Page 379 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 379

ABATTOIRS-SL.4['GHTERING                       355

                 V-ABATTOIRS ET                       D-ABATTOIRS AND
                     SALAISONS                        PACKING HOUSES
          Les chiffres ci-dessous provililllœllt des rap-  The figures given bPlow are taken from the
        ports industriels et indiquent le volume de  industl'ial reports, und show the amoum of
        l'abatage dans les aba.ttoirs et Ea.JnisoD.'l. non  slallght.€riI:g in packing hou!;.€S and abattoirs
        compris les petits bouchel'l'.  En 1946, ces  not inc1ucling SlJlll,ll hntchers.  In 1946, these
        établissenients étaient répartis comme suit:  establishments wero distribut€d as follows:
        Prol,;nces :maritimes, 7; Québec, 33; Ontario,  ~iaritime Provinces, 7; Québec, 33; Ontario,
        63; Manitoba, 12; Saskatchewan, 8; Alberta,  (i3; J..lanît.()ba, 12; Saskatchewan. 8; Alberta,
        11; C.j)lombie-Britannique, JO; le total pour  Il; British Columbia. 10; the total for Canada
        le Canada étant de 144.               being 144.

            51-Animaux abattus dans les abattoirs et salaisons, par provinces, 1946
                               et province de Québec, 1938-46.
            51-Animais Slaughtered in Abattoin and Packing Houees, by Provinces,
                           1946 and Province of Quebec, 1938-46.

                              BéUls li. l'.(lrne~  et sgnea.u.ll:  Porcs  Veau:l:
               PROVINCES         -          -          -         -
                                 Cattle  Sh.eep and hmb  HOgB   CaJves
                          POIDS NET (E" LIVEE3)-NET WEIGHT (IN PC'[;NDS)
        Prov.lI'hritimes .. )''1ar.Provinces. 1  4.::H4,\:I\:I3  858,os71  0.922,720  1,W8.'ïPÇI  1.'1.704,578
        Québec....... ..•.      ÙfL440,:i32  10,73:2,072  lO9,31ô,~4  31,252,485  247.751,273
        Ontario                 219,123.573  16,49fi,135  248,9·12,429  20,{i30,5G6  505,192,703
        Ma.llitobll     ' .•.. ,..  2'27, H:8,731  12.200,197  104,017,405  22,S37,528  365,923,861
        Sll.~ht"hewll.n .•....•.....•.. '  86,372.594  3,216,SS2  65,078,73·)  4,877,236  159,545,247
        AC~bl'..etB~,'t·.·.· . , '. '. '. '. B". ·c·;,'u'm'b',"~."..'  15::J,OHl, 544  5,810.702  149,218,63"  11 ,459,0.';6  319, 50S, 000
         "  ,          v...     62,770,n1Ç1  5,429,1.,)2  25,255,G3;;  6,404,767  100,860,176
                        ........ --"-"-21·-.-...-.-1·--5-.-.7-42~"-5-71 709,75~958 --~8.780.437 1.712,485J8:J~-
              C.l"'f),l, ..••..
                           PROVIKCE DE QrÉIŒC-PROVINCE OF QrEBEC
         1938  " , .            5l!,140,282  05,531,.'>58  80, ID7,6&4   162, "'fi9, 1321
        1939  ,  .              61,ô4S,952  .5,365,441  104,379,644  17,6'>9, 628 1  190,520,553
         1940  .                61, 788, 897  5,279,139  137,769,157  22,514,588  227,351, 781 1
         {941 .. ,  , ....      71 903,857  6,557,'330  137,651,048  24,514,611  240,692,446
         1\l42.                 62,027,482  6,443,466  112,922,931  24,171,896  205,565,775 ;
         1943., .......•...     tH,5!j3,731  6.909,193  133,54(},137  22,527,701  227.m9,762 .
         1944 .... ,.,          93, 9i8, 025  7.405,306  187,548,318  2·i, 939, 9iO  313.872,2i9!
         1945.." ..             100,807,690  10,713,7.'18  124,714,002  31,105,642  273,341,092
         1946. ,                9G,440,3a2  10.732,072  109,316,384  31,262,oJ85  247,751,273 :
                                   •         •         •          •
        Provo Maritimes .. Mar. Province;;  718,324  204,480  1,300,13:27  241,794  2,5~5,225 .
        Québec     "          .  19,593,721  2,661,923  22,143,860  5,997,409  50,396,973
         Ontario."       "   .   48.435.447  4,407,130  49.365,4(\4  4,510,802  106,718,783
        MlI.nit.oOO.. ..  . . , .  44.912,276  2,766,556  18,421,.'509  4,495,6.'j4  70,595,99.'; ,
        8IJ.qkll.t."howan. .•...•.  . ...•...  16,945.410  715,332  Il. 289 ,548  &~3,337  29,783,627J
                                :l~}, 272,523  1,348, B52  26.836,723  2,033,470  !'iÇl,491 ,508 i
        è~~.~~it·.:::.::::B. Colu'mhia .  13,367,96S  1,396,097  5,122,005  1,~07,914  21, 0:)4, 58H
                         .•• ,.,. '1  173.245. 669  13,500,970           :J40,G3&,755
              CANADA."  .• ."           1         1
                           PROVINCE DE QUI!:BEG-PROVINCE OF QUEBEC
                                   3         S         •         •         •
         1938....... .... " .... .. ......  5,201,809  8GB,618  10,259,714  1  1,683,099  18,013;240
         2939, ......  . ... ..... ......  6,033,307  880,906  13,122,872  1.B18;'130  22,855,515
         2940.. ". " ..... ... " ..  ..' .  6.505,421  866,922  16,322,470  l,305,Ù62  25,000,175
         1941. .. ,,.. ....... " ....  ....  8,686,008  1,288,173  18,526,598  3,055,384  31,550,223
         1912....... " .... .... . ....  20,27-1,035  1,414,638  17. 635,n.'>9  ·1,053,261  33, '},77, b93
         2943" ,. ... " ..... ..... .. ' .....  Il,774,530  1,576,812  22,522,144  4,295,291  40,1M,707
         1944 ..... ,. ...... , ...... .... ..  10.451.967  1,567,967  32,621,443  3,801,739  53,443,116
         Z945••••• " ..•. , .. ......  20.053,713  2,4S8,464  22,420,547  5,,,20,22.1  50,288,847
         1945..•.... " .... ... ..... .... ...  HI,Ml3,721  2,m'il,923  22,143,800  5,997,469  50,396,973
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