Page 458 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 458

        La loi pour favoriser l'éleotrification rurale  The Aot to promote rural eleotritlcation by
      par l'entremise des coopératives d'électrioité,  mean8 of elootricity co-operativea, 9 George VI.
      9 George VI, chap. 48, 1945, autorisait l'Office  ehap. 48, J945, authorized the Bureau to
      II. dépenser $12,000,000 pour la construotion de  spend $]2,000,000 for the construction of
      réseaux de d.isl,ribution éleotrique. Un orédit  transmission networks.  An additionaJ oredit
      additionnel de $3,000,000 fut voté en vertu de  of $3,000,000 was voted by virtlle of Act 14
      la Loi 14 Geo. VI, 0.6, et une nouvolle somme  Goo. VI, chap. 6, and a further  SUffi of
      de $5,000,000 fut mise à la disposition de  51.5,000,000 was pu t at the disposaI of the
      l'Office au oours de la session 1951..52 afin de  Bureau during ~he 1951-52 RClssiou, in oroer
      lui permettre de continuer son programme  to provide the necessary funds for it to carry
      d'électrifioation des Cfllnp~nCl~.  Au 31  d~­  on its program of rural eleoCrification. or the
      cembre SUl" ce orédit dCl $~,OOO,OOO une Bomme  $20,000,000 credit, the SUffi of $16,935,709
      do $16,935,709 aVl1it éw déboursée.  hl).(] been expended IJ,t Deoember 31st.

      7-Etat de. avances en anticipation de prêta et des recouvrementa sur lea avances
                     effectués par l'Office de l'Electrification rurale.
      7-Sta tement of advanceB in anticipation of loans made by the Rural Electrific-
                        ation Bureau and amounts reimburaed.

            Coopératives d'élootrlolld                   RecoU\'l"emente-Reimbureemenle
             Elootriolty cooperativell  1941>-51  1052  Total  11145-51  1052  Total
                                      B      1                     S
      Abi~lbi"E$~.....................•..•...  2.ï~ .flOO  209.lmO  16:1.lf>O  7 .08.~  7.0BJ)
      Abitibi-Ou",,~.. . ..  . ...•.....  72G .102  154.000  RIID. 102  2:1.1:~6  L1 ,:J87  30\ ,523
      A, ..•...............•.. , .•..•.•....  loo.MI;  Il)(J ,6GB  14" 244  1,:103  l.i.M7
      8orwvenLuTfI  , ....•....•.....•..•  !:ln,~OO  Ifl1.000  1,007,300  B7.:1';2  14,UJO  82.t1î2
      DriJ.'!;hl\1l1.•...•......•.•.•..•.••.....•.•..  251,000  2.'>1.000  ~2.0I:}Q  4,110I1  2G,140
      Oa·1)~-Sud... .• .   , ..•....•..  l:l1l2,200  210.000  1.10'2.200  1, 017  1,017
      Go} 0 Sb.LD-uront.............•...•.......  2,10.2.';1;  210, zr.G  1"0  160
      HM-<l,,·lu-Mllddojne   .              30.000'  30.000
      Jonq~li~rcl:\. . . . . . . . .  . .............•.  2:i;.i76· .. 46:000'  2~,17[;  23.47b  ZÙ7S'
      Laè.--Eùoullrd  1  ••••••••••••              46,OÔO  . .. i')' ~),'J3'  450
      Lac-Sup6rieul·       .        ioi :SI8'      101,818               14.801
      La-Rédemption  ,. .    , ..   8lJ .M2  ..Ii :OO()  95,552  ;;:610   0,205
      Laurentides  , ...•......     182,!l<l7      l82,047  10,285       13,aOO
      MUllog (Canton) .........•.. ,  .  2H ,0001" ï:i:ooiï  256,000  16,334  20,010
      M.nnicoungt\n. . . . . . . .. .  .  60. ail!;  2:'i,OOO  85,3,)5  l.a9}  2.430
      Matallo ................•...............  6~,.40()  250.377  31;'.777
      Matl\pédia (Comté).,        .  2~3, 2l!l  311.223  507,442
      Mon·k~alm.Nord.. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .  .  181.0!)fI  6.000  1!l7.000  .'\O:ooi'  22,HN
      Mont-l'J~u.ri.,r  ,....  .  .  278.:H3  :38,000  316.343            H,517
      Mont-Rollülld  , .             10,2112       10.2B2  10:262        10.262
      Notrc..DaDie-du-Lac  .              .. '66:7(,0'  66.750
      PUI.inl\floLl-Eat  _..  .  .  'i~i8:i25 .  85,000  003,225  ....j:Oùl  11;i;P1  2i;tiso
      Pf\pitll~all ~O\ll~Rt  .      :l04,~11  12.000  310.011  18.077  6.(~i4  24,172
      Poribl>hlt"',   ,   .         1:10 .;'(1)  '13,000  182,500  7.167  2,2M  {),422
      ~~~:tr.~~~~:~y. ~ .~~~':-~~Jeon:  .  182,1:11:1  182,438  4,lig~  4.~65  8.8G:l
      Ral!lu~nel\u     .            ;!O,Oill)  .'20:000'  50,000  2,250  '[lOO'  3, ISO
      Rapide-d .-Jouohima.,  , .     3.r,OU         3.500    53     JO!i   ViII
      RionouAki ( OlOté) ...........•...........  IOU .OH  .'13U:B58  280.002
      Rivj~r()-du-Loup(Comté)    .  181.050  l72.5û6  31;4 .605
      Boor6-Coour         ,      .  1" .000        45.000  ... '5:232'  675  5,907
      Bt-Andr6-de-Riat,i~ouoho.,  " .  a~;h2;")  .... '2~2  32,758
      St-Cyrillc-do·Wendovor  .     7~ .0()fJ  lO.OOO  88,000  .. "à:â!i!ï  2,:1·\0  10,730
      St-Dontlt          .          28;",.8,,0  26,000  311.R:"10  21,08!)  4,820  25.lB,)
      Bt.-~dtnond-du-J...llC~:)U·SfJlIUJoo  :;8,871  58.871
      St-E~iono '·de·Boltoo  .      213,1(1)  . '14;000'  257. \()Ü  111.(;] l '... '3;il~4'  ...22:24(,
      8t.-OcJor/(oa-dc-BoILuce  .    (;.000         B,OOO  (l.nOO         (j.000
      Bt-.Tl'.Tlll-Bapl,iaw-de-Rollville  "  .. ..  376,000  '''iùno'  aR8.000  Il.-•. 3:\2  7:823'  63,llili
      Bt.-JoILchim & n::nlllnt-Jéllu•..........  370.1111n  10,000  :lIlO,QOO  '.l8,931  6.024  34,055
      Bt.-Ulric-d -Riviêrc-D\ancho  ,  ü7~           H72
      Bt.-Vl\lêrioo-do-ShcITord  ,  .  20.j ,000  "0:000  211.000  10.903  (l,10&  2a;bùâ
      801't.-Ilcs.......................•... ,  .  l~.j .'l,Hl  02.500  217.\1:",0  :1,177  2.700  6 ,'1f!:1
      8tonewud                   .  1(17.000  1l:l.000  -12,;,{)00  20,82\1  0.880  aO.m.1
      T~rniacl\mil\~~lJe .........•.•.......  7-\.0.000  80.000  820,000  61\ .024  1:1,897  7n,"'~]
      TclmiaeoULL~Tl..................•..•.......  1!lIl,Ul4  29.000  liIO.IH'1  16.749  H.727  3~: ~~~;
      V'illlJ~(' Bcrl::(~rul\o~f1..........•....•.•.  31,372  31.372  :'I.!J.l2  niB
                                   9,"2,116  2,370,946 U,.233,062  524.119  16....3  693.303
                                             8ourtle: .Rural lfIoctri/lDal"''' Bur...u., Qllebeo
   453   454   455   456   457   458   459   460   461   462   463