Page 320 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 320


                  17-Grandeur du fermes, province de Québec, 1901_1941-
                      17-Size of farm.a, Province of Quebec, 1901-1941.

           Grandeur de 10. fel'me-----8i~e or fann  (1) 1901  (1) 1911  1921  1931  1941
                                        No.     No.      Ka.      No.      No.
        Fermes occupées-Ûccupied h.rma........ ...  140,110  149,701  137,619  135,957  154,669
        1-4  ac,r::s ......... ......... ... ....  9,9112  11,221  4,708  3,442  1.491
        ~1O    ..  ......... ....... .........  3,70S  4,751  3,245  3,268  2.922
        11-50  ..  ..... .... .... ... ..........  20,047  22,209  17,012  16,976  18,815
        lil-IOO  ..  ..... ..  . '0"'. ... .. ......  45,813  49,043  45,659  43,915  60,452
        101-200  ..  ..... ... ....... .... . ,.......  44,2113  46,106  48,820  48,823  53,OÔ7
                 ....... ...
        201-299  ..  ..... .. .... ... .... " ......     10,898  ,  11 ,420  11 ,051
        300-479  ..       .... ... ........  !  16,374  1         6,198    5,730
        iSO---639                               113.311.1  7, i     876      71'
        640 acres et pl~HC;~'~Dd'~~~;::.'.',:::::::  1              439      367
         (1) Pour cornplLJ:'aison avec les re>C'.elleement.i! 8ubsé~  (1) For compo.rison witb the tater eenBuses, dedull-
        quents on a éliminé 10,489 lopirul de Uloillil de 1 acre  tions h{L\'e been made as foIlo"",,: 10,489 piOt06 under
        an 1901 et 9,990 en 1911.            1 aere in 1901 and 9,990 in HIll.
              IS--Produetion des grandes cultures, province de Québec, 1900-.1940.
                   18--Production of field crop8, Province of Quebec, 1900-1940.
                                                  Mals    Graine
         Années   Blé     Orge    Avoine  Seigle  à grain  de lin  Sarrasin  Fêves
           -       -       -       -       -       -       -    1  -        -
          Y~m    Wheat    Barley  Oats     Ry.   Corn for  Flax for  Buckwheat  B"M
                                                  husking  ."d
                bOÏ!lIl.-bu,  boÏBs,-bu.  boiss.-hu.  boi.l;".-bu.  boÏBs.-bu.  ooiss.-bu.  boiss.-hu.  boî811.-bu.
        1900.......  1.968,203  2,535,597 33,536,677  211 ,281  1,384.331  19,309  1,849,596  61,3713
        1910.......  932,459  2,340,364 33,804,291  148,621  515,249  13,375  2,365,539  76,150
        1920.... , ..  1,516,221  2,320,181 36,836,756  124.065  296,364  16,014  1.500.158  88,940
        1930.......  554,013  1,941,194 32,860,820  18,153  135.875  14,445  1,486.589  83,139
        1940.......  210,974  2,505,880 35,100,252  36,198  98,823  3,452  1.093,884  62,104
                         Grains   Graine  1  Graine  Foin  Foin    M ...,  Foin
         Aouéoo  Pois secs  mélangés  de trèfle  d'berbe  cuLtivé  des ma.raitl  rOUIT~  de grain
           -       -               -       -       -       -       -        -
          Years  1  Dry peas  Mb;-ed  Clover  GraB9  Hay  :Marsb bay  Corn for  Grain eut
                          grai.lllj  ."d  ,,""   culti\'ated      lodder  for bay
                bœsB.-bu.  bois"..-bll,  lb.  lb.  tonnes-tons  tonnes-tons toMes-tons tonnœ-tons
        1900.• , ....  908,656  3.523,507  144,120  2,009,856  2,581,823  fl)  (2)  (2) .
        1910.... , ..  414,361  2,096.744  121,420  1,917,802  3,830,628  (1)  378,126  (2J
        ]920. , ....  388,349  1,941.102  3,356,460  2,1:125,648  3,258,645  8,749  390.111  20,142
        11:130..... ,.  175,804  1,948,403  1,4i7 ,680  1,622,818  3,843,777  43,621  361,136  40,486
        1940......  124,925  3,843,751  1,323,868  2,474,685  3,970,129  ;,)8,312  5Z2 ,818  63,251

              Autres cUlt.uresl Pommes d.  Navets et  Autres  1        Autres grandes
        Années  fourragères      choux de Siam  raeines  Tabac  Lin fibreux  cultureB
          -       -        "'''      -        -         -        -         -
         Years  Other fodder  Potatoes  Turnips and  Other root'!  Tobaceo  F1a~ for  Other field
                 crops             swedes                        fibre    crop;;!
               tonnes-tons  hoLss.-bu,  bois9,-bu.  bois9.-bu.  lb.  lb.   lb.
        1900 ....  200,827  11,135,739  (3)   105,786  7,655,975  (1)      62,'0130
        1910., ..  28,934  15,451,539  3,329,160  46,216  10,115,016  (1)  11,165
        )920 ....  12,626  17,745,951  4,403,168  22,814  13,365,510  89 ,932  1,397
        )930 ....  63,120  15,200,969  7,128,971  13,937  10,861,113  282,188  3,553
        1940 ....  Hl, 167  22,417,923  11,118,360  34,115  13,813,'0118  1,043,142  191,351
         (1) Inconnu.                         (1) Not available,
         (2) COmpris dans "autre9 eultures fourragères".  (2) Ineluded in "other fodder erops",
         (3) COmIJri8 dans "lIoutres rllocill.el!".  (3) Included in "other mots".
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