Page 244 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 244

226                             JUSTICE

                Il-Convictions 8ontmaires, par provinces, en 1946, 1947 et 1948.
                ll-Summary Convictions, by Provinces, in ]946, 1947 and 1948.

                                   '040             1947              1948
             f'ROV]NCES      Hommel   Femme.   Homme!   Femme~  1  Hommes  1  F'emmell
                               -        -        -       -        -        -
                              Male    Female    Male    Femsle    Msle    Fema.le
        Do-du-P.-t•••. P. E. I. .. , ....  2.591  124  2,763  43  2,631      0'
        N.-InCOIl8B ... , .N. SeaUf!.. ,••• '  12,280  035  11.636  383  13,230  409
        N.-Bruoswick.......•.••.•...  13,410  515  13,617  480    11,841     348
        g:~~.::..::::::::::::::::::  334,350  19,804  3S6,753  20,.581  221,699  33,360
        Manitoba ... _•••..•••.• , ••..  34,326  1,688  45,455  1,115  50,g7I  1,812
        Baù&tcbewan...• , ..•••.•.••.  13,369  010  14.737  520   14,975     513
        Alberta ..•.•••...•••...••.•.  1.5,380  909  17,639  1,057  18,592  1,156
        Col.-Brit ...... B. C ..•.•••••.  29,694  2,509  42,649  2,936  77,752  7,254
        Yukon & TerJ' ..••••...••••••  445  31    1\()4     49      547      70
            C.uc.a.DA •••• , .........  625,867  33,805  717,950  34,5D8  824,789  51,156
                                             1                         1
          Lœ convietions consistent surtout·  The Act for Suromary Convictions deals
        en infractions aux lois provinciales et aux  more particula.rly 'with infractions of provincial
        règlement.a municipaux. Ce sont les causes  statutes and municipal  Cases tried
        jugées en vertu de la Loi dea Convictions som~
        meires.                              under that act called summar~ycom;ctions.
          En 1948, les convictions sommaires da,ns la  In 1948, summa,ry convictions in the Prov-
        province de Québeo comprennf'nt 174,021 in-  ince of Quebec include 174,021 breaches of
        fractions aux règlements de la ciroula.tion,  various and tra.flic regulations, 629 o:IÏenœs
        629 infractions aux lois du jeu, 16,939 infrac-  against Gam1ling Act,. 16.939 1",,,,,105 of
        tions à  divers  r~glements municipaux et  various municipal by-law~ and 11,015 cases of
        11,015 CM d'ivresso. Ces diverses infractions  dmnkenness. These various infractions ra-
        représentent 89% du total.           present 89% of the total.
                    12-Convictions sommaires dans la province de Québec.
                    12-Summary Conviction. ln the Province of Quebec.

                                 Convietionlt- Convietionll     Sentencell
               AN~ES                                    Option  1 Emp""n.  Surii!!,
                 -                    Hommel   Femme.  d'amende  option  1  e10.
               YEARS          Total     -        -        -       -        -
                                       Male    Fema!e  Option 01  Committed  Deferred,
                                                        a Fine   wlthout   ete.
          190.~·09...••... ....  ...  1  14,022  12,273  1,749  10,4'33  730  2,893
          1910-14.•.. ' .... .........  23.759  21,124  2,634  1  18,804  607  4,285
          1915-19, .. ......... .......  24,747  21.136  3,611  19,716  592  4,439
          1920-24 ... ............ .. , ,  33,530  30,163  2,707  28,433  1,121  3,976
        1923........................  2.~,364  23,317  2,047  21,100  1,023  3,241
        1926........................  24,428  22,07.5  2,3.53  20,144  1,492  2,792
        1927........................  28,732  26,633  2,099  Z4.,4f12  982  3,288
        1928........................  29.302  26,002  2,400  24,661  938   3,691
        1929........................  31.099  47,490  3,609  42,617  1,089  7,393
        1930•••••••••••••••••••..•••  60,098  M,941  4,1.57  4.5.528  1,637  12.933
        1931. .......................  99.381  94,490  4,891  79.971  2,160  17,250
        1932........................  1I2,132  10.5,916  6,217  89,779  1,981  20,372
        1933•••••••••••••••••.•••••.  117,433  110,741  6,692  99•.562  1,962  111,009
        1934.................. , .... '1  116,313  109,669  ',644  100,888  U92  1  12.833
        193.5•••••••• , •••••••••••••••  118,499  112,341  6,1&2  101,636  2,322  14.541
        1936........................  J11,2.54  105,9,59  .5.29.5  87,194-  1,3058  22,702
        1937........................  99,404  92.655  6.749  79,0.58  1,618  18,728
        1938•••.•......•.•..•.•••. ,.  89.H3  83.02.5  6,4.18  72,576  I.Ml  15.356
        1939......... , ..............  91.607  86,894  4,713  1  74,0.50  1,888  15,669
        1940........................  93,965  89,424  4.541  7.5,007  1,.545  17,413
        1941. .......................  152.330  145,423  6,907  12!;l,488  1,474  1  21,368
        1942 .•               19.5,672  186.7i9  R,~'<I:'l  172,303  1,098  22.271
        1943... ::::: :::::::: :: :::: ' .  181,425  172,2>l.6  9,J39  152,19l)  1,126  28.104
        1944....................... :  146.593  141,294  5,299  124,640  1.131  20.222
        1945....... , •. , .............  158,580  151.514  7,066  133,144  1.049  24,387
        1948.,., .. , .. , .........•.•••.  176,996  170,022  6,974  151,486  1,366  24,144
        1947 ........................  1~8,835  182,097  6,738  1  100,016  1,149  17,670
        1948...........•• , ...... ...  228,502  221,009  1  6,803  1  206,485  12,70  1  20,747
         Souree: Slal.iBtiq«f.1 de la erimiMliU. Ottawa.  Source: StatÜti.;" of CrimiWJl and olher Ot!e7lces, Otta.wa.
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