Page 330 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 330

314                          AGRICULTURE

        29--Valeur brute de la production Bgricole, par groupes de denrées, province de
                                     Québec, 1938-49.
        29--Gro88 Value of Agricultural Production, by Groupa of Commoditiu, Province
                                   of Quebec, 1938-49.

                             de ferme
                      Gu.odes  (inolulillt  Produits                     ADin:l!l.ll'll
           ANNÉEB     cultures  volo.iLIes)  La.ine  laitiers  Fr-uits  Lêgumes  Oeufs  à f()urrure
              -         -      -      -       -      -       -       -     -
            YEARS      Field  Fll.rm  Wool   Da.iry  Fruits  Vegeh.bles  Egg,  Fu,
                       Crops  AnimalB       Products                      Fa.rming
                       $'000  $'000   $'000  3'000  $'000   ,'000   $'000  "000
        1938..          fj,59B  37,474,  308  3S,036  2,646  6,940  7,153   1,268
        1939.. ...     11,789  43,311   3()8  40,261  2,6~   8,651  7,598   1,111
        1940.. ...     10,947  49,146   411  44,778  2,532   9,250  8,650   l.2~9
        1941 ....      10,B15  61,572   .01  54,513  2,53,5  10,130  8,670  1.169
        }942..         14,071  70,OSI   56'  73,331  3,BOB   9,903  12,314  1,346
        1943... ... .......  18,548  97,275  576  78,120  4,204  8,588  14,113  2,030
        1944.....      16,711  99,635   596  88,053  3,657  12,323  16,498  1.856
        1945........ , ....  17,680  80,149  610  90,541  2,519  14,452  18,265  2.270
        HI4f\............ ...  17 ,71~ 2) 126,346  ",8  97,994  4,058  16,324  (3)  1.372
        1947....... ..... ...  16,139 2)107,956  574  111. 794  0,030  14,353  (3)  1,531
        1948.......... .....  19,233 12) 169,.5.52  462  137,632  6,149  13,854  (3)  1,165
        1949 ........ "  14,905  184.,343  440  124,546  8,238  11 ,436  (3)  1. 040
                      Produits             1  Grnines
                        de            Fibre  de foin  lHel  Produitll 1
           ANNÉES     1'6rable  1  Tabac  de lin  et de trèfle  et cire  forestiers  Divera
              -         -      -       -      -      -       -      -     TOTAL
            YEARS      Ma;p]e  T(>bacco  Fibre  Clover  Honey  Forest  Miscella-
                      Producta        F\.g.x  B.nd Grass  and """al: 1 Product.~  Deoua
                       $'000  1'000   i'OOO  $'000   1'000  ,'000  ,  $'000  ,'000
        11138.          2.924  1.159    (1)     S7     479  14,441 !  ."  123,054
        1939. ...       V>64   1.688    908     6\)    521  14,504    714  136,751
        1940.           .,368   1.728  1,008    (\8    450  19,230  2,233  155,038
        1941.  ...      2,708   1,679  ] ,927   11     4\5  20.555  2,701  179,701
        ]942.. ... ... . ..  4.896  1.138  1,851  33   '80  23,962  3,195  220,932
        194.3.... ' . ..  4,060  ] ,530  ] .684  781   739  30.691  3,727  266,666
        1944.......     7,135  1,478   1.287    793    867  35.130  4,071  290,090
        1945.....  .. ...  ~ ,018  2.414  ] ..550  413  1<83  37,997  4,249  2i8,016
        194(1....... : ... ...  5,444  2,7>l4  5'"  335  .j!13  43,334-  4,563  322.994
        1947.... .... ......  11,0.58  3,383  4J2  396  1,125  53.3&1  5.006  333,181
        1948.... ..... .... ..  6,852  2,313  1,03i  415  1,315  60.093  6,322  42i ,004
        1949....  .....  i,431  3,9ii  (l)      158    906  61, 267  7, IiI  425,858
         (I) InclUE! daDa divers.              (1) IncJuded in m.iscellllDeous.
         (2) Inclll!l.Dt les œu1tl.            (2) lneluding l'~gl'.
         (3) Indus d!l.DS animaux de lerme.    (3) Included in fllrm animaIs.
          30-Valeur brute de la production agricole au Canada, par provinces, 1942-49.
          30-Gros. Value of Agricultural Production of Canada, by Pl'ovincea, 1942_49.
                             ~                                   1
          PROVINCES    1942           10U     1945   1946   1947    1948  1  1949
                       1'000   "000   "000   $'000   1'000  "000   $'000   1'000
        1. P .-E••...P .E.I... ,  13,800  17,3iO  16,912  19,066  19,698  20,348  26,287  26,349
        N.-E..• , ••• N.B ....  2Q,201  30,417  37.527  35,513  4.4, ]32  42,761  49,00i  51,815
        N.-B•...... N.B.••.  33,903  42,089  42,751  43,279  48,071  52,279  59,237  58,691
        8 uébe.c...... , ......  220,932  266,M6  2QO,090  278,016  322,994  333,181  427,004  425,858
         ntarlO..•.••......  421 ,4~b  418.523  iii ,293  502,831  554,204  597,494  729,221  732,825
        Manitob!l. .........  ]51,83i  162,133  171,165  142,268  173,345  190.665  272,571  242.51i
        SIl.~kll.tcbewaD......  417.374-  313.678  504,954  336,iM  373,114  429.983  567,447  580,14&
        .o\lberlll ......... ...  297,586  224,160  300,895  239,427  310,272  352,859  467,324  442,900
        C.B....... B.C. ...  51,067  66,71.2  76,625  82,167  91,471  102,402  111,459  111,411
            TOTAL.• ..... 1,6S7,Ulli  1,547,748  l,,1&,2U  l,m,Sn  1,937,301  2,121,972  2,709,617 1 2,612,,Ii11
   325   326   327   328   329   330   331   332   333   334   335