Page 431 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 431

414                          PltCHERIE8-FI8HERIE8

        16-Quantité et valeur marchande des principaux. poi..ona commerciaux, prGvince
                                       de Québec.
        16-Quantity and Value Marketed of the Chief Commercial Fi.he., Province of

           ANNtE8    Morue   MaQuer1l6u  Ho""",,  Harepg  Saumon  Eperlan  Anguille
                       -       -        -        -        -                -
           \'EAItB    Cod    Mackerel  Lobllter  Hening  Salmon  Smalts    Rel!
        Moy.-AvE'.  Qttint.~wt. Quint.-cwt  Quint._w-t. Quint._wt. Quint._wt.  Quint.--owt.  Quint.---cI'Wt.
          1935-39... ....  352,214  36,346  20,959  363 ,566  Il,134  9,461  19,134
        1940............  412,935  11,618  19,232  413,214  8.961  1,839    8,80<
        1941. .•.........  439,166  15,445  18,488  317,B68  14,142  10,835  10,003
        1942.•.•••.••...  539,113  78,530  17.195  392,8(15  9,862  8,281  10,360
        1943... , .••.....  662.04.0  74,989  HI ,08.5  349,698  10,065  9,692  14,076
        194., .••••••.• , •.  49.',,798  85,874  24,315  329.984  9,508  5,832  6,473
        1945.... , .......  658,9]7  101,213  25,843  371,507  7,M9  6,948  8,590
        1946....•.•.....  764,408  60,700  25.545  34.5,940  5,853  6.984   7,124
        1947............  523,344  48,744  ]8.682  299.166  7,570  7.434    7.442
        1948.. '., ...... ,  506.926  94,164  23,9,"  301,589  9,163  12,814  4.923
                            VALEUR MARCHANDE-MARKETED VALUE
        Moy.-Ave.      •        •        •       •        •        •        •
          1935·39... , ...  576,583  10,422  222,600  215,202  122,150  51.040  130,239
        1940... , •.......  868,380  104,823  164,121  293,1'6:'1  109,898  70,521  44,05.5
        1941. •..••......  1,434,162  257,363  186,896  285.932  198.879  94,343  35,145
        HI42 ............  2,486,633  320,381  230,399  358,53.5  206,508  101,644  43,822
        ]943 ...........  3,117,301  440,617  425,453  549.474  235,614  135.148  126,646
        1944............  2.815,722  572.769  .524 ,023  458,336  201 ,874  SO,835  58,439
        1945..•. " •.....  4,016.015  796,391  741,916  623,299  186,212  11Q,428  87,357
        1946............  4,Ü09,532  583,213  864,405  780,862  197,000  118,611  72,338
        1947........ , ...  2.062,810  320,315  ~,870  593.169  231 ,2,"i~  127,811  71 ,345
        lQ48.......•....  2,936,569  560,793  500,318  470,769  338,330  238,G28  50.017
          Dans le tableau ci-dessus, les chiffres concer-  In the above table, figures eonoorning
        nant le hareng, le saumon, l'éperla.n et l'anguille  heITing, salmon, smelts and eels include,
        oomprennent, en plus du poisson de mer, une  in addition to sea. fish, small quantlty of tisb
        certaine quantité de poisson pêché dans les  caugbt in the waters of the Pro"ince.
        eaux intérieures de la Province.
          Les pêcheries maritÎDles sont de beaucoup  Sea fisheries a,re by far the more important
        les plus importantes.  Elles comprennent prin-  part of the industI'Y' and rnainly consist in
        cipalement les opéra.tions de la péninsule de  the operations in the Gaspe, Sague-
        Gaspé, du comté de Saguenay (Côte Nord) et  nay eounty (North Shore) and the Magdalen
        des TIes-de-la-:11adeleine. Plus de la. moitié  Isla.nd~, Cod represents more than the hBU
        du poisson de mer vendu est de la morue.  Le  of the s~ioo sold.  The mackerel, lobster,
        maquereau, le homard, le har~ng, le saumon,  herring. salmon, smelts and 0015 catches are
        l'éperlan et l'anguille font aussi l'objet d'une  also of considerable market value.
        pêchEl industrielle.
                17-V.leur des pêcherie. maritimes et intérieures de la Province.
                    17-Value of Sea and Inland Fisheriea of the Province.

                                                         PéDherit'll-Fisheries  1
                                                      -:"om" ;D"~~"
                         ANN];:ES-YEARS                        1        1  Total
        ____________________:__s_~--I~:nd                               1__,__

        Moy.-A\·e, 1935-3'd....•......                  l ,406, It.':i  517,071  1,983,186
         Hao      .                                     1. 701. 733  300.320  2,002,053
         1941.   .                                      2,.548,102  293,339  2,842,041
         1942    ,  .                                   3.876.005  317,187  4,194,092
         l'il43, .•........                             5.060,005  572,144  5.632,809
         1944  .                                        4,999.272  362,295  1;,361,561
         1945...•.........................              7,438,:'130  469.362  1,907.692
         1946., ..•.. ,  ,  ,  ,....      .      .      1,568,423  358,1599  7,'\127,022
         ~g:~::::::::::::::::::::::: ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::I  5,013,227  303,782  ,"j,:m.{)()ÇJ
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