Page 238 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 238


         16--Jeunea garçons et fille8 condam.né. dans la province de Québec depuis 1930.
               16--Boya and girls convicted in the Province of Quebec .inee 1930.
                               Dêlits gravB8                Délits 8Jmples
                                  -                              -
           A~NÉEB             :hIo.jor Offenoes             Minor Offenoes
             -                                    1
                      Garçolls   Filles              Ga.rçons   Filles
            YEARS       -         -     1   Tota.l     -         -        Total
                       Boya       GirlB               Boy,      Girls
         1930 .•... ......  993   40       1,033       '34       li'       .,8
         1931.. ..... ... ..  1,178  82    1.260       ."        128       563
         1932., ........  1,207   86       1,293       535       145       680
         1933 •..•...... ..  1,321  105    1,426       556       188       844
         1934 ...••.......  1,366  ..      1,444       86~       221      1,089
         1935, •.••...•...  1,559  74      1,633       tlï4      177       851
         1936, ...•.......  1.278       ,  1.324       633       224       857
         1937 .•.•........  1,350  42      1.392       683       292
         1938 .••.•.......  1,319  38   1  1,357       661       297       '"
         1939••.... , .....  1,215  30     1,245       951       380      1,331
         1940 .. , .•....•..  1.412  .9    1,461     1,149       456      l,60S
         1941. ...........  1,572  65      1,637     1,819       511      2,330
         1042." ..•......  1,563  .,       1,617     1.960       467      2,421
         IfJ43 •. , .......•.  1,386       1,455     1,335       .00      1,741
         1'<144•.. , ..... ".  1,175  87   1,212       745       302      1,047
         1945....... , ....  1,205  34     1.239       780       368      1,148
         1946........ ....  1, 073  49     1,122       692       341      1,033
         1947.. ...... ...  907   44         951       6'8  i    243   1   891
               3-CRIMINALITt G~NtRALE                J-GENERAL CRIMINALITY
          Le tableBu 8uivant donne le nombre des  The following table gives the number of
         enfants et des adultes condamnés, ainai que le  children and of adults convicted and the total
         total des condamnations pour tous crimes et
        délire.                               convictions for BII o:IIencea,
           17-Nornbre total des condamnations au Canada, par provinces, 1946 et 1947.
          17-Total Nurnbe'r of Convictions in Canada, by Provinces, in 1946 and 1947.
                                         Ad ultell- AdultB  En{aIlh  Children
                                      Crime!! et
                  PROVINCES             délita  Convictions  Délits  Délih  Total
                                       grave!!  lommaires  graVe!!  !!Unples
                                         -       -        -        -
                                      Indictable  Summary  Major  Minor
                                       Offennee  COUviCtiODB  Offences  OfJ"ncu
         Ile-du-P.~:E:douard.....Prince Edward hland.  320  2.715  .ï4  1   3,090
         Nouvelle·Ecos!le .....• Nova Scotia ... , , .• "  2,261  12.915  293  91  15.560
         Nouveau_Brunswick:... New Brunlwick ...• , .  1.492  13,925  :257  125  13,199
         Québec ..•. ,., ,." •• "., .•.• ,. , •••.• , •• ,.  8,578  176,996  1,122  1,033  187,729
         OntaJ'io............•..•. , .•......•..•....  21,310  354,164  1,993  1, III  378,637
        Manitoba..•..• , ..•....•...•.•...• , •••.••  2,834  36,014  238  60  39.146
        SaskatcbewllJ:l ............................  2.503  13.!:/85  182  13  16,683
        Alberta. , ... , ..........•............•....  3,526  16.289  327  78  20.220
        Colombie-Britlllmiqu6 .Britillh Columbia.....  3.916  32,203  483  395  36.997
        Yukon et Territoiree... Yukon and Territoriea..  130  476  " ......  ....  606
            CA.NA.nA. ........•..••••.•.•.....•..  41>,939  1>59,1>72  4,949  2,907  714,41>7
        Ile-du-P.-Édouard..... Prince Edward hlll.nd.  177  2.806  29  1    3,013
        N ouvelle-Ecoese.. , .... N OVll BcotJa..........  1.843  12.019  316  1  9.  14,214
        Nouveau-Brunswick... New Brun3wick .......  1".168  14.097  248  86  15,899
        8~:~~·.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  20,118  401,334  1,861  891  430,342
        Manitoba....•......... , ... ..... ..... ....  2,S08  47,170  357  67  50,402
        BllSkatchewan..••..... ... .. .... ..... .....  2,112  15,263  197  15  11,641
        Alberta................ , ............. ...  3,850  18.696  225  52  22,823
        Colombie-BritannJque.British ColumbiE"" ....  4,125  45,585  '82  685  50,811
        Yukon et Territoires ...Yukon and TenitorieB.  15.  653  17 .... .. ......  820
            CAN.Io.DA.•••••••••••• ........  ...  44,05&  752,458  4,683  2,8&2  804,059
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