Page 369 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 369

348                          AGRICULTURE

       66--Valeur de la production de l'ensem.ble des étab1is8ementslaitiers de la Province,
                                   par comtés. 1948.
       6&-Value of Production of AU Dairy Plants in the Province, by Counties, 1948.

                                                         Lait et crème
                                                        vendUB en D!J.ture
                                              Aut,le~   Milk and crell.rn
             COMT11:S       Beurre            produi1:J:l  sold se fluid
                (1)                                                      To~\
            COUKTIES        Butter

                              •        •        •        •                •
       Abitibi, .....• ...............  1, 116.223  24,839  23.019  381,743 ....  • ....  1,54-5,824
       Arl!;enteuil. ..... .... .... .....  (3)  (3)  167,327  265,135 .. ....  978.039
       Arthabaska..... .. .... ..... ,.  2.180,079  180,997  220,218  210,490  "2iô'  2,791,Ç194
       Bagat......... ... ...........  1,1.')1,278  (3)  31,666  1.767  192,912  1,395,613
       Beauce......... .............  2,365,705  113,815  24,366  (3)  ... ......  2,614,312
       Beauharnoil;..•. ............  329,983  65,868  303,985           699,836
       Bellechasse ....... ...........  1,304,243  .. i.5èdi3'  62,547 .. ...  32,265  1,549,268
       Berthier.......... ...........  929,562 ...  261,837  '(3)'"  80,000  1,284,899
       Bonaventure.... .............  394,763  "3rùüô' ...  ......  ... ..  425,063
       Brome ..... ............ .....  1.0r,2.845  (3)  H8,8Hi  946  ]2,323  1,29';1 .032
       Chambly..•.........•.......  (3)  ..... (:3)' ..  (3)  (3)  14,992  (3)
       ~~:~~~~~:::::::::::::  '" ..  714,707  54-,342  2,730.IB5  31.526  ...  133,845  3.635.634
       ChAteauRuIloY....... ... .... '"
       Cbicoutîmi. ........... .... .. .  31(12,158  "'343;050'  118,993  1,241,581  444,1137-  2.09R.417
       Compton.............  887,714 .....  ...  52,373  (3)     42,580  1,155,045
       Deux-Montagnes... , , . , ... ...  521,278  ·(a)  40,120  (3)  6,309  980.757
       Dorchester, ........ , ... ......  2. 5·V5, 728  30.693  15,612  1.139  100,434  2,099,606
       Drummond..•........ , ......  1,949,784  (3)  491,290  564.576  47,491  3,084.171
       Frontenac......... , ....•. ...  1,714,540  (3)  11,946  (3)  .... ... ..  1,817,478
       Gaspé-Est et Ouest.... , ......  ~9. &43 ....  ...  .....  ...  298  100,141
       Gatineau &; Hull. ............  732,403  '32;323  'z6:i;io'  ·(a)  ...  1(155,283
       H\lQtin~on ..•...............  403,137 .....  511,647  ...... .. .  '343:iBB'  1,257,950
       Iberville....... , ... , .........  135,250  '(:ci)' ..  172,745  795,619  1,106,95ü
       Ile de MontréaL .............  208,269  (3)  5,460,859  ·25;29.i:i64·  1,428,577  32,403,069
       Joliette......... " ...........  1,225,103  ....  36,150  (3)  10,900  1,437,841
       E:~u~~~~.R..::::::::::::::::  1,372,736  (3)  47,262 ......  (3)  .... ....  1,436,327
       tac S~i!lt-Jean.est........ , , ..  543,234  876.081  "5:884'  (3)  ........  1,513.530
       L~l:~~pii~~·.:::::::::::::::  678,914  .....  ·(3)"  16:2211  ...... ... ."  '36;0&1'  913.927
       Laviolette.............. .....  306,592  (3)  38.710  (3)  ..... .......  542,708
       Lévis, ......... , •••. ... ......  -lM,577  ......  270.489  (3)  ..... .. ...  940,614
       L·I~tet............. .... ... .  790.301  (3)  309 ... ,  .....   823,041
       Lotbinière... , •......... .....  2.504.665  (3)  444,466  "i;S70'  '9:252  3,005,669
       Maekinongé..... , . , .. , .. .....  970,404  (3)  20.514  16.927  14,027  1.039,077
       Matane ....... , ... , ...... ...  791,575  (3)  8,9,042  (3)  14,078  1,052,473
       Mato.pédia....•.... , , .... " ..  980,174  41,977  59' .....  ... ,  1,028,749
       Mégantic..... , ..... .. ... ....  1,803,289  (3)  410,239  ·(3)' ,  ii2;453  2,590.735
       Missisquoi. ......... .. ..... ..  576,685 ...  817,764  230,291  535, r,60  2,160,300
       Montcalm......... ........ ..  927,012  ..  1.455  (3)     2,880  974.033
       !vIontmagny .. , ... .... .... ...  703,771  61,436  (::1)  .. ...  795,5.52
       ~1ontmo]'ency.... , ...... ...  416,596 ....  .. .  (3)           473.818
       Napiervil!e...•.... , . .....  618,718 ...  106,578  (3)  ...     725,296
       Nicole.t........... ........ ...  2,609,688  .33i:d29'  452,071  (3)  '402:857  3,986,826
       Pa.pineau........... .... .....  1,917,220  98,857  13,091  (3)  9,719  2,118,{).~9
       Pontiac....•....... ....... ...  (3)  (3)  77,790 .. ....  5,675  1,216,2M
       Portneul .... , .. .... .......  1,073,724  (3)  309,096  (3)  148,38(\  1,720,025
       Québec........... , .. ... .....  408,R04  768,288  3.582,771  4,826  4,764.489
       Richelieu... " . '" ....... , ".  798,870  "(3)" .  127,;14.2  (3)  65,191  1,2.57,334
       Richmond.... , ... , '" .. .....  6.'55,348  24,078  417,154  380,561  482,999  1,960,140, ....•.. ....... ...  7.'5,') ,344  178,051  20 ,l1iiO  (3)  131,273  1,133,922
       Riviêre-du-Loup.......... ' ...  1,752,479  l3,3f!,iI  (3)       I,M5,{I.53
       Robl;'J'\'al (Lac St-Jean~Ouest) .  1,194,026  .. 760:42i'  1,4.92  217,830  2,173,169
       RO\l\i!1e....•.... , , ...... , ...  592,090  (3)  143,441  (3)  3,100  914,210
       Saguena.y. .............. ....  (3}  (3)  (3)     (3)  ...          (3)
       Shefford...... ..... ..... ...  2,778,068  2,02R, 138  713.882  1,470:468  6,988,556
       Sherbrooko.•.... , ...........  304,621  ..... (à)"  8,074,394  1,080,626  187,987  9,M7,628
       Soulanges......... ....... ...  531,097  3.882 ...     . ...      571,096
       StatlBtead................ ,  1,163,406  (3)  37,487  .29-1.;940'  "3:ilf,4'  1,528,694
       Saint.Hyacinthe........... ...  1,355,828  50,979  271,224  (3)  82,098  1,954,205
       SainWea.n...... , .... , .... ..  (3)   154,538   (3)     39,205  952,552
       Saint-1faurice......... '" . ...  1, 113,041  .. "(a)  293.000  l,40a,382  53,203  2,866,166
       Témisoa.minguo!., .......... ...  1,463,272  23,1-17  347,820  1,591  1,835,836
       TémisooHata.............. ..  524,002  ...... è:h"  180  (3)  12,458  5[14,719
       Terreb{'>une.. ... ..... .. ......  432,362  (3)  59,087  574,322  8,000  1,114.527
       Vaudreuil. ..   ...   584,102   74,169   2.230    (3)   ........  734,988
                             442,885    (3l    432,610   (3)        48   952,950
       Verchères...... :::::::: .. , .. '
       Wolfe......................  {I07,893  152,277  10.034 .... ........  72.{I42  1,143,146
       Yarnaska....... , ........ , ...  985,M2  118,696  241.{I88 .......  342.312  1,688.678
       Montant non·réparti-Amount
        non distributed........ , ... ,  2,502,887  {I62,728  44,574  5,768,036 ........  2,615,891
            PROVINCE....... , , ••• [ 65,147,268  4,7D3,051  27,135,070  42,910,316  8,051,6"  139,895,705
                                            1        1
        (l) Municipau:t.                     (1) MunicipaL
        (2) y compris la crème I!:laoée.      (2) Including ioe cream.
        (3) Comprj~ danIJ "montant non-répa.rti"  (3) Included in "AlTlount non di~tributed".
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