Page 462 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 462

442           FORCES HYDRAULIQUE8--HYDRAULIO POWER usines centrales électriques de la Province  There was a remarkable development 01
      ont progressé de façon romn.rquable de 1945 à  Central Electric StatiOIls in the Provinoe
      1961: le nombra total de leurs abonnés e'est  from 194.5 to 1951: the totaJ number of oustom-
      aooru de 294.~23.1a.longueur des lignes sur po-  ers wa.s incmased by 294.223, pole line milenge
      teaux a. augnwnté de 14,123 milles et les ventes
      d'énargieélootriquesosont élevées fi $129,714,-  by 14.123111ill~fIand Hu.\esof electrioityamounted
      113 en 1951 oompamtivement à $80,494,022 en  to $129,714,11:3 in 1951 oompared to $80,494.-
      1945.                                022 in 1945.

               14 _. Recette. du u.lnu électrique. centrale. de la Province.
                14-Revenue of Central Eleetrlc Station. in the Province.

                    RECETTES-REVENUE                   1040    101i0    1%1
                                                        $       $        $
      Reeettc! (vente d'~kotrîcit~).. , . " •. ,  R<;vsllue (ente of déclr;/; eoorllY) . 104, 3~:1,306 114,,jKIi,6().I  J~!l, 7 J1, 11:1
       Eclairage cOinmerc.ial............•  CornI110rc:ii.l1igbt..•.........•  1~.rll\:I,877  14,171.1~'1  l;) 1 607, U7;-.
       8ervic.e dOmf'l!It~(.l1l(:....•...•.•....  lJOlneKt~c~ F.ICrVH:-O •.••.••.•..•.•  20. :17I1 ,730  ~:l. H~O, 8H:!  ~7,4~0, 17;".
       lletit.e force rn()l;.ri.,t.~.....•...• i ••••  Powe,. ~.1II~1I).........•.•....  :1.010,830  2.940.3'18  3.028,&17
                                Power lLLrJ,lo} ..•..•••••..••••• 65.808.747  71,010,ti8!  80,823, ·103
       Ç}rol3l1e fO.Tee I.ootrico••••..• '. <0  ,  ••••
       E(~biru~n dc~tI TUC~.•••.••••••. , •••  Btr("~.t ),g\1ting... " ..... , .. , , ,  1,400.304  1. &67 ,723  l ,66ij, 7:i,j
       Pouvoir municipnl. ..•......•.....  Munlclpùl po,..or"., •.... , .....  000.800  1. 06,j. ~41i  1, J04, :108
      Re(lette!:l dfllA HRinPA commoToial'efl  .  Rove.oua of oommo"rcia1 8tLLf.ione .. 67.800,a04  74 , 400.702  83,142,461
       Non-,llton6mtriee•.. , , , , , .... , , ,  .  Non-Il",n m~;Il,ll, •• , •..  42.5.577  R~2, 704  RGf3.723
                                Gelwmtifi,ll....... , .... , , , .. , . 67,464,717  73,5R7,088  R2. ~~5.n8
       Oéllérutriccti......•............ T  •
        HydralJ'liqup,B  t ••••••••••  .Hl'drf<ulie....... , , .. , , , , . , .  67.2~1l,tiU7  n,30~ .826  lS!.0~2.016
         A coml:ïUlltiblo,  , ....•• , , ...  Fuel. .. "" .. , ... , ..  ~JU, 110  281.262  3·13,W2
      Recettes de8 HAÎ nt'!.A municipo.teB  .  Revrnllo or munioipal etutione ... 36,433.002  40,170,RI2  46,,~71,Iifi2
       Non-génératricc•..... ,  .  Non-l!cncml.;"~... , .. , ........  1,170.713  1,2011,[121  1.H20,(~Ja
       06nM"triOè•... , . , .. ,  , . , . ,  .  Gen.(,ml,tifi~....•.............. 31;' 2(12, 2R9  Hll,Ofi\l.7HR  1f).:l·12, fi!i!'
        Hydrauliqu(JII. , , .. , , ,  , , ,  .  l1y(lrau io., ..... , , , , . , , , , , . 3& ,224 ,(,211  :18,!J28,216  ~&.2~a,0IJ1
         A oom.uulltible  , . ,  .  Furl. .. , .. "., ... , .... " ..  37,71;0  41,&72  10,468
      Revpnu moyen plLr h.p. de nuU'llifl("ri",  AVl~nUt8 r'êV(HHU' per h.p. of prlm-      , ..•.....  o.ry po\vc.r    .    18,23    10AO    20.42
      Rù,,'~nu. mÜYl.m, put: ~l.p. de lOacbinorie  AVCrf<1l8 rovenue l'or lI.p, I.u mnln
       pnne,pnJo ct l~\Ix.ill~lre  ,  .  a.od l'u~ilinry Vhu}b  .  18.10  19.26  20.28
      Revonu moyen pur k,v,a. de ln capaoité  Average revü.nue per k.v.s, of
       di!H' d.\·iliLJI10H t.lf~ U.,ilU·ri l>tindr)a1a&.  dyuamo c~r".Ldty  , ,  .  21.40  2~.77  24.20
      ReVc.nn OJI>yorl po,r k V,f}. dl~ lt, !}{i,(lRdt'  Âvürafl4J  r.~von.llj'  IPt k.v.l\. tu
       dee dYll. d.~8 Ilai'nes prim~. ct ,  main nod au.i1inry plants. , , . , .  21.23  22.60  2~, Il
      &venu moyen par k.w. heures do  toll.·~flUc  per  kllowatt
       toute. le8 usines... , .. , , ..... , , , ..  hour eOD8ulllcd (CClltS), , .• , , ...  0.41  0.42  0.4~
              IS -  D'pen... de. u.lnea 6lectrique. centrale. de la ProvInce,
                15-Ellpen.e. oF Central Electric Station. In the Province.
                     DEPENSE&-EXPEN8EB                  lij40           1051
                                                         S       tI      S
      T<ltAl de. d6peoeeo  ,   Tohl ..p             "  63,004.0711 ,0;9, ,0;29 .a3-1 68.544,668
       Pour<>ont.c.. du ~ohl du Canad  ,. •  Per ...nt of tot.llor C.nad•.....  26.18  25.50  25.00
       BaJai'.",",...........  Sal.,l•• a"d ,..c  .  Ill,084.IHj,j  2"018,~8·1 23 •:1:j.1 ,9G2
       Combusllble     ,.......  FLlel,             ,'  164.472  WG,592  17U,069
       T   (1)     "            T   (1)             .  17 .r.~gJ.1.2·7 19.616,516  ~HI:iOa,1(l[)
       Aohf<t d"nerlle 6lectriQuo, ., ••••• ,. •  COlt of power..••••.••.••••• , , .  16,1121.576  18.727,743  ~{).7j!7, 18~
      U.1I  oomm..rdal.o,   ,  CommeJ'<llnl.tat/on  ,  ,  ,.  37,IHS,221 40,912,OQO 47,5114 ,310
       U.ln  Iloo-produdrlc...... •• .. .. .. •  Noll·~'  tallo  ,  420.340  141,2tH  727,9;;3
       U.lnll prodLlo'ric.. , , , ..•• , •• .• •• •••  G.ner.&illl'~llÜO"'.•••.•.•••• "  37,007.881  40,171 ,~20 46. S:jG, 3;;7
         UoI"•• hydrauliQu"..•. , .. .. .. .. • ot.&I0Dll  .  36,013.27U 30,lln.61fl 46.üOJ ,~1l7
         U.lll'"  oOlllbuallble.............  Fu..l.tallo  , '  ,  .  184.602  107,811  ~J2·,8tiO
      U.1"  muaiolp.J  , • '   alunicopal dallon."  , ,  16,17".858  18,6111,64~  ~O.980,3;;8
       U.IJl  0n.produ~,I_.,...........  Non"OIloraUnll at.tlo  ,  1,054,123  1,142,802  1.248,547
       Ulin.. prod,."'ri  ,..........  Gell.rat/ILI: .l.llo  .  15,121,736 11,4n.762 10.731,811
         UoI•• loydr.ullq..... .. .. .. .. .. .. •  Bydr..ulio .t.tio  ,  , .  15,106.405  i7,450.002 19.727,850
         Uoi  oo..b""l.Ib1e.. •••• •• .. .. •  Fu.1 .ta&loDll  .  14,330  14.6ijO  3,055
       (Ll Tue de v,,"!c lion oon.pri"",    (1) S.lo. ~l>' not inoludod.
   457   458   459   460   461   462   463   464   465   466   467