Page 294 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 294


        13-Bilan (Section générale) des corporation. municipales de la Province, 1945.(1)
        13-Balance Sheet (General Section) of Municipal Corporations of the Province,
                                        1945. (1)

                     ACTIF--PASSIF             rura.lcs  Cit~B   Yill~s
                   AS8ETS-LIABILITIE8           HurRl    Citi~   Town..
                                             1 municipalities
               Ad1/               ASSe/8         •        •        •       ,
        Ca.îliS~   .. ..... ....  C~h..  ......  "'·'0"  2,118.747  9.847.094  1,047,755  1.~.013,M6
        Placemeuts:........ ... ....  Inv~f'.1.ment8...............  670,905  18,827,636  763,274  20,21)1,81.3
        Comptes à reeeY,lir..........  Snniiry Accounts  396.032  16.062,:297  312,583  16,710,912
        Dl'! par d'autretl mUllicipalités  Due from othu Municipai-
                             Hies., ...........  ... ..   51,43:1  31,231   82,664
        Db par la Prodnce. .........  Due from Province... ......  169;24.'1  3,008,980  127,5HI  3,305.747
        Dl1 par le Fédfral. ..........  Due from Dominion .. ....  600  7.747  8,347
        Taxes il. reee\·oir. .. . . . . .. ..  Tll.:O;:f)s Recl'Jvahle..........  1,791,531  11,743,783  1,132,120  14 ..fi67,434
        Propriétét> acquises pour taxes  Property Acquired for Tues  101,295  12,066,353  668,839  12,836,487
        DCL par Commi~sjonsScolaires  Dltefrom 8chools.......... ....  354,171  49,032  403,203
        DCI par autres fonds .......•.  Due from Other Funds....  '346:i4i  4,912.597  448.725  5.707.463
        Au t re actif.................  Othf'r Assets. .... ........  392.911  1.417,400  498,690  2,309,004
        DMidt. ... .................  Deficit.. ...  ... .. ...  2,060,116  5n.379  15.423,464-  18,055.959
               TOTAL....... ....... .. ..., .. .... ... " .....  8,04&.929  78,865.723  20,510,979  107,42J.,6:J1
               Pa3rif            Liabl:1ili(~
        Emprunts temporaires et dé-  Temporary LORns and Rank
         COU\'erts en banque. .....  Overdndts..............  2,079,693  1,791,215  459,()R5  4.3:10,893
        Comptes il. payer...........  Sunrlry Accountf', Pa~'able ..  4Ba.687  1..'150,070  506,RIlO  2.820,637
        Dll à d'autres muniC'î.palités  Dlle to OLher MUnicipalitie~  21.386  1,200,OIl  68,6H  1.:150,0'14
        Dl1 à la Provinee... ....  Due to Province.........•.  1,700.797  88!'l ..n9  407,169  2,996.485
        DO. ou FédéroL. ......... ...  Due to Dominion..... .. .... ...  59,326  92"  60,254
        Obligations ~cliucs..... .....  Dl'h"nture Principal DIl~: ..  61.M5  1,865,261  151,771')  2,078,602
        Coupone dus ....... ... ...  Dl.'bf>nture Int.erest COUP0lli!
                             DuE:....................  54,031  153.94.':  79,5!'i3  287,532
        Dl1 A COrJ"lmifl~ions Seolair(~f1 •  Due 10 8chools ...... ..... ....  2.31\2.777  107,392  2,470,16g
        Dû A d'autt'es fonds .... .....  Due to Other Funds. ......  . 282:ii.2  2,450,222  ~58,S91  2,9<11.225
        Autre pll.~~if......  Other Jjnbilit.ies.  172,416  10,662,65.'3  11 459.53D  22,29'1,608
        RéserYE: POUl': A reeeyoir non  Reael"I'(' for:
         Comptes             UJleolIC{";tihl~  Accounts  4.5, ~sO  4,784,046  43,4,'1..:'  4,873,3.54
           percevables .......... ·.  Receivahle.  . ...  99, BI  6,680,6]6  183,415  6,063,760
         T9.xes non percevable~ .'  'Cncolledibl", T~.~es.
         Propriétés  acqlli~f:",B pOlir  Prnpert~"  Acquired  . 'f~~
           taxes......... . .. ' ....  Taxes...... ......  22,378  11,945.127  573,175  12.540,a~O
        AUlre~ réserves...  Other ReY.'rYE'I3.   '160,299  20. 6:l3, 262  253,329  2J .34ô,890
        S!1~plul;...... ...  ....  ~urplu~.  .... .... ...  2,582,981  11,478.670  5,956.841  20,018,492
               To·u.L. .... ,... ... ......  .. ...  8,046,929  7a.BliS,723  20,510,919  107.423,631
               Actif              A8BelB                  •        •       S
        Ca'ÏJ>lle....... .......  CB.8h. .. ....... .... ... ...  . .. ..  • ....  000,136  18'<1.03"-  789,174
        PLo.celn"_llt~........... ..  InVf'HJllf'nt.~ ...............  .. ....  1  7,000  2,000  0,000
        Comptes il. rf'cevoir.•.. .... ·.  Sundry Acoounts Reccivable .......  480,272  60.105  540,377
        DCI PlU la Pro\'ince....  Due from ProviUCll.•....... ...
        Actif immobiLis~.... ..  General Fixed A,.8et>l (Gross)  33;350,295  '23i:~27:282 · '31:3~3:469 '302:37i:045
        DO pat' d'autres fonds. ......  Due from Otber Funds .. ...  5.700,269  90,481.698  12.234,625 108,416,592' aetif.................  Other A~sets..............  499.906  3,335,64S  .682,243  4.517,797
        Dêficit~ et df>pelllies extraonii-  Deficit and Extraordinar:Y
         naires capitali~é~.  .....  Expenses Cousolidated.  43,979.902  2.8M.089  46.843.991
        Dt,ficits. ......... ...... · .  Defioits... ..... ........  . .. "û7::iià  3.319,430  1,758,675  5,425.315
               TOLU... .. ....    .. ... .... .... ...  39.191.680  373.831,368  55,184,244; 4&8,313,292
               Passif            -Uabilitie8
        Emprunt5 t~nlporairefl et d~-  TemlXlrar:Y Looflll and Over-
         eouvert;> en banque .•...  dmft.s .................. ..........  1,IlS,53.'i  516,420  1,631,955
        Comptes A payer............  SUDdry Aeoounts PR}'able .. :: .... ......  754,959  18,008  772,967
        Da à d'aut.res municipalités .  Due to Other MunioipaUties .. .........  ." ... .... .. ....  .. ." ..  ...
        DO. A III Province. .........  Due to Provinoe...•. .... ...........  ·... . " .. ... ....
        DO au FédéraL ... ..... .....  Due to Dominion. ... ... ...  " .. 255;000  '.255:000
        Obligatioflll.........•.......  Debenture Debt. , .......  ·i6;396;,s.55 299,005,023  · '25:995:SÛ 335. :19'7,399
        Autres dettell A long terme ..  Otbf'r Long-Term Debt •...  471,484  11,123,730  9.411,R53  21,613,007
        Dtl A d'autree fonds....•....  Due 10 Other Funds.....•.  3,791,227  275,432  4.263.437
        Autre passif.............. ..  Otber Liabilities..... , .....  .....~~~:::81  285,506  61,094  346,600
        ~=~fs~~~e~~~~~~~~~~~...  Reserve for Depreciation ...  2.132.553  38,878,816  9,5.')6,092  50, 5ô7. i61
                           Otber Reo;ervea............
        Cll.pit.e.l immobilisé.. .. .....  Investment. in Capital Asse·ta  26.641,879  14,849,804  7,629,23.5  49,120.918
               TOTAL.  ... .. ... ... .. ....  .. ... ' .. ' .. ...  39,897,G80  373,831,168  55,184,244  468,913,292
         (1) Chifl'rea preliminairœ.          (l) Prelirninary figut'es:.
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