Page 427 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 427

410                     p .cCHERIE8--F18HERIES
          En plus d'être la seule 'Prov1n<'.e du  In addit.ion to being thA only provinoo in
         a, odtninistrer ses pêoheries maritimes, Québec  Canada administering its o-wn sea fisheries,
         est également la seule province qui soit pro-  Quebee i5 also the only province provirling a
         priétaire des entrepÔts frigorifiques qui ser-  govermnentrowned and operatoo system of
         vent ft, la congélation et à l'l?1ltreposage du  oold..gtorage plants for the froozing and storage
         poisson,  En 1950, h'l département des Pêche-  of iish.  In 1950, the Department of Fisheries
         ries Maritimes possédait 47 entrepôts d'une  owned. 47 cold·storage plants with ft, freezing
         ca.pacité totale de 822.5 tonnes de congélation  eapn.eit;y amounting  lo 822.5 tons and a
         et de 14,405,000 livres d'entreposage.  storage capMit,r of 14,405,0Cl0 pounds.
              12-Entrepôts frigorifiques appartenant au dêpartement de. Pêcheries
                                     Maritimes en 1950.
           12-Cold Storage Plants Owned by the Department of Sea Fiaheriea in 1950.

                                                Congélation  Capallitll de  • CapacIté
                                                quotidienne  léfrigbrat.ion  d eDtreposage
                 m6TR,ICTS           Annl\e de
                                     IlOnatruot1oll  D.U,    Freetilll   Storage
                                                  freezing   capaoit~·   CIIo})lIlci~y
                                      Year of
                                     oonstnlclÎon  tonnes ~polsBon 1  tonnes de glace  lï'VrllB
                                                tons of fi9h  Ions of ille  pounda
          Trois-Pistoles., •.. , .••..••. , ..••.• ' .  1940  1.25  5    100,000
          Mll.tano..•••..••....•...••. "...... , •  1934  12.5  50       500.000
          6te-Anne-dcs-Monb...•••.•.....".....  Hl37  U         5        115,000
          Moct-I.oui9 .......• , •.•.•.... , •.... ,.  1944-  4.0  '6    225.000
          Petite-Madeleine ............... , ....  1935  2.5   '0        150.000
          Grande VaUée.••••....... , .... , ....  1933  6.0    24        400,000
          Cloridornle.... "" ..................  1933  4.5     lB        500,000
          8t--~faU1"iee .....•.............•.... , .  1934-  4,5  'B     280,000
          Ri\·ii!re~uJ[·Iù:no.rdll.. , ...•.... , •....  1932  10.0  40  1,000,000
          Anse-aux-Griffons.•.••••. , .....••....  1935  4.5   '8        400,000
          Cap-des-Rosien.,., .•...•...........  1936  4,5      '6        270,000
          Petit-Gespé, ..... " .•.......... " '"  Hl31  4,0    '6        300,000
          Gaspé." •.. " ••. , .••.•••..•••..••.•  1946   34       1.000,000
          St-Geor~eB...•. , '" " .............. '  1935  2.5   10        150,000
          Pointe 8t-Pierr~.... ' ... ' ........... '  1949  1.0  4        35,000
          Belle-AU'i;e.. _.' ....•..•....••.•.••.  Hl32  5.0   20        300.000
          llarachois., .•.......... , .... , .... , ..  1948  3.0  12    150,000
          PerM ....•.. , .......................  1935  4,0    16        300,000
          Anee-à·BeaufiIs..................... '  193ri  5,0   20        415,000
          Cap d'E3poir.•..... , .. , .. , , .... , ....  1948  2,0  8    200,000
          Petite-Rivière-Est" ••...•. , ..... , •..  1932  25  10        2&\,000
          Ste-Thérèse.............. , ..........  1944  7.0    28        200.000
          Grande-Rivière....... , .. , ... , .... ". "  1941  10,0  40  1,000,000
          Newport Point........•..... , .. ' ....  1935  4,0   16        350,000
          Kewport Island.....•..........•.... "  1933  4.0     '6        365,000
          GaBcon~.....••.•.•.... _.•..••.•... '  1934  2,5     10        150,000
          Gascons...... ' ...•.•..•....... " ...  1940  4.0    '0        300,000
          Anse-à-la·Barbl'......•.. '" , ..• , ..•.  1937  2.5  '0       1.'10,000
          Port-DW1ÎcL ..•.•..... " •....•..... "  1933  8,5    ,"        480,000
          8L-Godfroi............ , .........•..  Hl45  4.0     16        200,000
          Pagpébiae ..•.•.•.•..... ' ... ' ........  1033  9,0  38       600,000
          BonaNeDture.......... , , ..........  Œ44  4,0       '6        400.000
          St-SiJlIoon .••...••.•••.••••••••..•..  1934  1.25    5         80,000
          Rui~lôleau-Ltoblane... , .. , .....•...•.. ,  1942  1.25  6    200,000
          St-Charle>-de-Caplan............ " . , .  1946  3,5            3QO,OOO
          Carleton...........          1933         8,0        32        450,000
         COte-Nord (Saguenay) :
          8ept.-I1e.f'l •.•..•..••..•••.•••• , •. ".,.  '930\  4.0  16   120,000
          Hflvre St-Pierre..•....•...•..... , ...  1\134  6.0  24        300,OQO
"h, .............•.....  1948     4,0                  20o,DOO
          Nll.tll.l;hQuan................ ' ..•.. " .  19:J.5  3.0  "     15Q.[)00
          Riviére-au-Tonnerre., .•.. ,•.....•....  1938  2,0   "•         lSO.DOO
          Rivio!.n· St-Paul ....••......•....•. , ..
          Bbnc-Sablon.. ' ...... ..........  'Çj:'l~  lI.O     20        400.000
          Aurigny .............................  1937  2,0      8        150.000
          Gmnde-Entrée.. " ...... ............  lÇj45  4.0     16         200,000
          HI\.vre-aux-;\fai5('l1l8.••  1946         3.0        11.5      200,000
          Etflong.dn_Nord...           J948         2.25        9         150,000
               TOT.oLL•.•                         206.25       "'.5
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