Page 427 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 427

402                              },fINES

             21-Production de minerai de fer titanifère au Canada (1). 1923-47.
                  21-Production of Titanium. Ore in Canada (1), 1923-47.

           Années   Tonne~ eourte:o  Valeur    Anaées   TonDes (lout'tes  Valeur
             -          -            -           -          -             -
        ----          Short tons    Value       y""",     Sbort mus  1  Value
                        No.           S                     No.           S
         1923 (2) .•..•.•.  .9        18.     1936 . .......  2,566     18,318
         1924...........  1,408      3,711    1937. .... ...  4,229     26, .J32
         192.; .... .. .....  3,918  11,934   1938 . ... . " .  207      1,449
         1926.... .. ...  200         600     1939. .. .. ...  3,694    21,261
         1927. ,  .....  2,029       8,980    1<"0  ..      4.535       24,510
         HI2S... .... ..  2,244      6,732    1041. .... ...  12,051    49,110
         1929.... .. ". ...  2,148   1.359    1942 ... .....  10,031    50,90G
         1930.... ......  412        1,239    1943 ...... .  69,431    308,290
         1931 .......   1,509       10.261    1944 .• " ....  33,913   165,195
         1932..... ...  ..... ........ .... ......... ... ..... .  1945 ..••....  14,141  61,515
         1933........... ....  ..... .... ...  .....  1946........  1,4013  7,135
         1934.. , ........  ."2;(,23'  14,i61  1947... .....  7,104     36,036
         1935_ .........  2,288     10,400
          (1) La. production ,"ient entièrement de La. provinoo  (0 The production comee u ...lusively from the Prov-
         de Québec.                           in(\e of Quebec.
          (2) La. l~gère production a.ntérieure à 1923 ellt com-  (2) The slight production prior to 1D23 i.!l induded
         prisc do.n.!! le lllÏllerai de fer.  in iron ore.
         22-Irnportations canadienne8 d'oxyde d'antimoine, d'oxyde de titane et de
                                 pigments blancs, 1937-47.
        22-1mport8 into Canada of Antimony Oxide, Titanium Oxide and White Pigment8,
            Années       Du Royaume-Uni      Des Etfl.ts-Unis  1
              -               -                  -                   TOl'AL
            Years     From the United Ki.ngdom  From tbe United Btfl.tes
                        lb.        S        lb.        S         lb.       S
         1931.... , .' .....  2,220,330  262,600  3,410,121  264,08.)  5,630,451  4,710,481
         1938..... .......  1.599,659  199,814  4,110,072  312,384  526,145  512,219
         1939.. .......  1,689,329  227,805  1,302,923  514,193  9,003,693  803,198
         IIHO... .......  417,912  65,741  8,292,103  111,210  8,700,01.5  182,951
         1941. . .... ......  418,962  64,302  12,801,011  1,251,065  13,219,919  1,321,367
         1942.. ......  115,360   27,691  14,527,348  1,39.';,345  14,642,708  1,423,042
         1943.. .... .....  33,700  8,094  l6,8SS,800  1,525,368  10,889,500  1,533,462
         1944., ... .... ... .....  ....  20,114,795  1.811,434  20,114,795  1,871,434
         1945.. , .. .....  '19:4.40'  Ï6:752 .  21,219,636  2,029.131  21,359,016  2,045,889
         IIH6..... .....  10,BOO 1  11 ,618  23,854,188  2,182,001  23,930,988  2,193,685
         1941... ...... ..  11,920  4,862  27,312,491  2,960,954  21,294,511  2,965,826
           23-Con8~mmation d'oxyde de titane au Canada, par industrie8, 1944-46.
             23-Con8umption of Titaniuzn Oxide in Canada, by Indu8tries, 1944-46.
                                          1944           1945           1O~
                                                   -              1 ---------
                                             Va1ellt à      Vfl.leur à     Va.leur il.
              INDUSTRIE-INDI:8TRY     Quaotit.ê  l'usine  Quantité  l'usine  QUfl.utité  l'usine
                                       -       -      -      -       -      -
                                     Quaptity  Cost Ilot  QUll.Iltity  Coot o.t  QUllontity  Coot Ilot
                                              worles        works          works
                                       lb.     •      lb .    S      lb.     S
         Peinture"......... ,  PaÏllts ...... _.......  11,717,285 1,994,813 18,426,509 2,093,548 19,117,329 2,073,036
         Polis et ,"'ernis......  Poli~bes a,nd d.rel3sings  240,890  35,386  242,834  33,185  2-80,450  35,858
         Pulpe et pfl.pier ...  Pulp fl.od pa,per.  672,000  126,966  710,000  141,028  728,000  120,842
         LinolE'UIn ... ......
                       Inkil........ , .. .. ....
         Encree ..... .... ...  Linoleum.... .. ......  456,735  Pao  di~pollible dÎl,ponible  di~p~ible  1  dÎl,p~ible
                                        39,600 disponible
         Tfl.piBl;erie.........  Wallpu,per .... .....  86,000  -  -  -
         Articles de  cs.out-  Rubber goods. .......  90,0001  Not  Not
          choue.... ... ....
         Dh'ers..... .....  MiBCellaneoull.  125,00°1 o.vailable  1 ava.Hable  a"'ll.i1fl.ble  available  aVfl.ilable
                TOTAL. .... ....... .." ........ 19,417,516 , ... .. ...  19,459,341 ..., ....  2O,725,m  2,2S0.716
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