Page 238 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 238

226                             JUSTICE

                   10-Convictlons sommaires, par provinces, 1949 et 1950.
                   10-Summary Convictions, by Provinces, 1949 and 1950.

                                  l(140             1950        Oat. l, Dco. 31, 1050
             PROVINCES       Homme.   Fommo8  Homm""   Femmoa   Homme.   Fommoa
                               -       -        -        -        -        -
                              Male    Fomole   Malo     FeIlli\le  Malo  Fomalo
        llo-rlu-pA: .... P. E. 1. .......  3.062  66  2.028  67    522        8
        N.•J::NlMO ..... N. Boot;n......  12,268  349  12.748  389  2.301    03
        N.•Drun6WIolt................  12.758  373  21.286  446   7.13·1     70
        8 U(,hOO ......................  224,728  7,4(}1  270,470  10.a08  74 .90\)  2,471
         nlnrio ....• , .•. , ....•.. , •.•  468,8ll)  42,022  MI.3'IO  1)0.226  1&2.045  11,510
        "'faIlU"bn ...................  60.888  2,HJ[)  77.305  1.6&1  23.054  358
        Ba.kalohewao ............ , ...  16.080  476  22.122  59&  5,203    152
        Alborln ....••...• , •• , , ..• ".  24.327  1,224  27.150  1. L94  7,887  266
        Col.-Bril .. , ... D. C ..........  87.110  7.216  107,757  9.1172  27.781  3,4(i6
        Yulum & Terr ...............  27:1  16    IlS:!    42      26\1      24
            C""'ADA ......•.....•.  919-,208  61,281  1,102,979  81,012  301,096  21,436
         Les convictions !'>ommail'l'!'> consit:ltf'nt, RUI·tout  The A 'l for Summary Convictions cleals
       en infractions aux loiR provincialeR et aux règle-  mol'f' pa.rticularly with infractions of provincial
        müntR municipaux.  .(\ sont los Cfl,IlSP8 jugées  statuLe~ anù municipal by-law8.  CilS s tried
        en v'rtl! dr la Loi des Convictions so.nuyu1Î.r s.  llnùer t.llat !!'ct ·are <1:1\1 d SllinIIIlLI'J' conviotions.
         En 1950. les eonvictions sommaires dl1ns la  In 1950, SlHlllllttr'y eunviCl.iuns in I.he Prov-
        province de Québec cOmpreJill nt Z27,857 in·  ince of Quebec include 227,85ï bn:':1nhN\ of
       fractious aux règlements do la circulation.  vu.rjou!'> :Lnd trame l'egulations, 2,101 on'onces
        2,101 infractions aux lois du jou, 14,1~~8 j n-  IIgl1in~t Gl1robling Acts, 14,138 breachcs of
       fracLions à clivers règloments munieipnllx et  vnrious munieipal by-Iaws and 10,942 cases
        10,942 cas cl 'ivresse.  Ces div l'ses infrMtious  of Ùl'uukenness.  These vu,l'ious infro.ctions
        représenwnt 91 % du total.          l'aprosent 91 % of the total.
                   Il-Convictions sommaires dans la province de Québec.
                    11-Summary Convictions in the Province of Quebec.
                                 CODvloUoD.O- Conviotlon.       SonloDollO
              ANNI!:ES                                  OptlOIl  Dé81Bns  Burd..,
                 -                    Homme.   Fommoo  d·amood.  opMon    etc.
               YEARB          Talai     -       -        -        -        -
                                       Male    Female  OptlDn 01  Commltled  DofernKi,
                                                        6 Fine  wttboul   eiD.
         1001S-00 ...................  14.022  12,273  1.740  10,463  736  2,SlI,1
         1010-14 .. , ................  23. 7~0  21,124  2,634  18,804  G67  4,2M
         101~·JO... , ...•...........  24,747  21,130  3,Gl1  10,716  602  4 .~:l9
         102(}.24 ...... , •....•......  33.630  30,763  2,767  28,433  1,121  3,\)76
         1026·29.•.. , .... , •........  31,786  20,2&1  2,502  26,608  1,10:;  4,082
        11110........................  60,0118  56.941  4,157  46.628  1.637  12,933
        lh!. .......................  1lll.381  lN,400  4,8lI1  70,971  2,160  17.2110
        IN2........................  112,132  106,916  6.217  89,770  1.081  20,872
        IN3........................  117.4lI11  110,74J  6,6112  1lll.662  1,082  16.009
        1~Il4, .......................  116.313  101l,M9  O,M-t  100,888  I.Ml2  12.833
        1l1li6........................  118,4"  112,U7  6.162  101.636  2,322  14.641
        11136........................  111,264  100.1I!9  5.2116  87,194  1,368  22,702
        11lll7........................  g9.404  112,605  6.7411  79,068  1,618  18.728
        11138,." •.•. , ....•..........  89.4-48  83,026  6.418  72,676  I,!II  10.866
        1039.•.......... , ......•....  91,607  86,894  4,718  74.060  1,888  15,600
        11140..•••...•• , ...•......•..  93,9116  80,424  4,641  16,007  U46  17.418
        1941 ........................  102,830  145,423  6.907  129.488  1.474  21,308
        1942 .. .....................  194.672  lHU,779  Il.1:IOS  172,303  I,O\)Il  22.271
        1043 ....•.•.... , .•• ,., ..••  l!ll,42fi  172 2~6  9.130  162.101i  1,126  28.104
       1114-4 •••.•••..•... , ...• , , •.•.  146.1)118  14Ù94  0.200  124,640  1,731  20,222
       1046 ...... , ... " ..• , ........  158,(i~O  161,614  7.066  133,144  1,049  24.387
       1946.............. , .. , ..•• , , .  170,996  170,(122  6.974  151,486  1.366  24,144
       11147 ....... ' ................  188,830  182,007  6,138  100,01(1  1,149  17.670
       1948.... , ... , •.•..•..•..•••.  228,li02  221.GOO  6.808  206,486  1,270  20,747
       1940 ........................  232,132  224,728  7.404  210.127  1,361  20,664
       10nO.............. , .........  280,~ü8  270,470  10,398  263,614  1,471  21i,!lR3
       1950 (1) ....•................  77,380  74,000  2.471  71,A~5  234  fi,2Ul
         (1) Comprend 100 tro~ dornJora mol••  (1) lceludo. lhola.t tbroo monthe.
         leur"l 8taUofiQ'UN (Ù I<J """,i""WU. Otla......  BOUJ'll4ll SloA&Iu••f C'rimtnal a..d e>lh.. OJJ........ Olla......
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