Page 327 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 327

REVENU NET DES FERME8--NET FARM INCOME                   311

           27-Dépenaea d'exploitation des ferme., dan. la province de Québec, 1940-49.

                27-Farrn Operating Ellpeneea, in the Province of Quebec, 1940-49.

                         ITEM                  1940    1941   1942    1943   1944
                                               1'000   "000   $'()()()  "000  $'()()()
          TlUaB 6u:r toute terre agrioole .••.• , •.••..••....... ....  5,991  6,014  6,269  1,280  1,610
          Loyer net de la ferme ........................... ...  80  342  4"  455  487
          Gages aux employés payés...•.......... '" ..........  10,882  15,006  12,678  13,959  13,711
          Intédhl sur hypothèques, prom.-e de veote et dettes
            8lIoD.8 garantie !lur toutea ffll"In8ll •.•.•..• , ••.•.....•.•  5,550  5,606  5,806  5,606  5,464
          Provende et il"ftine achetéea ••.•..............•.•..•..  16,706  19.701  29,888  38,560  54,413
          E8I!Ience, buile et cra.i8l!!6 à tratrteur....•...••..•.• , .•••  568  806  860  942  1,180
          Dépen6es pour camions:
             (Il.) Lieence&..•••.••...•••.•...•.•.•••...••....•  175  192  167  181  194
             (b) Opération.................. ................  9"  1,046  90lI  900  1,058
          Dépen88l< pour Il.utomobile& de terme•..•...•.....•....  2,'tl70  2.970  2,970  2.970  2,970
          FOf~6age et fenq6 de ohevll.Ul;•••.....•...• ' .' .' ...•.  1.293  1.3B8  1,668  1,888  2,24.4.
          Ficele d'engerblloge...•.......•••••......••••.• ' ....•  731  844  94'  721  820
          EnlUaÎ9 ehimiques ...•...•.•••••.•••...•••...•..•...  2,610  3,051  3,659  4.802  4,114.
          Fourniture8 pour fruits et UiiUme8.•...• " ..•. .......  1,407  1,427  1,486  1.0191  1,103
          Matériaux de clôture.•••.....•..••......•..... ' ...•.  463  674  52'  495  754
          ~parations de bâtiments..••.•...•.... , ... ' ....•.. , .  2,139  3,043  3,B1'i2  3,956  4, "'"
          Réparation9 de ma.chinea..••• , •.••••.•. ,.' ......•...•  648  732  1,051  1,288  1,433
          Plants de pépinière•...•.•.•......•........ " ...•....  158  15a  174  190  206
          DÎvers,. y e?m~rie fnis de vétérinaire, Darde, lel et petite
            qUlncaillene...•.....•.••.••..••..•.....•..••...  2.422  2,869  3,368  4,0G4  4,909
          TOTAL, DJ!iPEN5J1]S D'RxPLorT.4..TlON••.•••••.•..•. ......  58,410  85,151  7I,3311i  89,689  101,558
          Déprécia.tion deEl bt'ttimellts...•..••..•.. , ••••.....  'J,0l7  9,011  'J,0l7  9,017  9,017
          Dêprécia.tion des ma.cbineu .••..•. , .•.••••.. ........  5.909  5,964  6,038  6,003  5.853
           TOTAL, Dl!:PB1\CIATION..•.•••.••...••..•••.•. , ..••.  14,128  14,181  11,055  15,020  U,llI
           TOI'.l.L. DlIip8N8B:S D'lllXPLOlT.l.TION' ET DE DÉPÛCIA.~
            TION.•....•.. .... ......... .............. .....  n.,J3G  80,139  91.390  10l,709  W,429
                         ITEM                  1945    194B   1941  1  1948  1949
          -                                                        1
                                               $'000  ,'000   $'000  $'000   "000
          Taxes on a.U fanD land.............. '" .•....•...••..  8,200  9,003  9,196  9,621  9,936
          Net farm ren1.. ......  ...... .............  405  194  292   347    la2
          Wages to le.bor... ::::::: :::: ...................  16,664  18,058  19.351  21.590  18,826
          Interest on rnortgll.~6, of sale and uDsecured debt on
            all agreemenh fanns ....•...•...••... ..........  5,191  4,397  5,022  5,076  5,107
          Feed and seoo tlllrchllJ:led........• , ...••••.. ... .......  40,501  .5,j.431  84,504  91,5B2  'J3,390
          Tractor fuel, ail and greaoo.. " .•••.. .... ...  . ...  1,115  1,280  1,611  2,344  3,147
          Truck expeIll:les:
             (a) Licenses.. ....... ......... ..... .... ... ....  209
             (b) Ûperating....•... .......... ....... ..... ...  l,13B  )  2,333  2,946  3,466  3,11.5
          Farm automobile expense....•...... .... ... ...., .. ...  2,970  2,693  3,068  3,617  4,IBO
          Blacksmithing and hor8eshœing.•. , ..  .... .......  1.956  2,353  2,5:31  2,'J28  3,153
          Binder twine. .... ..... ............. ... .. ... .. .. ... .  708  659  938  1,860  1,754
          Fertilizer.............. ' ........ ... .... ..... ... .. ...  4,899  6,245  5,857  5,303  6,713
          Fruit and vegetB.ble aupp!i,;'lJ.... , . ... .... ......... '" .  2.369  2,115  3,827  4,319  4,386
          Fencing.•................. .... .... .. .......... ....  868  850  1,097  1,212  1,381
          Repairs to building!!.......  .. .................. .. .  5,113  7,760  8,202  9,576  9,771
          Repaire to maehinery........... .. .......... ... , .......  1,380  1,1'JO  2,173  2,636  2,903
          Nur!:ll!t)- stoek.......•......... , ....•...........  221  221  274  2aa  315
          MiscrJlaneous, indudillg veterinary expenSe3, fope,  'Üii
               TOTAL OPER_4..TI:"lG...• ,' . ..... ... .... ... ..... ......  118,944  15I,W  180....  177,047
             and amaU hlVdware...............•.......... ...  40,691  5,502  7,293  8,334  8,188
          DeprecÎ.!l.tion of buildings...•. , ••. ..... .... .... ... .. ..  9,017  'J,011  'J ,017  9,011  9,017
          Depreei.a.tion of macbinery.•• , ... .......... ..........  5,875  5,981  6,325  6.852  1,644
               TOTAL, DEPRECIATlON.,. .... ..... .........  14,852  11,014  15,3.&2  15,869  16,_
                                       ....... ,  ID....  lU....  113,524  195,951  193,708
                  EXPENSES................. '"
   322   323   324   325   326   327   328   329   330   331   332