Page 235 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 235
ll-Convictlona 80mmBire8~ par province., en ]945, 1946 et 1947.
ll-Summary Convictions, by Provinces, in 1945, 1946 and 1941.
1945 '946 1947
FROVINCEB HommllJl Femmes Hommee Femmea Hommes Femm8!l
- - - - - -
Ma.Ie Female Male Female Mal. -----
He-rlu.P.•ft....P. E. I. ....... 1,312 82 2.501 1:24 2,763 43
N.•:tc'lgee. '" .N. Bootia..•.•. 1f,141 645 12,280 ." 11,636 '83
N .•Brun8w!ck••••••••. " ••• , • 9,394 424 13,410 515 13,617 480
QuébeG.•.••••••• , ••••••••••• 151,511 7,ü6ij 170,0:22 6,074 tH2,Q9j 6,738
Ontario ...•.• , .•.••.• _. , .••. }98,933 10,780 334,350 19,,s04 3811,753 2U,581
Mllnitoba .....•.•.•• , " .•... 21,609 t .211 34,326 1,688 45,455 1,715
8ft.lko.t.chewan. "" ........... 8,56g 427 l:i,3ti9 616 101,137 526
Alber~B. _...• ', •.•••• _•.•••• Hl ,822 154 15,380 909 17,539 1,057
Col.~Brit...•• ,B. C.•••• " ••• 20.080 1,\'107 20.604 2,509 42,649 2,936
Yukon &; Terr" ••• , ••••••.•• 321 27 445 31 004 "'
C.iJlAo.DAo. ••••••••• , •••• 432,5'5 23,123 62$,8&'1 33,BOS 717,950 34,S08
Les convictions consistent. surtout The Aet for SUIDmary Convieti(}DB deala
en infraotions aux laiE! provincisJea: et aux more pa.rtieularly with infractions of provincial
règlements municipaux. Ce /iont les eau~eB statutes and municipal by~la.wa. Casee. triAd
jugéos en Vf!rtu de la Loi des 03mictions som-
maires. under that act are caJled 81.llllllll1J')· convictions.
En HJ47, les convictiuIlB sommaires dans la In W47. 8UlJ1mary convictiollH in the Prov-
p:rovjn~fl de Québec comprennent 138,311 in- ince of Quebee include 138,311 breaches of
fractions aux r~glements de la circulation, varionB und tro...ff,c regulations, 1,802 ofie1lCes
1.802 infrootions aux lois du jeu. 11,&17 in- against Gambling Acte, Il,837 hreacbes of
fractions fi, divers règlement~ municipaux Et various municipal by-la~'s and Il,006 cnsefol of
11,006 cas d'ivresse, ('es diverses infractions drunkennl"ss. Tbesc various infractions 1'(1-
repré~f:'ntent 86:,~\ du total. present 86o/r: of the total.
12-Convietiona sommaires dans la province de Québec.
12-Surnmary Conviction. in the Province of Quebec.
Convlotiona- Convidl<;>nll BenteIlces
1 Emptillon~
ANNl1EB O:;lt.Îon n#lIl1&n. Bur4iIl,
- Homme! FeDlJllel 1 d'llmendll opLion eto.
YEARS Total - - - 1 1 -
Male }i'emale Option cf Co:mmit&ed DefW'red.
a.}o'ine witbout ~l;c.
Option 1
19tJ5-09 ..•... ... ... "' ... 1 14,022 12,273 1,741} 10.453 736 2,893
lIHO-14, •.. ' . ," .. , ... 23,759 21.124 2,634 HI,804 667 4,288
1915-10 .... ' "., .. ... 1 24,747 1 21,136 3,611 19,715 592 4,439
1920-24..... " ... ..... '" 33,WO 80,763 2,767 28,433 1 121 3,976
1920, •• ,.,., •••••••.•• , ••••• 25,3640 23,317 2,047 21.100 1,023 3,241
1926.......... ' ••• , ••••••••• 24.42~ 1 22,076 2,353 20,144 1,4J~2 2,7g2
1927, ••• ' .•••••• ' ••.••••.•• , 28,732 26,633 2.... 24,462 ..... 3,288
1928.••.•.•.•••••.••••...••. 211,302 26,902 2,400 U,6fi7 B,6117
1929.••••••••••••••••••••.•. lil,091} 47"'110 3,609 4.2,C17 1,089 7,311a
1930•••••••••••••••••••.•••• 60,OOS M,Di1 ',157 -i5••'12S 1,637 12,933
1931. , ••••••••••••••• , •••••. 00.381 181:t~ 4.,891 1 79,971 2,160 17,2Ml
1002........................ 112,132 0,217 89,779 1.9S1 20.372
193::1. '" ••••••••••••••••••••• 117,433 110.741 6.692 99,662 1._ lô,909
1004.•••.••••••••••••••••••• 116.313 109.M9 ,0;,644 1 100,888 1 12,833
1936•.••.••••••••.•••••••••• 118,499 112.347 1 6,152 101,636 2,322 14.54.1
1937...•••••• .....,.. ....... 111,2fi4 lOô,959 5,295 87,1IH 1,3iJ8 22.702
H136, '" ...•••••••••••••••••.
1938. "' ...... ............... 89,443 83,025 6,418 1 72,~76 1,511 1ti,ilr.<\
HI3~.,., ..... " .......... fll,fi07 86,894 4,713 74,050 1,888 1~,669
1940 .... , .•.• ' .............. 93,905 80,124 4);41 75.007 1 1.545 17.413
11:141. '." •••• .........•..... 152.330 145,423 6.907 129.488 1.474 21,368
J95,072 1B6.779 ,'l,S9;:j 172,30.1 1,09S 22,2i1
1942.• , ..... , ...... "'
1Ç143•••• , •.•.•..•••••.•..• 181,425 172,21<6 0,139 1.''i2.195 1,126 28.104
194"••••••.•••••••••••••••• : 146.593 141,294 5,299 124,640 1 1,731 20,222
1945 .................... , '" 1,~8,!j.RO 151,514 7,066 133,144 1,019 24,387
1046 ...•... ' ." , .• , •.• , ••.••• 176,996 170,022 13,'J7'1 151,ol8fi 1 1,36(; 1 2!.l44
11;147 ••••••••••• " •••••••.••. , _'~'~B,~8~"'__-='~8~2.~09~7:..... 8~.~788C'-:.....,__1~OO_,~O_'6~__~'~._11~9____,_.~.O~7<J-,-
ElCtr'&Îl; de SlalistifJl.'&.t tU la ui11mualill, Ottawa, Educt from Slalislu-I of Crimin.u.! ,me:! ~IM" Off_nus, Ott,awElo,