Page 293 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 293

                       3-BILAN                           3-BALANC.E SHEET
          12-Bilan (Section générale) des corporations municipales de la Province, 1944.
          12-Balance Sheet (General Section) of Municipal Corporations of the Province,
                      ACTIF-PASSIF               rm'ales   Cités   Vill('3
                    ASSETS-LIABILITIES           Ra"l     Cities  Town~
         -~-r.-";-:-;"-;-~-i-~-.·~-.-~I.-':~-.-.-.-----·-f-."U·--:-~d~~~~lA~~:~;::~:: :rr:~~~i~:.h:I~I·..~:~~~:~~~j li ~gUiil il~','U~  12,324,985
         Comptesl recevoir   "' ..  _'  vVJ       707,8114) 18,435,192,   19,535,151
         De. par d'antres mUn;dpalités  Due from nt.bel' Municipsl-  1  1
                              Hiss.......             '.    46,651'  24,.594  71,275
         DO. par ID Province.. .  Due fl'om PI'oyinee....  . .  l ,~71.094  16,57\1  l, 6S7. 673
         DO. par le Fédé:raL ..  Duo fmm Dominion.          9.';.849  6.468'  102,315
         'TlIxf'$à:reccvoi:r  Taxe~ Receh~ble   'i,8û:9eii  13,317,353  1,255,237116,410,5.51
         PMpriété~ af'qui~espour taxes  Property Acqnî"erl for Tues.  14, J7O.165  621,573  14,791,7<18
         Dô par Commissions Scolaires  Due fram Schools. . . . . . . . . .  . .i3: 702  446,770  49,474  509,946
         DO. pB.r liutres fonds...... .  Due !rom Otber Funds.. .  . . . . . . . . . . . .  4,327,102  4Z8,8911  4,755,993
         Autre actif         OtherAssetl:!..   1) 1,430,()4;J  1,702,9~3  29~?0~1  3,424,959
         Déficît  , .....••.....  De6cit.             ..   370,8.::13  IO,8U,003  11,188,906
                TOTAL.                           6,280,405  77,293,029  15,~77,536  99,050,914
                Pa~~iJ            1.iabilifi~8
         Emprunts temporaires et dé-  Temporary LcaDlI nnd Bank
          couverts en bfmque .......  Overdrafts..............  2.033,092  1,28('\,660  25Z.9g0  3,573,642
         Compte~ il. payer.......... , .  Snndry "'~e'~')llnts Payable ..  2,224,893  3,870,.531  387.796  6,483,220
         Dù li d'autres municipo.lités  Due to Other .\Iunki~lities  1,118.683  80,000  1,198,683
         DI'1 il. la. Provinee.  Due to Provinco..         904,619  45R,457  1,363,076
         Dfi au Férléral.    DlHl to Dominion........      38,314     488    iJ8,B02
         Obligations l>cblJes..  Debentul'p Prindpal Due ...  ..9i:766  1, 742,963  91,451  1,(J27,180
         Coupons dus ....   Debenture Interest Coupons
                              Due...... '.,       120,863  18.453   82,789  222,105
         Di" à CommisFioDa Scola.ires.  Duc to 8chool~.......  17,064  1,26'>.376  111,528  1,393,968
         Dfi~ d'o.utresionds .•.•.  Due to Of her .Funds.  2,600,.585  333,450  2,994,035 pll.ssif.......  Othe" Liabilities.  .256:602  10,193,097  11,165,53.')  21,615,234
         Rbserv(> pour:      Reserve for:
          Comptes à  r€l':e\'oir  non  UncoUpl'lihte  Accountll
            perce\'ables ............  Re<Jeivahlf'............  197,797  4,WH,300  62,137  ,').251.234
          TII.XeB Don perceva.ble8 ....  Un~oUe('tibleTal:e.:l ......  6.386,772  170."O[  6,,~57,202
          Propril'!téll  acquisell  pour  Prop~rty  Acquired  for.  13,733.022  320.752  14,053,763
            fuxes ...............  Taxes .....
         Autrp.s résen"e,s.........  Other Resclves.  502.467  21,510,670  322,715  22,335,852
         Surplus..          Surplus ..      ::: 2)  833,965  7,571,99';  1,637,019  10,042,978
                TOT"-.L....                      6,280,409  77,293,029  15,477,516  1  99,OSO,974
                Actif              AS8et8         $                         $
         Caislll'......  .  .  Ca~h........              J,(jSS.446  01i,041  1,778,487
         Placements   .     Investments.                 2,lSg.5691  258,873  2,448.442
         CD1l1pte~ iL recevoü  .  Sundry A('('(lunts Rec..nable  714.421  78,294  792,715-
         Dfi par la. Pro:wince.
         Actü immobilisé... ,  .  g~,~c~~ï'Fï~~;jVl~~:t's (GToss)IS) 31,129, 373 '2i~:636: 583 " 36: 004: ià7 280; 770;iia
         Dû par d';l:utre9 fOTld~  .  Due lrom Oeber Funds  1  260316 100,927,9[8  13,323,458 120,51I,692
         Auth! ach±  ,  ,  .  Other Asséts          .     910,460  9.~,530  1,80-t,99Û'
         DéfiPÎta et d,s.penslls cxtrnordi·  DefiCit and Extraoldmary
          naires C8.pitaUsê~..  Expenses ConsubJnted   _ 35, 128,768  1  3, 373, 306  58,502,074
               TnTAL.                         1  31,389.689 1 381,191,1.6554,087,659  466,668,5U
                                  Liab;liti~s  I--~--'----------------
                l'asû/                                         1
         Emprunta tempm'aire" et dt'~  Tempornry I,oans and O~'er-  1
          couverts on banque.  draîts.................    140,049   11.000  1.';1,049
         Cnmptes il. payer  , ..  SunrIr~' Acc-Qllnts Payable. .  1,293,827  24,467  1,<l18.2M
         Dl'! li d'ant,res mlUlieipalités .  Dlie to Other J.luDicipa!iti"'s  10, ;:1'11  10,281
         Dfi li 111, Provinre  .  Du{' to Prov[nce...               5,91.9   5,919
         DO. au Fédérul.    Du", to Dominion.          . ....25,<600 ... .. .......  255,000
        Ublig~tions      .  D",benture Debt... . . . . . . .  .iO:664:929 306,299,059.5) 24, &67 .31~~ 341,8<11,307
        Autr~s dette~ à long termc  Orller Lon~-Term Debt .  622,42,~  12,596.925  10,736,622  23,9.')5,971
         Df'I à d'autre:" fonds ..  Dneto Other Funds....  3,~41,76S  201i,û53  3,550,721
        Autre pa.,.sii..  .  Other Liabilitîcll  ,  ,........  799,837  49,469;  849,306
         fl,êseryc pour déprécio.tlon  R,'sen'" for Depreciation...  2,134,870  28,040,270  7,811,7421  .'17,986,881
        Autres n"j;erVIlS   OtherR.esenoeil_  1  260,3161  6.932,2:-\3  7M,7UO  7,919,249
         Cl'.pital immohili"é. "  In\'estmenLin Capit.nIAsllets,  17,707,1501  21,492.197  9,tiD5,188  48,604,535
               T01'A"L.     ..........................13ï:m~)38i,i91;mi54,Oi7,rn-466,668,Sii
          (1) Y compri;; ies placements.       (I) Incl1Klillll: Investments,
          (2) Surplu~ net.                     (2) Net surplus.
          (3) A l'exclusion des ser"'ices d'utilité publique appar-  (~) Excluding pnbIc utility services belonging t.o tbe
        tenant il. la municipalité.           :.\1ll1licipality
          (4) Compréwl lcs répartitions ditIéréCB.  (4) In~ludîng deferrod assessments.
          (5) A J'exclmion des oblig,ations fina.ncées pa:r ta Com-  (5) Exclusive of bonds finlUleed by the 2\-[etropolitan
        mission ::\IétropoIitaine.            Commis:;lion.
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