Page 332 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 332
31-Revenu en espèces provenant de la vente des produits de la ferme, province
de Québec, 1926-49.
31-Caah Income from the Sale of Farm Producb l Province of Quebec, 1926-49.
graines Légumea, Volailles Produits
AN~E8 e~ foin etc .•• (1) 1 Bétail et œufs lll.ltilll'll Frniti
- - - - - - -
YEARS Grains, seedll Vegetll.bles, Liveatock Poultry Dairy Fruits
and hll.Y et(l ••• (l) and egge productll
"000 $'000 "000 $'000 .'000 $'000
1926...••.••.... 13,4138 11 ,851 22,145 6,407 28,782 757
1927•..•..••.... 9,148 10,152 24,776 7,381 31,816 00.
1928..•...••..•. 9,847 9,5.'32 29,440 8,048 36,20G 83.
1929•.•••.••.••. 8,713 11,084 28,433 7,175 32,490 1,142
1930••.. ....... 6,376 8,064 21,650 7,419 27,784 1.015
1931. •........•. 4,639 6,578 16,616 4,534 21,~62 935
1932••••..••.... 3,418 4,587 10,008 4,149 17,480 1,324
1933............ 3,307 4,936 9,714 3,679 18,484 1,634
1934.. _...••.... 3,947 6.507 13,754 4,504: 23,141 1,514
1935............ 4,313 5,947 16,542 4,503 24,432 1,677
1931'- ........... 4,362 8,399 18,886 5,319 20,301 1,407
1937.•......... 5,415 7,605 23,836 5.459 29,917 1,702
1938............ 5,228 7,364 24,183 7,932 32,066 1,402
1939, •.......... 4,265 12,467 26,953 8.230 34,347 1,455
1940.. , ....... , . 3,755 12,515 35,011 9,117 36,985 1,417
1941. ...... , .... 4,173 14,788 46,513 9,846 47,602 1,372
1942, ..... , ..... 4,722 15,076 50,055 12,229 64,481 2,183
1943..•..... , ... 6,441 14,995 61,702 15,191 70,461 2,416
1944•.•.. , ...... 7,186 16,593 66,398 17,781 79,980 1,834
1945............ 4,776 20,9M 74,673 19,779 81,414 953
1946..... , ...... 4,657 20,936 77,541 23,84Q 88,699 2,022
1947............ 4,627 17,002 81,480 29,174 101,838 3,548
1948....... ... 4.581 18,740 120,834 32.038 123,540 3,605
1949....... ... 3.574 16,426 128,482 28,370 111,905 5,126
Autres produih Produits Animaux A
ANNtES I principaux 1 forestiers fourrure 1 Divera
(2) - - 1 - TOTAL
YBARS Other ~inclJlll.l Fnrest· Fm (arrning MiM:el!aneoUB
pro uets prodUllh
"000 "000 1'000 1'000 "000
1920....... 2,910 9,680 .33 1,726 98,359
1927....... 3,074 9,070 762 1,741 98,606
1928....... 3,412 10,260 1,512 1,946 111,039
1929.. " ... 4,025 9,540 2,14Q 1,862 106,673
1930....... 3,083 8,420 1,265 l,50S 86,584
1931. ...... l,94O 6,050 688 1,132 M,504
1932....... 1,613 5,110 863 863 49,805
1933....... 1,365 5,070 895 '02 49,946
1934....... 1,834. 5,800 '75 1, lM 63.140
1935....... 2,043 6,020 1,165 1,189 67,831
1936....... 2,277 6,450 1,258 1,339 75,Q98
1937....... 1,456 7,000 1,249 1,508 8S,197
1938....... 2,592 6,030 1. 266 1,615 8Q,678
193'9....... 2,418 6,580 1,090 1,803 99,1308
1940....... 2,859 10,776 1.18S 2,033 115,6&6
1941. ...... 2,599 12,155 1,169 2,637 142,754
1942....... 4,327 15,3M 1,414 3,061 172,912
1943....... 3,948 17,669 2,030 3,503 198,356
1944..••.•. 6.166 20,849 1,856 3.919 222,562
1046....... 3,93.,) 23,497 2,270 4,130 236,390
1946....... 4,560 28,384 1,372 4,445 256,465
1947....... 8,939 33,777 1,531 4,933 286,909
1948, ..... 6,106 38,227 1,165 6,189 355,025
1949....... 6,000 38,6M 1,040 7,067 346,714
(l) Comprenant, en p\us des légumee, les ~mme./l de (1) !n addition to vegetables, inc1uding poœtoes,
tene, les betteraves A sucre, le tabac et la fibre de lin. lIugo.r beeh, tobo.cco Il.nd fibre flo.x.
(2) Comprenant la laine, le miel et les produita de (2) Includitlg Vr"ool, honey and maple productEt..