Page 464 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 464

4'14                         MANUFAC,/'URES
      I-Prlncipales atatistiques dell manufactures, province de Québec, 1919-1951 et
                        années de Recensement, 1880-1915.
      I-Principal Statilltics of Manufacturee, Province of Quebec, 1919-1951 and Ceneus
                                  "eare, 1880-1916.
                                          &l'';r,,,,  deo     V..Jeur d68 produits
              Et"bll.....,.  CapitAl        et      mal.ièr        -
      ANNI!:ES  monta   engag(,  Employ6.  ltage.  premières  Valuo of Produet8
         -      -        -        -         -        -
       YEARS  EBt.ablish·  Capital  EmploYeeH  Salari...  Coat  Nctte  Drute
               rncot.8  Inv••tod           and       of       ~I)       -
                                           WIlfI:"  Mat.rlals   et     Oro88
                No.      1        No.       S         1        1         S
      1880 ......  15,(54  fi9,210,OQ2  85.073  18,333,162  02,f>M ,Q67  42,IYJ8,2111  104,662,268
      1'90 ......  23.034  116.97'1,616  110,763  30,4,~I,316  80,712,400  66,7·17,087  147,15\1,583
      )l)DO (2) •..  4,846  142,403,407  1I0,a?0  36,600,6056  Rll,670,770  71.008,ZI6  158,2"7,004
      IflIO ......  6,S84  326,916,Q25  158,207  6!l,432,OG7  11;4,~74.0i>:1  166,627,603  350,001,656
      1015 (2) ...  0,74.1  r.:10.:H2,464 .. ...  !!O.321,171  213,7'54,116  167,440,8&1  381,2ll.1,00Q
      IOIQ ......  7,3M  774,7lll,428  'i82:0~i  W8. 722 .662  496.311 ,005  420,220.006  011l,c.41,000
      !fJ20 ......  7,630  1'78,850,6:18  183,748  202,616,660  6113.1568,620  409,643,217 1,053,201,737
      1921 ......  6,Q70  812,886,759  142,038  147,021,066  380,710,618  830,833,668  720,541,286
      1022 ......  7,100  800,850,668  143,6~  139,876,8ZI  333,208,644  340,020,IZ6  070,318,670
      1023 ......  6,016  844,,240,173  158,907  \['\),610,469  3U2 ,647 ,180  887,727,625  7HO,27(',SI(
      1924 ......  0,635  1>711,8011,062  I/iO,746  157.602,936  381, 6a4, 721  838,118'1,142  701:1, 182 ,726
      19211 ......  6.761  005 J,20, 201  162,720  164,017,130  400 ,'102 ,130  362.043,817  785,74.1,300
      1026 ......  6,UIO  Q67,4ba,IR8  174,988  182, 8U7, 362  (:jO.344 ,010  390,000,047  Stl5,719,634
      1027 ......  6,070 l,003,584,1O0;  100.127  IIJlI,1lt2,659  462,024,300  447,800,618  040.184, IBO
      1028 .... , .  7,012 1. 20il, 780, UO(  1\)8,40:1  210,102,319  404,2'17,57-1  489, !W3, 727 l ,OUI,162, 758
      1020 .. , ...  0.0'18 1,2'IO,20S,OSO  206.5llO  225,220,808  637,270,005  Li31 ,796,396 1, 108,602,776
      1030 .... , .  7,105 1,275,067,620  197,207  207,438,800  461 ,705,366  479,054 ,471  073,175,856
      10;1I ....  7,287 1,150,982,840  173,/\05  .178,3!S0.117  868.630,246  4(H,034,O"I:l  llOl ,643,772
      1032 ..... :  7.030 1,051.020.080  166,026  l'B, 263 ,174  201,706,121  301,767,419  01\1,003,015
      1933 ......  7,866 1,03Il,S30,MI  167,481  134,U!IO,3RO  202,660,668  288,504 , 782  604 ,40il.U78
      1034 ......  i ,962 1.023. iCZ,26R  175,248  IM.22(,,040  eli7,3110,011  320,153,016  716,513,642
      1986 ......  7 .7~7 1,014,470.736  182,0 7  165,833.0 a  308,110.681  342,616, ~~  769, 0ll·1 .002
      1036 ......  7.060 1,0?O,546.030  104,876  1 2,319.464  451\.027,760  377,614,09  863,687,380
      1037 ......  ,51R 1. Jl7, 772,721  219,033  216,071,207  502.  9,160  446, P5,666 1,016,470,796
      1IJ38 ......  8,665 1,146.235.084  214,397  213,300.01l4  51 ,130,815  428,614,079  083.123,600
      1030 .....  8,373 1, 182,53 ,~"I  220,321  223,767,767  536. A23, 0:19  470.3 5.270 1.016,757,5
      1040 ......  ,381 1,345,027,011  2,52,402  277,630, 76  713.132.575  695, 1i52,90Q 1.,367,376,776
      1941 ......  8,711 1.700,527,405  327,501  303, 10,071  0111,102,200  SI ,0 6,832 l,a41,083,523
      11142 ......  0,342 l,1l83,363,668  399,017  636,320.170 1,103,415,4,12 1,060,873,043 2,333,303,012
      lll~a ......  0,372 2, 2~O.620, ~86  437,2-17  668.323 .620 1.483,627,707 1.2FlO,0ll7,615 2,852,101,863
      1944 ......  9.657  (3)      '124,115  60S,15e,053 1,404,253,003 1,350,610,134 2.029,08.S,I83
      1945 ......  10,038  (3)       ,031  607,173,4'13 1. 307 ,634 ,193 l, H9.300,O!~ 2,631.003,830
      1046 ......  10, 18  (3\     357,276  565,0 0.105 1,297,009,000 1, 125.001,84' 2.407,971,521
      JlM7 ......  11,223  (31     370.149  662,837.614 l,Gel! ,0;';5,840 1,324.397,690 3,017,040,422
      1048 ......  Il. 107  (3)    383,835  760,07 ,652 1, 054 ,Ill ,ll43 1,5:14,798,259 3,698,870,345
      10·10 ......  Il,r,70  (;)   390,275  800 ,570 ,270 2.027.703,643 1.651.620,068 3, 788.4117 .123
      1050 ......  Il ,070  (:1)   300,163 sr. 1,334.700 2.225.470,2.,0 1.798.320,100 4.142,473,290
      IV51 ......  Il ,861  (3)    417,182 1,005,001.680 2.(j06,G38,ü411 2.083 ,033, 7r;1 4,016,lfi7,4I9
        (1) Depuis 1024, on  li d6dult de le valeur brute,  (1) 81nco 1024, the ooat of fu.1 and eleetrieity aB weil
      outre le cont de~ Illatière. premJàrea, le eont du combus-  a. th. COIIt ne m..teri"la h  been dL,<luetod from the
      tible et d  l'êJ~lrieiI6.            grOflll ,·o.luo of produo  .
        (2) Oe 1000 Il 1015 i""Jusi\'e,,,ont, les .t"li~t,lqu  ...  (2) From 1900 10 lQI6 inelu h'e, BtatiBtica rcfer ooly
      8C T1lI'Portenl 'lU "'UI Indl'8trl  employant cinq perecnne.  lo e.t.abli.hmeut.• hl\ving five omployec. Bnd o\'or.
      el plll~.
        (3) C ren.elanemcnt n'a poilé roellOll\ 1depuis 1944.  (3) Dat<> not colloctod .1000 1041.
        NOTE.-Le. elnU.tiquos doa tTl\vaUI fnits Il la Dmin,  NOTE.-StI\U.U08 of 11I<od  t",de,  ropàir .hopa,
      de. boutique. de r6paralioJUl, d  at IIcl'8 do vHemenl.  (:!othiog und othor 9bop8 nro n('lt oonlpih'c! since
      et autres conf ctiODS ",ur oommande ne sont pa" compi-  1021. "Therefore. Ihe.o industrie. have b  n o,nilted
      lée. dspui. l'ann6o 1021.  Con8équcmmellt,  C8 indul!-  'rOI1l tho ..bovo table for lhe yon  1017 LO 1921.
      tric. ont GI6 8leJue~ du lnbleau oi-dC8~U8 pOlir JOlI Imn6c.
      1017 II Hl21.
        CLAëS1F'!  ~\TJON!ND   'l'RIELLE         STANDARD .IKDU8'l'Il.rAL
                   NORMALE                           CLASSIFl A'l'lON
        AlIf.l' j'OiFl, on cla~si1in,it 1 s indust.ri S IlIil-  PUI'lI1t1rly mt'Lnuracluriug indust,ri s \Verll
      nura turH'ws do trois façons différenL s:  classifie'd in three diffel'ent ways: (l-l1C ord-
      (l-S Ion la mati re prinoipale du produit;  iug to chief componont material; b- acoord-
      b- elon l'usag du prodllÎt; c- elon l'ori-  ing to purpo e of tho produol; c-!1Ccol'dinK
      gine de la mati 1'0 promi'1'e.  La olassiflca.-  to origin of the raw mat rial.  'rho lassi-
      tion "s Ion la IDatii"re prinoipOolo du pro-  ficl1tion bils cl on ' chiof con pon nt matllria!"
      dl1it"  tait la plus fréquolluncnt utilisée;  was th most widely u d as it proved most
      d'une fl1çon glin l'al. elle l' pondait ii. tous  us ful fol' g noral purposes.
      les besoins.                           Tn 1945, 11 fodoml intel'depl1rtl11l'ntal work-
        En HJ45, un comité fédéral int rd pn.rte-  ing ommitte was s t up t,o stlldy industTinl
      111 ntal fut oonstitué pour tUllier la. classi-  cla.·siO· tion in tho lighL of the COI siderable
      f\c:lt"ion d s illduBt1'ios iL la IUD.1ii'lI'o d R pro-  d velopm nt indllstry hal und rgonu in the
      "l' s considérables aceomplis au courR (los  few pl'Goeding y ars.  On OX1LmillÎ.ng Lhe
      annp s antérieure.  I!~n examinant la ques-  question the committ  jlldged it expediaut
      tion le Comité jugea opportun rie combiner  to oombine the concept of " hif>f oornponent
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