Page 251 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 251


          21-Cla8Bification des prillonniers admis, suivant l'âge, l'état civil et l'instruction.
          21-CJassification of Prieoners Admitted according to Age, Conjugal StatuIJ and

                                                 Moy.  Ave.
                    ENUMERATION                      1          1941   1948  104.9
                                            1  1035-39  1940-44
          AJe8 :          AgeB:                      1 ,
           Moins de 14 ...IU:I.......  Under 14 YS:l.I1l...........  31  "  55  3.'  39
           De 14 à 18 Rn>;........  From 14 to 16 }'•......  99  179  252  230  384
           De16ê.20an.s.••.....  From 16 to 20 years..... _.  1,440  1.B02  1,653  1,895  2,025
           De 20 à 25 ans .•......  From. 20 to 25 }'ears.......  2,451  2.464  2,585  2,556  2,943
           De 25 l. 30 ans..  From 25 to 30 yoars....••.  2,001  1,840  1,441  2,122  2,Hi9
           De30à40ans ..... ::::  From 30 ta 40 yr.8re.......  :2,804  2,198  1,583  1,988  2,421
           De 40 à 50 aM.......•  From 40 ta 50 years.......  1.760  1,4.83  1,084  1,145  2,572
           De 50 à BD ans. .......  From 50 t.o 60 yellJ"S. , ... ..  944  845  fi"  631  89:')
           00 ans et plus ...... , ..  60 yeara and over., .. ,. ...  427  474  320  437
                                                             ,    '"
          E'lll ""Ù'iI:   Clmju17al Slalus:
           C~libataires.. "., ... ..  Unmarried. .. ... .... ,. .  7,533  7,592  6,193  7,054  8,232
           Mari~s.... , ..........  Ma.rried ... ..  '" .... , .  4,015  3,336  3,193  a.454  4,222
           Veuf5.... ..... .. .. ,.  Widowed .. ......... " ...  415  412  292  414  421
          17lsirI4CIiQfl:  lAterllClJ:
           Ne "a..h/l.n~ ni lire ni
            ~crlre .............  Unable to rea.d or write...  f>51  703  709  704  1,164
           Sa.dmnt lire o~ ~crire ..  Able to rea.d and .....ri te, . , .  10,801  10,040  8,088  ,  8,822  9,339
           In5truction plus déve-
            loppée . ........ ,,_.  Higher education, ..... , ..  311  597  883  1,396  2.372
               TOTAw •••••. ... .................... , .....  11,'"  11,'''0  9,678  10,922  12,875

                 22-ClalJBification des prillonniers admis, Iluivant l'occupation.
               22-Claslli6cation of Prieonerll Admitted, according to Occupation.

                                             1 MOY.•Ave.1  1940  1  1941  1942  1943  1944
                       OCCUPATIONS            1935-39
          Agricuit.ure et pêehe.......  Agriculture and fil'h6l'ies...  512  479  539  580  876  630
          Industrie;        Indlllltry:
           Ounier<'Q.uali6ée, .... ,.  8killedJaboureI'5........  2,300  1,890  1,919  2,072  1,691  1,M8
           Journatillrs.............  Unskilled labOllren......  6,062  5,086  4,891  5,490  4,756  4,502
          Commerce  ,........  Commeree...............  80S  596  494  316  301  2,'}9
         TraIL~ports .. ,.".,......  Transportll.(.ion  ,..  365  441  345  294,  210  292
          DomootiQues.............  Servaot5.................  39S  368  634  32;';:  456  440
          Professions...............  Professions...............  67  49  48  47  111  35
          MlU"ins et soldat5..... , . ..  Spjlors and ~oldiertl.. ....  82  426  578  647  652  928
          Sans occupa/jon..... .. . ..  WiLhout oceupation.,.....  1,372  1,868  1,696  3.70S  1,800  1,528
                  TnT.'-L  ", ........• ,    1  U,!lGJ  U.203 1  10,874  13,479  10,853  10,289
                                                          1     1
          _ N"O'C\'ELLE CLASSIFICATION-NEW CLASSIFICATIO~_I~~I~~~             1949
          Agriculture, pêehe. chasse. abp,-  AiIrieulture,  6sberies, trapping.
           toage du bois..  .  .  lop:ging  '.          574   736  825    798   892
          M ines, ea.ITî~tes  .  MiniIlg, QualTyÏng....  103  456  432    163   383
          Manufactures  _,.     Manufa.ctures.......    399   616  303    364'  342
         Constt'Uctiou        .  Construc~i'J[l............... .  371  710  65fj  706'  975
         Transports ct connnunications  .  Transportation and Cummunica-
                                 tians.. .. . . .  . . .  392  422  4,'}7  no   628
          COlnllll?r<:'e    .   Trade.. .. .. .. ..     283   433  198    204   ::!52
          Profesr;ÜOUS libérales. . ..  ProfessionsJ.    29     9   19      6    20
          Sen·Îce:s    .        Seryioo9.               724   666  766    704   904
          Travnil de bureau  .  Clllricai. .....        287   4-10  320   381   539
          Manœuvre6 ...         Lllbourel's.....       2,984  4,809  3,073  4.102  5,622
          Forces armées   .     Anned Forces..          499   224   1)3    74    56
          Autres oocupaliou,8 (Il."  ..  Olher occupatitms 0). ..  249  247  292  232  197
          Sans oceupation  .    WithouLocCUpo.tion....  ~~1~~._2'059
                 TOT."L.•..••••••.  . . . . . . . . . .. . .  . . . . ..  8,272  l1,U2  9,678  10.922;  12,875
           (1) Comprend fillllonce ot lI.I!I5UranCel!. étudiants et ad-  (1) (ncludee Finanoo and Inllurance, 8tudents and
         ministration publiQ.ue.               Publie Administrll.t.ion,
   246   247   248   249   250   251   252   253   254   255   256