Page 249 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 249

           Il Y t'ut 239,196 poursuites dans 10. Province.  TJlere were 239,19!3 trials in the Province.
         L-e5 rapports mentionnent le vol de 1,838 auto-  ln the reports concerning ofieneoo committed,
         mobiles et de 2,407 bicyclettes.  Les autres  mention is made of the t1eft of 1,838 auto.
         articles perdus ou volés représentaientune  mohiles and of 2,407 bicycles.  Other articles
         valeur de $1,318.772.  Le Service d'identifica-  reported a,s 108t or stolen were worth $1,318,772.
         tion a pris 6,4LG photographies et 5.673 elli-  The Identification Service took 6,416 phot()-o
         pt'einlE's digitales.  Les policiers ont aussi  graphs a.nd 5,673 flllger plints.  The police
         ooustRté 19,515 B,.c,cidents d'automobiles.  also reported 19,515 aut,Qlllobile accidents.

              18-Slatbtiques policières des citéa et villea de la Province, en 1948 (Fin).
             18-Police StatiaticlI of Cities and Towns of the Province, ln 1948 (Conol'd).
                             Articles diven  1     AccideD.h          1
                             SundryArtides   D'automobile  1  Autres    Par-  Enfanta
                            --~ ---             -              -       sonnes  éiaré.s
                            Déeillréa  Retrou~  Automobile    Other   1abritées retrouv's
                                  vée par
                                  16 poli~1'
                             pP.rdUli --_._--1---1--- ---                -    -
            CI'lIr:,;, AND TOWN';'  ou volé8  \plOll'l!Onn~,personnes personD.el! 1lJ't'Tl!onnOO T'erBon  lCHIt
                              -     -   Nombre  tuées  1 blffiséell  tuées  1 blesflées  m....('D  Children
                            Reported Recover-  -  -   -     -     -    Bhelter  Found
                             LOlit or ed by th{' Number PeŒons Parsons  P..r~oniS! Perl'oon..'l
                             Stolen  Polirtl   KiUed  Injured  1 Killed 1 Ini'·ued 1 I
         -A-'-\'i-d-.-..-.-------1  3',654 -----:,1  I------:~i---,- ---4-3-:---'- ---~I~I---28-
         A;obeetos..... . . . . . . . . .. . . .. ....  . .  70 1  3  40  2  1  1  28  22
         Auckin!!;ham.,......  .. 50        ]0  1  3                  1   50    ,
         CELP-de~la~:\-flldeleine.  10.312 "7:805'  156  51   6'    2    194    Il
         2~~~i~~~~.~~).:.::...  i:iis ... 780  72' '''2'  ... '4'   1   ""172'  la
         DrUlllffiondviUe.......  2,000  1,000  288  1  35    1     2    180    3g
         Fl'lrnhllm.            775  571    5                 4     1     57    14
         Giffard  .
         Granby. . .. ..     . .8: 549  2, 9B1  325  1  .26'            .2Ôl
         Or6nd\M~re.          1,200  1,200  101   1     10               190    20
         HulL......          42,466 14.12B  775   3    142               457   120
         JaequH-Cartier..     2,500  2.000  Il          15                      5
         JolietclI.           5.269  2.523  163                     14   285    12
         ,Trmq\lière ..       1,200  BOO   47           "                187    47
         KérlD[l:amî..... . .. . . . .. . . .• .  400  300  64  Il  ..    26    21
         Lllchine._  ,       21,1'13820.9!l7  278       68          41 ,  123   47
         La...hute.  . .. , . . .. . . .. .  369  287  65  5              62    Il
         LaSalh.·   "........  9,805  6.160  99   8    38           41    21    37
         Lauzon       ,........  4,864  2 'g6~78 !  106  3  46      2    154    ,. 5
         La Tuque.................  1,244  "  38        2           1    430
         Lévis....             600   500   113          14               542    5
         I.ongueuil     , •..•.  12.000  4,000  73      22               150    44
         D.1acka\'\·i~le..    4,000  200    3           3           5     9     2
         Magog". .. . . . .. . .  . . . . . .  621  332  139  "3'  34  "}  146
         Matane    "      "    471   316   32     1     3                       " 5
         !\.J(\gantic.. . .•. . . . .. . . .  '1  500.  100  32  3  16  1  37   1
         Montmagny..  . ..... "....  4001  200  4                         37    1
         K~~~~~~rency.  . ..•.. : 2)6'5'5',700 262, à:i"  8.501  ... io.'i· ":3:«9'(.  1,158
         ~lontrhl-:"rord  " .. " .  14,800  700  136  1  7 '                    37
         Mont-Roy61....... . . .. . ... .  3,199  287  112  2  5  .. i  19 .... 385'
         Noranda..........   38.62713.4001  80   "2'    :;6  ····1  10          87
         Outremont.....      51,542 13.863;  3ô!'i      v  3        20    2     49
         Pointe-aux~Tremblea..  7,1)40  5.250  47  3    19    1     43          9
         Pointe-Claire..      9.256  5,884  04    5     22    1     4     84    37
         québec....          197,122166,357  2,389  14  358   30   113  1.798   58
         m~~~~~:L~~p·.::::     108   108   1~~    2    ":"          1    ~§~    ~
         St-Hyacinthe....     '5:578' 5,0,1.5  353  1   5·)     l'       424    11
         St-Jean..... . . .   3,948  2,."..15  375  3  25' .....3"  .. ':ï  348  19
         St-Jérôme.........  20,840 10,452  277   2     69          9    2]4    23
         St-Jo~eph·d'Alme., . .. . . .  .46  :3S'  .4g                    ôl    2
         ~~i~~jb~~~~~~~~~~am .  3.212  2,OfH  87        ~         ...12'  jg    g~
         St~Laurent  ,.       3,.:mo  ô91i  252   3     ;j9         12   101    28
         St·Pisrrt'  "         206    8    35     1     5           3     60    4.
         :'3f~~Thérèse  _"..  20,000 18,000  380  2 4   10          4 3  935    58 8
                         , '"
         Sh6winigan FaU'
                             19.3881 12,015
  ...    Sherbrooke   ,      13,768  9,296  174   3 l  1J,~ 7  4    20 2 1  406  158
                                   2 000
         TroJa-RIVlères      34,2481 22 6S4  184  4. ,4 1  41  1    91    17    10
                                                                    BI, 173
         Val d'Or  .   .      1 880  100   167          7 i              377    13
         Valle~'field         1'998 1  1 OJ9  296       24          11   .SOl   18
         Verdun.  .          27356127,356  6781   4    1B6    3    521   140    45
         VlCtoriMllle..        9761  720   122    1     3           71   220    19
         We;;tnlOunt  , .•... "[  41. 344 13 ,054  ~~J  5__~_1_21   6_8_ --.:::...  "'_
               TOT"-L ••    1,.J18,m 67D,789  13,515  211  5,""8  176  6,559  2,(,041  2,75"
           (1) Pa-a de 1'8.pport.               (1) No repor!.
           \2\ Evaluée.                         (2) Estimated.
           doul":I': StGli~f'0.uu dt! la uimùl.a[i.l~. Ott:l.wa.  Source: .'itaIÙJh:cB 0/ C/l'mina! and illnu Offences, Ottawa.
        cause de l'éteI:!due d~ &On territoire., poss€de  to t.he extent of its ten1tory, ha,s three priwns;
        trois prisons; los disniots de )..iontréal et de  th(l districts of )'1ontreal and Quebec. have
        A •• ;=;h"" ..",..,,, ...l,Qn1,n .--1011Y TlTi,.;,:ln<.;· l'llnf~ nour  two nrisons eacb: one for men a,nd the other
   244   245   246   247   248   249   250   251   252   253   254