Page 417 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 417

                5--MATtRIAUX DE CONSTRUCTION            5-BUILDING MATERIAL5
             IO-Production de matériaux de construction, par principales Ilubstances,
                                       province de Québec.
                  IO-Production of Building Materiala, by Leading Substances,
                                       Province of Quebec.

                                     PicrtD   Produit. d'.rgilo
                            B.blo et  .01.aire de  -                Ch"ux do
            AN Nl!;ES  Ciment  gravier  coootruotion  CIo)' produots  Omnlt  const.rtJotion  Onl.
              -       -       -       -                        -       -       -
             YBARS   Cement  Band und  Buildinll  Briques  Autre.  Om"lte  Building  Bundoton.
                             IImvol  IIm".ton8  -     (1)             lime
                                             Brlok.  Other
                     "000    1'000   1'000    "000    "000    S/OOO   S'OOO   "000
             1035-:19..  3,331  2.a47  1.2aB    OQô     230     77.1    118     98
             1940-<\4..  6,471  1,558  2,027  l,179     542   1,02l     184     101
            1945..... , .  5,985  2,280  2,110  1,807   723     887     231i    224
            UH6.......  7,911  3,31:1  2,860  2,04.1    807   1,409     124     899
            1947.......  9,351  4,877  4,161  3,253   1,003   2, )32    530     436
            1948...... ,  12,307  9,530  4,689  J,740  1,:183  2,219    623     538
            11l49.......  13,723  7,326  4,433  4,183  1,896  2.578     6Hl     621
            1950...... ,  14,524  7,173  6,116  4,&IfJ  1.474  2.41)11  667     830
           1051 .......  16,633  10.617  7.6811  1i,218  l, f>57  3.141  012    G07
           1952.......  18,838  12,744  8.817  4,9:11  1,700  4.873     B08     247
                    M bnril.  1.1 tonneR  M  tOO.DeS  JI.! briqueR  M  tonn()B  M tonnea  M toone.
                    M bo.r""l.  JI.! ton.  M tOM  M  br[(~i(9  M tona  1.1 tons  M  ton~
             IU:15-:m ..  2,430  ,502  l.3Q4  44 .624          25B      14      8~
             1040"1-1 ..  3,700  10,805  2,120  65,803         526      lB      BI
           1945 ...   3,872   8,1l72  1.960  82.310             77      2'1     21~
            IQ4ô.......  5.046  12,374  2,bf}4  113,605  ...........  100  43   380
           1947.......  5,45.1  16,531  3,230  1~~~, 003  ...........  214  60  :10·1
           19~B .......  6,[,17  28,102  3,803  1~\J, (i1B  ., .........  1&&  &2  37~
           1949.......  0,001  19,180  3.570  141,!i5R ...........  578  52     363
           1950.. " ...  6.1120  20,313  5.108  lM ,!J7i       488      54      6.12
           1951 .......  7,055  ~I ,298  5,700  150,R~!J ..........  570  52    3:14
           1052.......  7,272  32,001  6,038  13ü,~W ...... , ....  1,239  51   lOr~
             (1) Tuile., potcri08, eonduiL••, cLo.  (1) TIle8, J}Ottery, pipee, etc ...
                       ll-Production de ciment au Canada, par provinces,
                         II-Cernent Production of Canada, by Provinces.
                             ------        lIH6  10~7  1948  1049  1950  19IH  II/52
                PROVINCES     ]9311-39  1940-,14                         (J)
                                   ------------ ._-- ---------
                               11/000  ,'000  "000  11/000  "000  $'000  S'OOO  S'OOO  $'000
           T.-Nouve..... . Nfld .....                                           500
           N.-nruD9wir.:k.  . . . . . .... .                                   1,510
           8 u6beo ....... .............  ..:i:337' .. 6: 4jl '7;lijj' "fdi;j' Ï2::i07 Ïa:723'  iÙ24 .i6:033' 111,028
            ntano ...... .......... ".  2,517  3,428  0,0~6  6.220  6.70\2  0.156  10,054  12.·j()5  13,ol7
           Manitob•.....        732  1,428  2.g11  3,000  3,895  3,538  3,063  4,1O!J  4 ,6~14
           Albort" .......      601  1,134  ! ,63iJ  1,402  2,580  3,456  3,3U5  3,898  4,388
           C.B....  "j.Ù~~···"·..  520  1,024  1,740  1,897  2,364  3,029  3,088  3,311  4,0,10
                 CANADA...... .. . ..  7,667  12,416  20,123  21,968  27,897  32,902  35,894  40,446  47,623
           T.-Neuv"  Nlld . . . . .                                            1.0
           8~'~~~r~~:~'~::::::::::::::"HI' "~n  38:& "~~J ~u '~JI "~gI ~b:J   4~:5
           Manitoba..................  9.6  1l.6  14.0  13.7  14.0  10.8  11.0  10.2  ~~:~
           Albertll.           7.3   9.1   8.1   G.8   9.3   10.5  9.4   0.6   0.2
           C.B...........  B.C  __0_.8  8_.2_~11~~ __0_.2_ ~ __8_.2            8_.5_
                C.N.D        100.00  100.0  100.0 1 100.0  100.0  1lI0.0  100.0  100.0  100.0
            (1) ChltJr"" revillo!e               (1) Revlsed hlluree.
   412   413   414   415   416   417   418   419   420   421   422