Page 249 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 249

COnONER.                             237

           25-Enquêtes des coroners et verdicts rendus, province de Québec, par district!
                                        judiciaires, 1952.
           25--Coroners' Inquests and Verdicts Rendered, Province of Quebec, by Judicial
                                         Districts, 1952.
                                EuquMes tenues
                                 InquCBtJl ReId       Verdlete rondus-Verdlots Rendered
                DISTIUCTS                                         ---------
               JUDICIAIRES    Snns  Aveo        Mort  Mort nooi·        Autres
                   -          jur6a  jur6s     ru>turelle  ùent Ile  Meurtre  Suioido  vorcüot.8
                JUOrclAlJ                Tot..l                                To""l
                DISTRICTS   Withollt  With     Natural  Aooldente.l Murdor  Suicide  Other
                              jury  jury       D  th  Dcnth             verdiots
                                  ------                          ---------
           AhiUhl, ... , , .. , , ........  6  2  1  3   3           1           7
           Art!lâba.kll ... ,., ,., , ,.,.  G8  41  lOg  42  61      1,    2    lOi!
           )I.nuoe, , ... , . , , , .......•  :J5  39  71  21  61    2           T~
           Bc!uuharnoifl....•.........  GO  2  62  29    28          1           Ij~
           Bedlorù ....... , ., .. , ....  GA  fi  71  :J4  35       1           71
           BonlLventu NI ,. , •••. , •...  18  Il  27  1  19         1           27
           Cbiooutimi. ....... , ......  00  38  08  28  67                3     H:-J
           g~ü.~'.''''','.::: :::: :: :::::  260  <14  266  1\)0  12  ~  2      ';2(ilj
           Ibervllle......... , .......  12:3  14  137  80  48       il         1~7
           Jeliotte........ , • , .... , •.  '17  53  100  46  '19  3  2        1fI0
           KlLmourtl.!lk.... " .....•.  32  22  61  24   29          1           '-"1
           Lf'ùoll             23     3    20     9      16          1           '211
           MoutLT~;.y·.·" ... ',:: : : : :: :  16  34  60  12  :J7   1           .il)
           Montr6..1.., "" •........  3,586  108  3,603  2,g84  560  23  19  17  3,1i!I:S
           Nioolet........... , .. ," .  18  18  30  12  22    1     1           ~U
           Pontine...... , ......... ,.  :l8  3  41  26  14                1     11
           Québeo... , , " , , .........  579  127  700  522  174  1  ".:,'  2  1Ua
           Riobeliou ...... , , . , ... ,  31  20  OU  23  34  1     2           foO
           Rimouski ................  63  15  68  23     42    3                 iiI,!
           noborval. ....... , .......  ·12  60  02  26  64          1           !l~
           Rouyn-Nor""da, , , .. , ....  40  17  fJ7  JO  44         3           ,,7
           Snlluenay. , , ; . , , .........  OG  28  91  52  40      !     t     !ll
           Sn", t-FmnyoOl•. , , .........  36  lOI  107  39  03      2     3    1:17
           St-Hy""int le, . , , , , , . , ....  13  9  82  31  48    3           H:~
           TômiRcllmingue...    9    12    21     3      IG    1"    1           :H
           Terreboono ..............  Ili2  61  203  117  SI         1  .... '2"  203
           TroÎs-RiviôrQ6...... , . , ...  101  68  Hl5  74  86  '" 1  2        165
                            --- ---                               ---------
               TOTAL .. ,., .... , .•.  5,61>8  938  6,596  4,499  1,866  42  126  63  6,596
                 26-Verdicte de mort accidentelle, PQr dietrlcts judiciaires, 1952.
                   26-Verdicts of AccidentaI Death, by Judicial Districts, 1952.
                              A"pbixie                VoiLures
                               par  V6hiCl\l-           /1
                              fumée,  les  Chemin  'l'rlLr.n-  traction  Autres
             DISTRICTS  Noyade  ~a'  Q,utomo-  do 1er  wuys  animale. Trllyall  ..ooldenta
            JUDICIAIRES       011 (cu  Liles          bioyolot-
                                                        toa       Avi,\tion    Tot..l
              JUmCIAL         Su/!ooa-
             DISTnrCTS  Drown-  tian hy  Moto....  R ..i1 WllY  SLreet  Anim..l  Labour  Other
                         log  8moko.  vell!clce  drt"V11         aooidonts
                               gns or                 vebiol08,
                               firc                   bloycloo
                             --------------------- --- ---
           Abitibi ....... , ".                                2           1     3
           Arthabaeka, .. , ...  8  1  .. "soi"  1             9     3     4     61
           Benuee.•..... , , ..  Q  12  11   4                 4,          ()    51
           Denllhu.rnols... , ...  1  10  7  1                             1     28
           Bedford ..........  4  3   20     1                 ,t               32
           Bonaventuro, .....  4       1     6                 2        .....3..  10
           Chioou ti mi. .. _, .. ,  IG  36                    0     7           67
           Gc 1>6...........  tl  2   22                       2           2     31
           Hui ........... , •.  21  fi  :\0  2               10           a     72
           IbOJ'Villo, . , .......  8  2  30  1                            7    '•.8
           Joliette" .. , ......  10  4  20                    2           4    49
           K,,,"ou.rtlollkll.......  6  1  11                  2           2    2!l
           LübeUe ...........  7       2                       4           3     li)
           ~~~~t~~~r.l~~".','....::  78 7  1() 2  210  13  la  3 ·1  21 3  2  170 1  500
           Nicaleè ..... " ....  7  1  12    1                 !  ·.. ·ï .. .... 2..  ll2
           Pontiuo ..........•  2  1   01                      4,                1-1
           Québec, .. , , ......  13  18  78  G               17          12    174
           R.iohclicu ...... , , .  16  1  15                  2                34
           Rimouslri .........  0  10  15    4                 2           6    ·15
           !ù>bcrval. , , .. , , ..  18  2  24  ·....1·       10           4    Il'!
           Rouyn-Noll\nd.. " .  10  3  10                     10           1    .1-\
           SuI~UCiIAY •••••. , ..  0  2  15           .... ·4 ..  9  3     1    ,Il)
           St-I"mnçois, . , . , ..  Il  1  63  2               8           8    03
           St-Hyaointhe, . , , . ,  B  8  30  1                4           01   ·18
           'l''mi.cnmlngue., ..  11  2  1                      ~                 1~)
           Tcrrnbonno.......  80  1   31                 1     6           7    tH
           Trois·Rivitlre•. " , .  21  6  20  13         2     6          10    86
                       --- ------------------- --- --- ---
               TOTAL, •.• , .  383  151  800  55  10    18    173   16    260  1,868
   244   245   246   247   248   249   250   251   252   253   254