Page 245 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 245


           18-Claeaitication deB priBonniers admia, Buivant l'âge, l'état civil et l'inBtruction.
           18-ClaBBitication of PriBonera Admitted according to Age, Conjugal StatuB and

                       ÉNUMÉRATION               1047  1048  1949  1950  1061  1962
           .A oca:            .Aoe.,
            Moins do 14 ans............  Undor 14 yMI'8.........  65  36  39  52  68  77
            De 14 /1 16 nns.......•.....  From 14 to 10 l'esrs ....  252  230  384  216  281  319
            Do 10 1120 nn..............  From 16 to 20 years ....  1.653  1.896  2,025  1.914  1,862  1,963
            De 20 /1. 25 nn•.............  From 20 t<l 25 yeare ....  2.585  2,556  2,943  2.907  2,597  2,866
            De 25 à 30 ans.............  From 25 to 30 YOOI'll ....  1,441  2,122  2,1 9  2,178  2,026  2,478
            De 30 /1. 'la nns. " ..........  From 30 to 40 yeal'll ....  1,683  1,988  2,-121  2,346  2,232  2, (\()4
            De 40 Il 60 tin•.•••..••.••..  From 40 to .~O yonrtl ....  1,084  1,H5  2.572  1,u24  1.697  1,7M
            Do 50 il 60 nn•........... ..  I~rom fia to (JO yonfll ....  661  631  895  836  !l56  863
            60 ans  t plus....... ......  60 years aod over.......  3H  320  437  438  449  413
           Etat ciL,il:       Co·ni"Ofl/. SIOIU",
            Célibntllir ·s.. , ..•..•.......  Unmllrried....  o. .......  0,1!l3  7,OrA  8,232  7,334  7.520  8.438
            Mariés....................  lI'Inrricd.... , ....•.....  3,103  3.454  4,222  1,593  4,039  1,380
            Vellfs........ .... ...... . . . Widowcd....•.... .....  202  414  ·121  74  009  501
           l ".Iruc/ion:      Liloracll:
            No ."chant ni liro n\ écrire ..  Urlllhill to reaù Or WTlto.  709  704  1,164  l,lO7  1.773  1,393
            Sncbant lire el. écrire........  Abl., 1.0 rCI.Ld Iltld write ..  8,086  8,822  0,339  8.772  9,128  10,0054
            Instruction pl"" cl6nlopp6e.  Hil(llcr educo.Won .......  883  1.396  2,372  2.622  2,267  1,881
                 TOT~!.......................................  Il,678  10,1122  12,875  12,501  12,168  13.328

                  19-ClallBitication deB prisonniers admis, Buivant l'occupation.
                 19--ClaBBlticatlon of PdBonerB Admitted, according to Occupation.

                        OCCUPATIONB              1017  1948  1019  1060  1951  1052
           Agriculture  ~che, cbasse.  Agriculture. fi8hcrill8, trcp-
            abatage du )ois..........  pIn/(, Jogging............  826  798  892  889  887  1,069
           Minee, orurièrea............           4.32   163   3sa  242   130   251
           Mn"ufRGtu          ~t~:~F~c~~:~~~'~~:: : '. : : : :  303  364  34.2  350  299  421
           Construction. '.'.:: : : : : : : : : : :  Construction. , . ..........  659  706  97&  952  l, 017  1.250
           Transporta ct  communieu-  Trunsporll\l.iol\ and Cnm-
             tiODll....•.•.•..•....••••  cnunicllLious... .........  457  710  628  547  655  677
           Commerco.................  Trado...................  198  201  252  337  230  362
           Prol1l88ioWllibémi 8......•..  Prol_ionnl, .............  19  e  20  51  26  33
           80rv; e8...................  Servico•.................  766  704  004  1,088  1.244  1,285
           Travail do bureau ..........  Clericnl..................  320  381  63P  820  840  651
           Mnnœuvrll8, ..•............  Labourera................  3,073  4,102  5.622  5.128  4.431  4,672
           I,'orees LLl"InéefL .••.•........  Armod ForceR, ........•..  5.3  71  50  9  123  197
           Aulrcs oeCuplLt;ons (l), .....  Othor ocouP"t10IlB (I) .....  2112  232  197  275  231  285
           SaM oooupation............  Wtthout occopatiuD.......  2,271  2,478  2,059  1,733  1.996  2.372
                 TOT"'!.................•.....................  9,678  10,922  12.,175  12,501  12,1G8  13,328
            (1) Comprend 61U>noe 01. as.UMnOBll. étudian18 el "d-  (I) Innlud... l!'lnanoe and [n.urnn••, Bludanl. 800
           tnlniatratlon publique.              Publi. Administration.
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