Page 459 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 459


                      B- USINES                  B-CENTRAL ELECTRIC STATIONS
            Depuis 1917, 10 Buren.u Iédéral de la. Statis-  SiDce 1917, the Dominion Bureau of Btatie-
           tique publie, cbaque année, des rcnsoignemenLs  tios hM been publishiug yearly, inforn1l1tion
           relatiIa aux u8Îlles élecl;riques centrales. Pour  relatiDg to eentra! eleetric  stations,  For
           les fins du recensement, une usino ost une orga-  the purpose of the Mnual census, a staLion
           nisation qui vend ou qui cliatribue de l'4inergio
                                                is an organ.iza.tion  oolling or distributinll
           i'Heetrique.  Les usines sont E1xploitéos comme
                                                electric energy.  Theoo stations are
          entreprisetl privées (usiDt,a cornmercil1les), ou
                                                llo8 private companins (ùommeroial station.s)
           bien elle~ appn.:rtieUJlllnt iL des commissions
           provinoiales ou autroll corps publics (usines  or I1re owned by municipal or other publio
          municipales).  Les unes sont génératrices, o'est-  corporotiona (munioipal stations).  Some are
          iirdire qu'elles produisent le courant en tout  styled i(cnorating stations, that is to say they
          on en partie pour ln vente, et les autres sont  produoo the whole Or part of the power they
           apPl'I,;f'S Mn génératrices, parce qu'elles ac.hè-  0011, the others are styled  non-generatiDg
           tenL l'énergie éleotrique pour en faire 111 distri-  bocause they purehase the power they dia-
           bution.                              tribut0.

                  8- U.lne. éiectriquei centrales de la province de Québec, 1919-51.

                   &--Central Electric Station. or the Province or Quebec, 1919-51.

                    Nombre de8-Numbcr of                  R.eeeU.c.,  Total,  Kilowatt.
                                         SalaIre.  C..pitBux  ôlootricitô  Corce  beureliJ
           AN~ES       Em-   et pgoo  engngÔH  vendue   primafre  produit.
             -    p:6n6ratrlcee  U8lIllore  ployés  -  -    -       (1)      -
            YEA.nS   -      -      -     8àll1ricB  Capital  R.ccmpts,  TalaI,  KJlow~tt
                  OODeraUng CustornerH  Ern-  &WILI!!lll  Inveated  Ellctgy  Pr10Ulry  floura
          -----    StILtlon8     ployees                   Sold  -  Powor  Oenerated
                                           1       8        8       h. p.    '000
           1010..... ,  0  140    2,300  2,523.664  130,000,412  16,553,543  010,438  1,1123,660
           1920.... ' ..  147  .. il~B:joil'  :!,660  3,aI2,fIO..  140, :J60. 407  18,0·l!),OO8  O;l2,307  1,014.698
           1021 .......  I1"li  2601.441  2,374  3,016,2Û5 166,420,088  IO,3a7,MI  nU:!,131  1,790,805
           1922.......  164  ~O,[,i)8  2,447  3,011,613  107,128,li87  21,514,2S0  7fi8.MO  2,639,874
           1923 (2) ....  102  2UO. S23  2.495  2.065.254  lB2,101.lOa  23,309,200  71'7,05.1  2.816,:m7
          1024 .......  102  321,401  2,833  2,902,255 102,812,514  25,4f10,500  950.583  3,714,R1I5
          1025.....  100   347,:l5fl  3,236  3.681. 005 225.833.330  28,129,838  l, 'll4 ,880  4,OH,502
           [1)20.......  100  31l:!, Ilia  3.120  4. HlO, 470 2'1;),00 ,200  25.894,000  l,,~23,OOO  4,!1I0,438
          1027.. , ....  100  300,og.1  3,632  4,65:1,844 308,580,150  :13, 7iH, 007  l, 7li2, 775  6.62:1,00li
           11128.......  9s  '113,072  3,912  Il.437,762 371,700.11l5  30,172.730  2,058,300  7,OS2,4211
          1029.......  94  411, .110  3,1175  [,,011,491l 421,000,578  40,010,008  2.217,778  8,6i14.,334
          1030.......  98  4511.,10"  4,4<11  I),MI,010 445.881,005  'l:l,201,261l  2,312,70a  S,li22,910
          I!I.'IJ.. .....•  96  4fi~ ,014  4,132  6,162,lilll 495,841,5<17  42,010,665  2,ùl~,428  g,006,026
          JllJ2" .... ,  90  472.1,111  3,471  4,87&,61-' 1\71,1153,411  44 •720. 4ü<1  2.917,273  8,401,128
          103.3.. .....  96  471,87,1  3,274  4, i11a, li!)! 00il,904.478  -/4. 6111, 730  3,053.43[,  ~,all,084
          l!I34 .....  94  440,4<1:1  3,432  4,902,004 047,870,000  46.818,247  3.303,905  11. :1:1&, 987
          H)~J!j.... ...  ù5  456. 64  3,716  6,391,621 6·13.826,223  47. S08 ,550  3,475,001l  12,028,602
          Il):l6.... .. ,  96  471.500  3,820  5,006,842 0:)7,75<1,826  45,11:37,802  3,356,416  13.019.1108
          w:17..... ..  90  4f)!,104  1,283  6,227,555 MO, 70&,000  50,535,737  3;513,356  14,:Hl,400
          H)3t'" .•....  07  007,li84  4.405  6,51l0.0S0 668.410.299  53,25~,723  3, fj70,860  .13, 7U.7, 343
                     00    523,375  4.629  6.747.465 077,457,217  56,619,002  3,0.1:1,255  15,234,,384
          111:J9.... '"
          1040.... .,.  07  530,414  4,912  7,22:1,447 707,4 2.5111  61, 7:]i!, 652  3,911l,SIlO  10,010,014
          1041 .......  00  5i12,092  0,2:32  8.135, :172 715.248,667  70,104,66  4.110,713  17,741,218
          1942..... , .  99  576,302  Il,3118  8,000,407 795,204,180  7S,72G,:1fH  4.481.273  20.803,7Ili
          1043.......  101  5ua.202  5 ..170  9,044,lf>Q 817,443.304  79.172,.391  5.4:17.688  23.477.824
          1941.......  lOI  610.11\2  5,000  10,52:3,011  (:Il  87,21)4,900  6,4~1~,2;38  :l3, ~771.515
          11>4.5.. .....  00  i!48,611  6,22,l  11,408,296  80,401.022  ;;,400,847  22,227,012
          1040.......  98  68,3,025  0,1)10  12. (H7,124.  r  M,Bfl4.!"lZO  5,aOIl,847  23,S97.321
          101.7" .....  9li  734,353  7,101  la,laS,970  f);!, !l(j4, (\7:!  5,425,200  2",O~O,171
          10>t8.......  90  701,761  7,803  17, 7~1 ,004  !1li.312.2Sii  5,644 ,427  21, G66, 682
          1040.......  gg  858,381  7,701  IIl.o81 ,004  104 , aZil ,3nti  5,721,347  2:~ , 5:10.923
          1050.......  90  000,4(\4  7,933  21,018,484  1014 ,5/l1J,.604  Il ,007 . 220  27 .32~ .811
          1951. ......  00  042,834  8.3n7  23,334,UQ2  111  120,714,113  5,353,001  2u.mlD,086
            (1) Usines prlnolpalee seulemect.    (1) MlLln plILDtI only.
            (2) L,,,, usInee noo produetrie8S sont CIolu... d.pul.  (~) Non-produDlnc elaUoDi ILte noluded oln.. lQ".
            (31 Ce ren.oe!gncmec t D'IL Pa.! ét6 ",ouelill.  (Hl Thl. Information hu Dot beec ooll••tad.
            Souree: U.i~. ~!ectriqu.. cBntral•• du Canada. OltILwa.  Boure.: C.ntral';. BUllion. in C.""d., O~Ia_
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