Page 493 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 493

PERM IS DE Bfl1'IR-BUlLDfNG PERMfTS                  '173
                     2-PERMIS DE BÂTIR                   2-BUILDINC PERMITS
             En 1948, le nombre dos nlllllinillfJlitfos oana-  In 1948 the nmnber of Cl1nf1dian muni-
           diennes invii;OOs il. fournir un rapport l1J"n~uel  cipll,lil.if"s asJœd to furnish a report on
           des penlli~ de bâtir qu'eUl:l~ ,imettent u· ÜW
                                                buijdin~ pel'Tl1i1H issued was brought. up ta 507.
           porté à 507.  Il ne ((Lut pas oublier que cotte
                                                The l'a.ct tbat tl.t se SW.ti~t.i08 do not take ioto
           stn~i~tique ne tient pas cftlrlptn de la con.stnlc-
           tion cntrupl'ioo dans les localités qui ne font  aecOUllt  eonstnlCtion  und 'I.tük n  in  non-
           pns raj,!>ort.                       r(Jportiug hlmLlilil'.~ sbouln not be overlookcd.
           15-Permis de bâtir émis par 507 municipalilé., au Canada, par régions,  1952,
           15-·Building Permlh issued by 507 MunicipaliUes in Canada, by Regions, 1952.
                    MOlfl--MON'J"ll8   CANADA          Québec  Onl'lll'io  Pm.iriC's
                                         (1)                                 Bril. Co1.
                                        ~ÙOO    S'O()O  $'000  . '000  ~'OOO   '000
           ~6';::~:,""":::: ~ ~::: ..~~f)~~~~Y::: :::::::  2S.04fl  221  4,0511  24,239  1,7(JS  7,11l2
                                         41 .5~2
           Mûre          M:trt.dl  1  •  •••••  tiO,GOa  753  12,127  :.12.832  7.822  fi. 800
           ~~;;~1::::::::::::::::il::~).'.'::::::::::::  J 13.aUI  4.4711  22,!i67  .'07,108  23, J24  10.'107
           Juin.. . .. .  .  Jun(·...........••.  112,514  4.121  27.fi2lJ  51.421  HI.211  \1,7 1 1
           Juillot       July .............•.  108.588  2.2a:\  2a.230  fia, :lfl8  21.3GI  7.nO
           AoClt         AuguAt      ,   91.,185  a.u:l-I  1Il,07!)  43,1154  Hl. O:Ji1  fJ.437
           Sûptùmbrc   , . , .SeptoOlber.  un .792  :L091  2,1,057  1U.'l01  18,132  7,727
           Octobre   ,   Oetoher     .  10 ,OH   2,75!J  :!·I , 20~1  50. ~22  20.I·L8  u.853
           Novembre."    Novùmbor   ,.   87,027  J .461l  22. :Jl9  1~:ng  18,\100  7.1:l4
           Déeernbrr:    Docember  , .. , ..  80.634  1,370  :)1,500   S,:l22  O.filO
                 TOTAl. .. , ... , . , , , ....•... , , , • ,  1,057,1122  26,912  242,520  502,952  1112,585  94,332
             (1) y eompriB Terre-Nollve.          (1)  InùllldiD~ NowrolJlJdl/llld.
             Souroe: llevue Btah'lltiqu, du Canada, 01.t.awa.  Source: Canad;on Stati~/H;Jlt U~'j,icw, OtI.U\'·u.
                     16-Permis de bâtir émis dans G (.ilés de la Province, 1940-51.
                   IG-Building Pcrmita i~8ued in G Cities of the Province, 1940-51.
              ANNJr:E8                  SbowlnigOD 1        Trois·
                -       Montr~Rl  Québec  Fulls  Sherbrooko  R1vfôres  \\'ostmou.nt  TOTAL
                          $        $       $        S        $        $        $
           1040..........  Il.'I:1U.732  l, 7U2,~71  606,585  1.65B,ObO  470,271  400.046  10. ~39, M5
           11111. .......  "  12, 7'1~,@17  2,(1I8.~H  2,142,77r.  1,502.431>  8t I.oao  IO;J,708  20.I)L2.81~
            1~12........ , ...  11, 729, J!/û  l, (\1)1, 013  1,U·Ill,700  1i35.860  280.7·10  331,151  16.428.053
           Ig'l~........... ,  0, 721 .HO  1,97:;,0144  80S. 726  M3.2\)1)  183,0f>3  88,0'10  13.41\1.702
           10·11 ............  18,675,039  3,573.455  807.875  1. 218.250  636,22B  325,617  25.296.'162
           101.;... , ....... , 21.032,09R  4.351.505  1.1 1,070  1,749,11·15  1,3R,Q.020  227, gay  30,83].237
           1940............  63,IH5,711)  6.01la.025  1, 4M, BOO  2,3B2,2M  2. >l3,IM  1,014.050  67,123.855
           1017............  50,790.777  5,GOS,007  4,480.050  2 ,~28,OOO  1. 260. 078  874 ,800  65,248.402
           1018............  74.1 J.l.875  8.3H.12a  2,IM.S 5  5.0a8.775  2,477.050  1 042,395  93.212.40a
           1\1,19............  90,027,831  8,325.878  1, 220 ,025  4.674.98.1  3,112.225  1.510.420 108.77:1,44[,
           ](1[,0.. ,. , ....... 112, ~11. 976  12,721,398  2,089,(l40  5,11-14.\15(1  6,01-1.925  1.510.280 140,846,175
           Wf>l ............  7.3,568,070  G,Il<i8,716  1,495.350  4,817.012  2,898.250  2.324.455  01.742.813
           17-Permis de bâtir émis dnns 58 municipalité, choisies, au Canada, par Province,
           17-Building Permit!' i88L1ed in 58 selected Municip:tHlies, ln Canada, by Province,
                  PROVINCER         11)47     J018       19'19     11150     H)~l
                                     S         !         S          S         S
           l1&-1,.u-P.-E  P. ~ ..IH.'''nd  .  170.075  30,100  190.180  620,200  785,550
           N .-"'00886.  . .. N. Hoot'"  .  4.755,607  6.076.604  8.3:~0.30~  18,169.871  S.70'1.368
           N -Brunswlok  ,    ,  .  5,90:1.653  7.110.501  5,300,154  10 ,(l.1J,f>Ol  5,026, SGI
           Q\l~beo ..................•..... ,  65,248,462  0:1.212.103  108.771.30·1  1'10,816.17;;  lil,7-I2.813
           Onturlo  ,   , "'  ,  1 102,911 ,471  132.062.0'13  147,'103,858  202,091,737  105,63<1.356
           Manitoba            , .  20.~f)0, 100  24,120.695  18,803.022  22.001,770  18.772.63:;
           S""katobowan    , , ...•..  9.331 .37:1  7,8B3,012  11,4-13.581)  14.047.878  JO, 788,11)6
           Alberto, , . ,  , ....• , .  27 .123,010  46,511),484  07.015,(1.';1  78.350,912  11-1,823.7112
           Celorobl<>-Brit.  B, C  ,  .  31,351,080  49,735.212  48.590,010  46,742.871  :l3.460.IOl
                 TOTAL          .            3611,446,144  417,004,427  534,U6,105  430,328,591
             Bouroe: Burea.. jlJdl-ra1 d, la 8tati.t;qu.., Ott.nw...  Bourc~: DominiDTI Bur~(lu of S~a.t1,lic•• OU.awa.
   488   489   490   491   492   493   494   495   496   497   498