Page 322 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 322

306                        AGRICULTURE

              19--Superficie de. grande.. cultures, province de Qu'bec, 1900-1941.
                    19--Area of field crops, Province of Quebec, 1900-1941.

                Superficie                                      Mals     Graine
         Annéell  totale   Blé      0"",     Avoine  1  Seigle  à grain   de lin
          -       -        -                  -         -                  -
         Y..m    Total    w....    BarIe,-    Oa"      Rye     Com for   FIaI fOl'
        -        area                                           huskinlt  "",d
                 ao=      acres     ~"'"     acres     acres    acre..    acres
        1900 ....  4,704,396  139,826  104,135  1, 3110,o:n  19,546  28,506  1, 881
        1910 ....  5,265,738  62,882  98,164  1,392,139  11 ,077  18,525   1,382
        1911 ..••  5,480,673  71,001  100,701  1,439,964  12,&33  23,900   1,428
        HI20 ....  5,OO4,7M  114,303  108,086  1,542,096  9,238  12,484    1,53g
        HI21 .•••  5,964,154  101,564  105,130  1,629,621  9,544  13,716   1,50Q
        1930 ....  5,996,939  36,833  06,200  1,559,571  ::i,241  5,311    1,674-
        1931 •••.  6.079,793  39,220  96,752  1,657,452  5,563    6,712    1,20B
        1940 •.•.  6,026,364  18,121  111,41)3  1,522,160  2.~7   4,710      448
        1941 •••.  6,061,831  21,025  117,57g  1,585,967  3,167   4,238      788

                                    PoÏll    G""""     Foin      Mo"      Foin
         A...,,"  SlU'nI.eili  FO"",  (-)   m'_        cultiv6  (oUJ'Tager  de
          -       -        -         -        -         -        -         -
         Yaam  1  Buckwhea.~  ""a..  p~,     Mixed   Cultivated  1  Corn (or  Grain eut
                                    (dry)    grains     ba>     fodder   for bay
                 .,"'"     ao,~     acres     a"",     acres     acres    ~re,
        1900 .••.  102,673  2.886    77,982   148.729  2,548,450  (1)      (1)
        1910 ....  119,466  4,235    30,295   90 ....  3,231,484  41,201   (1)
        1911 ....  114,780  6.085    32,595   114.572  3,359,612  38,375   (1)
        1920 ....  90,254   6,165    29,237   87,686  3,tXl7,15.'i  47,275  11 ,026
        1921 ....  81,149   5,289    31,603   97,471  3,651,836  49,428    8,260
        1930 ....  92,675   5,837    15,654   97,251  3,806,351  44,022    29,537
        1931 ....  95,767   5,834    17,270   lOg ,092  3,754,957  44,146  22,975
        1940 ....  73,227   4 .....  10,080   156,440  3,800,094  60,558   45,583
        1941 ....  67,996   4,308    12,514   171,495  3,756,154  59,960   37,239

              Autree culturee  Pommes de  Navet.!! et  Autrea          Autres grandœ
         Anné~  fourragèr~  "'m>  choux de Siam  ~'"""  Tabac  1 Lill fibreux  culture!
           -      -         -        -         -        -         -        -
         Yaam    Otber    Potatoell  TllmipS  Other   Tobo.coo  Flax for  Otber
               fodder crop!!      and BwedeB  field mots         fibre   field croP8
                 .,"'"     acrell   .,re,     tu::res  .,..,     .,,,,,,  ~
         1900 ....  39,740  127,20ti  (2)      9,029     8,661    (3)        U6
         191O ....  16,150  123,054   9,843    3,590    11 ,818   (3)
         1911 " ..  12,073  125,995   9,483    4.910    12,134    (3)        17'
         1920 ....  5,300  146,&21   15,360    2,667    17,252     237        3
         1921 ....  4,163  146,311   14.964    2._       9,958      54 ..... ........
         1930 ...  33,984  132,901   20.482    1,538    12,721     203        3
         1931 ....  28,485  146,190  23.680    2,082    12,252      Hill     ...
         1940 ....  11,706  148,739  26.733    3,704    14,669   10.391      163
         1941 ....  11,112  144,320  26,669    3,960    13,787   19,405
          (1) Compris da.ns "autres culture, fourra.gèrea".  (1) Included in "other todder croPll".
          (2) Compris daDII "autres raoineE".  (2) Inclllded in "other field roots".
          (3) Inconnu.                         (3) Not availabLe.
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