Page 460 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 460


          9-Utline. électrique. centrales au Canada, par province., 1949. 1950 et 1951.
           9-eentral Eleetric Station. in Canada, by Provincetl, 1949, 1950 and 1951.
                               Nombre des-Number of           RecoLtes  ] ilow..Llll
                                                      Saloir  électrioitl  heurca
                            Usines                   et g&~es  vendue  produils
           PROVINCES      g6oératrloea  Uellger.  Employ6a  -  (1)       -
                             -        -       -       80.1..,.108  Rceoiplll,  lŒowatl
                          GooemUng  Cuslomera  Employees  acd Wagoo  E8~f3Y  Hours
                           Station.                                   GOl\Qro.ted
                                                        ~       S       '000--
      Terre-Neuve... NowfoundlllDd .  18  3l,779  343  683.000  1,924 .622  200,610
      lIe-du-P.-E.... P. E. t.lnml ...  II  10,877  143  230,141  002,029  24,950
      N.-Eeoll8e ..... Nov" Seolln ...  411  131.463  1,629  3,341,620  10.979.030  717.<173
      N.-Brun.wlek ................  18  102,326  1,270  2,685 .100  7,828,477  65\,253
      8uébee ......................  Of)  858,381  7,701  10.081.904 101 ,a23. 3911  25,530,023
                              1:10  1,189.275  13.055  33,150,800 10 l,996.042  Il .324 ,407
       ntsrio............... 1 ••••••
      ManItoba....................  13  163.46'1  2,510  5,234,94\  15.992,7<11  2.150.nn8
      BalIkal.elJewM ......•.......  l35  114,005  1,001  2,512,866  Il,075,nOO  858.0S8
      Col. Drlt: ot' .. 'il: ë.·Q~ci· ....  80  156,0'15  1,3G7  3,475,llll  13.694,077  BOO,729
       Yukeu ......  Yuk()Jl .• \ ...  91  317,764  2,647  8,073.028  28,033,694  2,150.142
           C ...HAD .............  650  3,O76,~69  31,746  78,~72,815 280,311,624  ~,~,!73_
                                                        1       1       '000-
      Terrc-NDu"e... N"wlolllldl::llul.  l8  33,626  464  860.631  2,210.629  147.470
      Ile du-P.-E .... P. E. I. .......  7  12,307  167  288,882  1  1,047.167  29,050 ... N. R~otj"......  50  145.499  1,588  3.375,819  12,177,aÛ4  762.339
      N.-Brullllwlck ....•..... "" ..  19  110,615  1.468  3.701,121  8,640.541  696,G19
      8 uf.beo.............•........  09  000,464  7,933  21,018,484 114.665.604  27.328,311
       otario.......•......•.......  139  1,261.667  13.289  39.352.575 123.780.960  12.718,518
      M"J';toba....            9     179.263  2.619  5,659,02(1  18,030.068  2,'1'19.383
      &skatobcwao. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :  139  121.653  1,205  2,087.7ill  12,3401,057  003,1014
      Alberta .............. , .......  92  171.998  1,378  3,433,796  15,G24 ,'\03  809,0fl.1
      Co\. Brlt. ct  B.C.rmd
       yukon......  yukon .......  93  382,672  2.772  8,710,G56  32.833,533  2.504,020
           C..N .. D...............  665  3,269,824  32,873  88,988,681  323,833,465  48,493,na
                                                       94~,230  2,69~,412  '000
      Terre-Neuve... Newloundlaod .  19  38,614  503                    172.436
      lle-du-P.·E.... P. E. 1........  7  12,952  1.54  aaO.6M  1.210 ,437  32,768
      N.·EoOBSO ..... Novr. SooLi" ...  61  150.66  1.574·  3,799.151  14.555.00ll  887,908
      N.-Brullllwiek................  16  115,2  1.160  2,026,IGB  10 ,'126.1!70  7G6,087
      Québeo......................  00  942.83,1  8.307  23.331,\l62 129,711,113  2\1,600,086
      Ontario............•.........  141  1.325,634  1-1.172  4fl,1l00,714 14a.901.G .\  15.985,056
      MIiDitoba....................  9  LQ4,168  2.605  6.103.827  Il),377.5-14  2,5M,1l37
      Saskatcbewan.•..............  118  126,752  1,347  3.722,000  13,575,057  978,773
      Alberta..... ............. ..  03  185.704  1.370  3,920,431  18,078,424  996,945
      Col. Drit e~  Brit. Col. a"d
       Yukon......  yukon ......  94  347,096  2,928  10,862, lM  37.061,003  2,787.248
           CANADA•••••••.•••• ,  647  3,439,750  34,228  101,856,252  374,643,376  54.851,844
        (1) Déduol-ioD laite des double. entr6es.  (1) Duplioation. ">:cIudad.
            10 -  NOlTlbre et classification des usines génératrices de la ProvÎnce.
           10-NulTlber and CllUllification of Gene~atingStations or the Province.
                         CLASSIFICATION                   1049    1950   1951
      Nombre de. usines llén6rnt.ricoa  .  Number of Ilenemth!.llstatieos.,  .  00  00  09
      Pourcon~age du total du Canada..• ,  .  Per cellt of iotal of Cllntldn  .  15.23  1'1.80  1[, .~}O
      Uslnllll commOl'cialea  , .•..  Commeroial staUon•...............  76  76  76
       Hydraulique•.••.....•...............  ~,r~~~~~c,,,,,,,,,:::::::::::::::::  70  68  l'IO
       A combu.Hble............•....•.....                  6      7      7
      U.toe8 munioipales        .  Muniei) al stations  ,  ,  .  2a  24   23
       HydrauliquOll  , ..........•...  ~,;~~'~~'~~~'''''''::::::::::::::::::  zi  22  22
       A cambUlltible           .                           2      2      1
      Avee roUCli et turhin~'" bydrllllliquc••.....  With wliter whccl. lInd turbine•....  91  00  01
      Âveo turbines a\ ViLpmlr seulement  .  Witl. 8tenm turhillos only  .  1  1  1
      Aveu maohines à VL\l)eUr ecuJoment......•  With 8tot1m engines oruy  .  1  1  1
      Aveu cJo!eur. à gaz ou à pétl'ule.eul.'l'Leut.  With gnB or oil OUIPDlJ8 only  .  6  7  6
      Ave. dynllmOll à courant nltornutil  .  With alteronLing oUI'J'cnt dynnmes. ,  98  99  09
      An. dycamo. à cournnt direct  .  Wilb direct ourreot dynamos•• , •...  1
       Source: U,."., 6/eclriquOI centralCB 1/" Callada, Ottawa.  Source: Centrnl Klcc/"ic Sta/ioll' in Canoda, Otta'll'l\.
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