Page 382 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 382

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                       100,527,569  4,
                1946     2,412,660  :JB, 041, 682  43,282,025  11,324,1.':i3  38, :1::19,379  11,476,155  L'l7 ,96lJ  32,577,,';7fl  1:1,991,014  .'i,896,797  9.5,"17,890  Il,0&';,418  1. ':i2fJ ,382  712,758  4,233.417  •  20,861,537  493.797  6,018,596  9,721, 730  2,58:3,226  Il,26:::,016  2,767,ü41  404,182  g7fJ,30n  7, 579. 72fi  3,fl09,04.

                       114 ,1~,4,5:2             •
                1945     2,.'iI9,556  26,060,663  5O,327,:J13  9,0"':3,219  5.3,010.643  11,124,13~  4,562,llfl{)  14,019,08f1  14 ,8RO,37<:1  6,850,893  11,265,034  12,909,.'jl1  6.681,015  743,670  4,746,42':;  22,378,7H4  441,170  5,223.755  10,22J,926  1,915,031  13,429,932  2,fl1O,297  206,~OO  1,092,107  J,ii93,SI7  3,362,665  1,OO'L355  1,

                1944     2,225,772  21,474,52fi  58,983,601  13,408,423  80,808,089  7,501,374  7,401,966  10,184,249  12,756,915  12,594,277  11,346,674  12,864,837  5,571,898  548,169  8,531,220  •  18,997,763  354,245  :3,950,643  Il,li93,400  2,729,068  20,269,922  1,753,437  795,715  1,421,247  3,023,5""  2,909,945  1,H6,062  1,6.'l4,577  1,

                1                        1  1    1  l     1:.9,448           producLs".
         Québec.  Quebec.  1943  74,616,501  1,999,:247  20,813,847  39,H9.019  10,010,036  6<!,6!j5,fl52  7,06,';,232  1,368,273  8,5fJl,165  la,2f1B,111  \l,900,985  8,!l75.5:.:l6  10,355,873  1,fJ97,351  547,779  3,139,100  13,8~4,858  352.37S  4,217,875  i,709,IH6  2,082,666  15,315~~1  1,681,78.1  f1Hl,425  2,126,595  2,.'l40,5.'i4  1,518,38

         de  of  1942   74,200,154  1,03,''>,27,';  2:3,031,713  39,901/1.';1  4.123,501  5.'i,610,865  8,735,605  R,.':>I)4,.'iflH  9,207,245  13,500,558  1 12.031,300  7,,';34,!l{J~1  9,046,766  5,035,873  565,795  5,5'12,072  1  I2,I~fI,fl771  177,121  4,0.%,6.'iS  7,6H,478  691,1562  13,133,795  1,199,:~82  131,51 J  1,4.20,680  2,260;1,211
         province  Province  1                   1                         t,hree  inc1uded  IloYerage.

         la  the  1941  POI]~DlJ)  82,683,502  828,026  22526547  53;'1Ù16  4,647,680  61,285,445  7,678,725  6,fH6,338  8,l.'H,983  11,313,3<:16  10,767,741  3,142,484  9,120,305  64S,279  531,512  4,124,833  10,6$76,545  106,634  3,106,033  8,070,933  587,564  12,965.629  1,365,767  63,fl19  1,070,041  1,\)66,507  2,055,354  1.1l8,807  425,622
         de  in     (IN                                                    Lesa  (1)  (2)  (3)
         salaisons  Houses  1940  1  7fi,22."i,739  783,933  20,0'.'3,503  54,401,543  3,430,280  67,685,436  7,139,255  6A89,552  6,68,0;,361  9,735,67,';  9,976,115  (1)  8,203,840  1,099,500  1 4.'i7,617  3,339,389  •  8,572,607  80,113  2,333,009  7,126,fl89  378,595  12,450,758  1,128,948  43,909  95.'i,487  1,342,91){;  1,540,003  829,237

         et  Packing  LIvnJl~)--QUANTI1'Y    VALEUR-VALUE
         abattoin  and  Moy.-Av,/  1935-3n  (lillf  üU,9ü3,922  804,334  17,7ü6,6(i8  38,775.lJ31  3.624,155  :17,449,746  7,011,6.10  3,730,852  1;,352,635  8.342,7tH  6,Ofl7,fl77  14,2&0.806  6.347.171  .1,150.100  174,746  2,191,756  •  fj,38~,571  80,621  1.757.:!1.'g  5.0\13.505  447, !l38  7.11ii.372  983, .512  2':1,939  512,803  1,173,016

         du  Abattoirs  1  QUANTIT~                               ...
         53-Production  of 53-Output  .  ,  . .  ,.,  . . , , ..  ,  . ...•. . .  mcat!l  .  and  .•...  "  .  .'  "  , , .. '  .  "  .  oils  other  ..  o{j (nwnber  .. ~~.... :::::::: ::::::  •..  , ..... .  ......  , ..... ' slilted .... ' bacon, Iliclell .•. "  ......  laIDb .....••......  , ••... n.o.p..... ,  , .  ••  " D.O.p ...  Inellte.•

                PRon:urrs- pnonUCT8  fresh  Beer,  ~ured  Beef,  .•  , •.. Veal  freeh .Pork,  Park, flanca.Ha.ID!!, shouldcNl, bacon, sidell.  lamb.  and Mutton meate, cookfd cured and  Canncd  fresh 8aua8.gCll,  Lard  , Shortening.. " .1'aJ1ow ......•.. , , huiles. OIM, stearine,  skins  and Poultry ..• , •...........••.  :~:: ........


                       ,   '   "  ,.  "  conserve.  fumée6  "  '  , .. , ct de) ........•• Bides lI,utres  ,  "  agneau ......... '  n.ll.é, n.a..é...... cOMerve..Canned  autrea  , ...... ,  .,  .,  TOT...r,m--TOTAL  trois  danB  iDl>hure  quaire
                         "  , .. ' bacon,  flgnMU.,  eD  ct.  ct  "  en  et  et  produiu ....  de
                         IDariné....• Vcall.................•• , ,.,  , ., Jambons, épaulelt,  e~  n.~.é  cuit.e",  fralrhes "  \lulill~Îres  lltéarine  (nombre Volailles......••••.. , ,  R~j~~~i;;é.::::::::::::::  Veau............ fr~ill............ Porc !laIé, .......•.• ' Ja.robOb~,épaules, bacon,  e'  Il,lite~ et  Sa.ucisses tr!L1ches  stéari
                       Bœuf fr~is  Dœuf  frail!.  Poro  ~!Ll"'.,  Porc  Mouton  SMaillon  Villodes  8aucisI'.el'.  Saindoux.,  GraÎslltll  Suif,  OMo,  Peaux  Porc  Mouton fratches,  Viandell  Slllai6C1n,  Viandcs  OMo,  Tr)\lll  (1)  (2)  (3)
   377   378   379   380   381   382   383   384   385   386   387