Page 429 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 429

412                     PJ<CHERJES-FJSHERJES

                S-PRODUCTlON DES pfCHERIES             S-FI5HERrES PRODUCTION
             Nos pêcheries compreDllent des pêcheries  Quebee fishcries include SNJ., fisheries and
           marit,imes et des pêcheries intérieures.  En  inland fisherief!.  In 1948, the ..-aIne of our
           J948 on estimait à $'l00,90S la valeur des
                                                inl<'lnd fisheries  ·W3.8 estimated at $46ti,!KJ.3
           pêcheries intérieures et à $5,475.818 celle des
           pêcheriES lllll.rHimEls.  Les chiffras de 1948  and the Wllue of ollr Sf'a iislml"ies, at SS.47,:).818-
           sont tous dêS chiffres prfliminajr{,s et par  1948 :figures are pl"81ilnina,ry :figl.Ires and con-
           conséquent sujets à de légères modifications  sequentl~r subject t.o slight modifications aitel'
           lors de la. vêrifieation définitive.  final verifieat.ion.

                     14-Valeur totale des p~cherie8 au Canada. par provinces.
                   14-Total Value of Fisheries in the Various Provinces of Canada.
            AN~ES iIl,'~-É·I  Kouvel1e-  lhunswick  ,  Québe('  Oot-.fl~io  1 Brltanniquel8a~klU.Che-  CanMa
                                                            û:llomoLe- ] Manitoba.,
           ,,:~A::I~~I       sc:'"  B"':Wi''-1              Columbi~  Alh<>
                                             2,0:7'22011-'-'4-~1-'-09-01' 5,':4.577-" ':4.130123.,~,.3:
             19QO...()4. '11.034.779  7.e.55,8:nI4,146,681·
             :::~~::::I ::~:::::I  7,OGO,305 1  4,896,608  1,983,279  1,931,347  7.951'25611'301.498127'267'730
                                                     2,500.882 12,540,466
                                                                     1.252,005 32,498,971
             HH5-HI..  1,349,843  12,808,611  5,563.13\1 1  3,403,9121  3,090,491  20,655,618 l'MtS'~621· 48,829,871
             1020-24.  1,44.0,521  9,!}91,~17  4,546,49.')  2,176,161  3,195,318  19'437.HI411,,ç27'7Z9 42,614,63.'i
           1!?2,]. . .. Il 59" 119  10,213,7(91'  4'798'5qn!  3'044'91vl  3'4311'412122.414'flS  2,435.695 47,042,131
           1/)26....... 1:315~:934  12,505,922  5,325,478  3.110.964  :l.IEZ.193 27,367,1091  3,J4(,033156,360,633
           lO27 •• •.••.    10,';'53,631  4,406,8731  2'73B'4501  3'67(l'22pl Z2,$90,1/13  3,267,906 49,123,609
           1928.     1,11f.l6,681  11,681,995  5,001,641  2.996,614 4,0:m,n;~, 26,;)62,7271  3,580,562155,050,973
           1929      1.297.121i  Il, "27 ,491  5,935, 6351  2'933'33~1 3 91o,a-tl Z3,930,e92  4,075,09.') 53,518,521
           1930..   1,141,2Hl  10,411,202  4,853,57,:;  2,502,998  3 294.629 13,103.302  2,497,231147,8U';',21D
           J!)31. •  1,07S.DQI l  7'O::S6.711  4'169' 811 1  1,9r.2,8941  2'417'13]111'108'>';73  1,742,98J 30,517.306
           1932." .         6,557913  2,297,268  1,815,544  2147.990  9,909,llfl  1,5t>4,!H5 25,95;,109
           1933 •     B42,345  6,OlO,tlDl 1 3,o00,045  2,128,471/  2.089'8421 12,001,{71  1,424,171 27,49ti,0411
           183{.  .1  9B:i,925  7,tî7:l 8651  3,679,970  :t,306.,~I7  ~,218 5.'}0 L" 234'33[;11.91.:5'100  3~,022,323
           1935       8'J9,(l8D  7,M2,R9U  3,9';;9,el:J  1  1,947'2t91  2.S52'007 15'16 J..521J  1,7M.SfiO .':1-1,427.854
                   !  95.'),D~
           1936.             8,905,285  4'30g'73r!  2,108,400}  3,209,422 17,231.',341 2'ê57,f)6~12.9 1~5 05..;
           1937.,  , .  870.299  9.229,834 1  4,447,688  l. S92 ,036  3.615,686 16,155,439  2,76.'),322 3S.07Û 214
           1938    1  930,874  8,804,2311  3'996' U54 1  1,957,279  3,33:1,775 18,1',72,750/  2,77-",00:'11 ~11.4!l2 976
           1939.      ~50,4]2  8,753,:..t8  5,082,393  2,010,95.'1  :'1,010,25:0 17,698,\lR9  2,56~,37.'i; 40.075,9:12
           I1f.l40.          9,843,456  4,91):'1,618  2,002,053  3,035,10021.710.1l'17  2.847,62,114;'1,118,887
           1941       952,028  12,034.9."17  6,484,831  2,S42,DH  3.518,402 31,732,037  4,094,70:,.  5Z.25~<997
           1942 ...  1,6::19,53'"  15,297,'182  7,132,420  4.104,091  4,131>'205 a8.059.55H  4,1\58,636)75,116,\)33
           1943. '   2.R60,946  21.6.>l4,43.~  11.128,8fi4  S'Ô:l2'S091  fj.292,~68122,47S,632 IUO:16,5\l0 85.594,544
            HlM ...•  2.;)98.975 23.e.7-t,05SI  11,968, 692 1  ''',361,567  4,938,19:'!.34,If.lOO,990!5,9g7,036!S\J,43D,508
           1945      3.076.811 ::10,706.000  13,270,37€  7 ,!J07 ,69:2  7,2tH,661 H,531,8,'i8  7.115'80':1'113'~71'100
                                                     6." •. 658 43.817.,47
           1946...                  lfi, 4 Hl. 983  7,'27.022        7.922.2<4121m.732
                    4.470,8771 34.270'7fHl
           1947 (1) ....  2,897,284 26,658,913  17,13],890  ::::::~:..':403:66'[,,:76~:"OI7'895'40r4"U'9~
           1048 (\) .                                              1
             (1) Chitrtea préliminaires           (2) A~vançe-1i&"lteB.
             Source: St«ti81ifJ.(u'~ deB pi.,;/~e,'ie8, Ottawa..  Boul'c~: l"iah~ie8 S~olütlr.~, Ottawa.
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