20
      Tou  autres C.Olllôlotl'll('tiona. ,  .  Ail l)t100r huilding eon.II'lIetions...  2,354  2,208  1.367
        (J) Pr~lilllinJ:Lir('8.              (1) l)ruliluinllry.
        (2) Prô,·'l/l.                   (2)  IIlt~·uti(,III~.
              20-Valeur des travaux de génie, provinco de Québec, 1951-53.
            20  Value of Engineering Construction, Province of Quebec, 1951-53.
                           ÉNUMÉRATfON                        10.JI  W52  1053
                                                             $'000  '000  '000
      T01·"'........              rrO'l'AI •..•.             309,124  340,045  326,633
      ltoutet:l ct I·HlôI111l:\\'<"C8•••••• ,., .••...  Hurd .1lr{fLcod. pa"",l .Iroots  . 41,849  38,099  41.886
      Routet:t ct ruu!;J ou gravi r on pi ·no.  Gravel or HUma 6UI'(llcod rnl).dR  , •• , ..  :toi .200  10.876  2<1,101
      Chemin. de lerro ou d':Lr{lil" .... , "  ....  ni1'1 or olay rolld•.............•........  22,010  10.708  20.864
      Nivo!l1J(ë, ~J'ut..tlLgc. hUilage. l·cmpliasagu. .  ~Tûdil1p;. f1r·'~IiI)illg. niling. fillioA· ....•..  MlO  flI8  61S
      Troltoirs ot nllée..  .. .. ..  I:hdl~wnlk8 011I.. )luths., .. ,  ,  4,301l  4. G·IO  ·1.074
       Pont.a. POIlCCll.IIX. \'in.duca  .  Drid~ ~, cuJ'Vnrts, ()vr-rpn35  Il.051  0,720  ) 1.2.')7
      Tuoücla ct flollterruinf.!  .  TlIllllrl alld 8ubway  .  :l.02Q  2,734  2.:l35
      Enl·rutien d  Ilccot,oHlcnl-A ût l)luéli ration  Ro(~dHidc mainlf~nanco and rU'en in proyc-
        d  nviI'lJIlS.. .  .       Illent  ,  ,'          , .•  7fil  781  773
       DTIliJ1UgC do c'anat) et fos..,é~,  ,  Tilo dmina, dl'Uiong dit ·11('$  .  770  (lliO  gf,2
      ..A.~IHCdllC8 '\t, racl·IH'('lcJnl"llt8  .  Wlltorwork~ .sYSte1ll8 und connections.  10.71U  10,a:!7  fU77
      ";jJ;Oûts ct raoCl)l'ljë>mt.Hlbs  ,  .  Hc\\'l1J.(o iiljo'8t 1118 nnd conLlootions.  11.716  12,250  12.149
      Réservoirs d'call   .       V/utHr stOrtLp';(~ tll.nks  , ..  390  321  388
       DiL(uca ct bl\88ills  .    D" ma n.nd re crvoirtl .....•.........  5.40ü  7,280  3.702
      Trri~il.tiOJI et lis!'èch Inont  ,  .  Trrigution u.nd lund rcohullution  ,  .  !lOI  1.00(1  1,017
      . t.n.tions 6lcct.l'iques, us.Încs  d'~lcctl'iclt.l\  1';loc;tI'i' 6tntiol.1=3. power plnnt.':I. distriblltir111
        lignes do trh.nsOiiEIRion  ,  .  Iioes             . 7fo,407  87.050  60.761\
      ~cln.Î1'lIJ.(o dml rllf't4..•.........••.....•..  SIre t Iip;htinp;  .  1.23,1  1.161  1.110
      Posu.~c rlc voirl:l r{!rJ"éc~  .  RaÜWl\Y trnokJo.ying  .  20.0!H  '12.800  47.215
      Ent,rcti n des \'oies (errôea, etc  .  TloUtlwlLY IllnintomUlcC, trflck. olr. ..  17.120  10.430  17.500
      Sip;rul.llx  L nj~llülu,(C' ..........• , . , .•.. ,  Rigil'''. anù in dooke,........ . ..... , ....  3,202  I,M8  3.400
       Lign  d 1(\16,,100110 el léIéilraph  .  'l'olephuL>o "od toiogruph lin  1.-'.Oli7  lR.7 2  22.n63
       .IÔtUI'C8 1 )lumncip::u6i, et,o  .  Fen '('H, tmt)\Y"15heù~, ()ta ••  2. 107  2.107  2.a04
       Eut.r(·tioJl de", (,'lIclUil1d de (or.  .  Hn.ilwoy rt1nint·onnncc.. ,  ....• , .•..  238  ZIG  210
       RuJlinriea d'hllU  .     .  Oil '·oOnade!!    .        :l. 106  3,021  5.375
       totions do pom""il (hude 01 il"'),  .  PUIllJ)inp; .6tlltion~ (oi! Il,nd ~n..s) ..  lU)  52~  347
      Oléoduc. (huii" Cilla.).  .  Pij clinea (oil alld iln.)  .  822  4.33.;  \.5·10
       Réservoir. d'ommngruU""go (huile 01 gHZ).  Stom{l" l''f.ll $ ("il und !ln.)  .  1,742  4.024  :l,3aS
      BtlS8iuB, d6bt\rCttdèrC6 1 quai",  .  Docks, \V)I(HV  • pi ra .. ,  .  4.770  10.537  10.887
       ~rl1r" do 8Out~ncll:ùllt, digut:l9..•.........  Rètuining wall8, cmhankmcntR .  9401  830  760
       fI.nn.HX ot VOies cl  BH ...•..••••.••••• ,  Canal and wuter"'a"•...................  501l  451  345
      Z~~~:a~~()~~8rrr::l.~~ri~~;~~ti·I~·e8: ": ~  .  J)mdging aD l piledrlvinp: .... , ..  007  1,173  511
                                  Ot.h r Hl6rino construct.ion ........•.•....
      Alltr~8 trn\ï\l1X de génie..  . .....•...  Ot)u~r ngioooring (;ol)~t.ruc:.tîon ..•.•.•...•  12,7M  17,1&l  14 ..17n
        (1) Prélilf)inaÎf·f'~.               (1) Pl' liminnry.
        (2) Pr~"isions.                      (2) Intontic.ns.
        Source: fnàll.&tl'ù· d iu 1:C)I/'~t(Nc1iun IIU Ca.nwln, Or.tlL\n\..  S IlIrr'll: 'l'''~ Com;/Tlldi(Jll f-ndilstry ill Cunori.a, OttuWIL.
   491   492   493   494   495   496   497   498   499   500   501