Page 292 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 292

         li-Etat des revenus et dépenses (1) (Section générale) des corporations munici-
                                 pales de la Province, 1945.
         ]]-Statement oE Revenue and Expenditures (1) (General Section) or Munrcipal
                           Corporationa of the Province, 1945.

                   .REVEN"c~-DIr:PENSES         rurales   Cil!'."  Vill~s
                          -                               -    1   --      Tata!
                 REVENUE-EXPENDITtTRE8          Rural    Cities   Tow""
               REYENL'S           REVENUE                  •        •       •
         T8)[P.S municipalf''''';  :Munkipal T:u:
          Fondl!reLS.......  .  .  Rea.l Property.....  4.677,072  28,252,535  4,448,04,')  37,3ï7,553
          Personmü]ef!....  .  .  Personal.  , ..  ... . .  222.817  13,0l.";  236,432
          D'effa.ire~      .  nu.~ines<;     .    16,426  4,644,480  149,1;2.3  4,810,637
          De ca.pitation  .......• _••  pon........  .  .  5,677  1O,747  ~,4\l4  25,918
          D'aillU9l'ment .....•.......  Arnllsemtmt  ,  .  22,350  8~5, 727  64.7HI  972,796
          De vente  , , .•.......  Sales  ,  .   256,391  8,159,300  501.443  8, fl17, 140
          Proprié1aires. et locatairell ..  Household and Tenant..  28,079  24~,386  131,934  411 ..<1g9
          Aut"rel'  "     "..  Othf'r  ". ' •.....  llB,4û5  1,498,424  171,544  1,78~,373
         Licences "t permis  _..  Licensf'B flond Permih  .  148,389  1,452,314  305,293  1,905,996
         Revenu!'. de placements. .  .  Invl"Etment Earnings  .  7~,015  2,140,245  119,183  2,337,443
         Subventions de:     GrantE irom:
          Autre~ nnmi<-ipalités ..  C1thf'r Munid[Jalitie~ ...  5,282 ... ......  52  5,334
          GollvernemfJnt de la pro-  Govp.rnment of the Proy,
            vince:              ince:
            Sf'~OUl13 de chômage....  Relil'!.. , .........•.. ....  ....
            AutHJS      ,., ..  Other       .    398,902  2;235;'702 .  .62;672' .'2:;"07;366'
          Gouvernl'm('nt rêd,l.ra.l  .  Fedt'ral Government.  .  5,100  3,000 ... .... ...  8,100 recouvmbleR de la dette  Debenture Debt Cbl'l.rges
          obligatrjre  "   .  Recovemblf'.•..........  37ï ,362  4,168,999  768,52.'i  5,314,886
         'CtiUtés. pnbliqlleB et eervieel:l  Public Utilities and Ineti-
          instit\ltioccels (l:IUrp]U6 versé  tutional 8ervi<'es  (Sur-
          aux rl'vl'oue).  .                     131,598  6,413,466  287,332 i  5,8)12,396
         A'ztres revenue.,  . Othl~~~~~':~l~~~·~.~~~~~~~~  461,171  6,825,577  403.096  7,589,844
         Surplus d...~ aflnére précédectee  S'lrp]ul; from Prel'iOTI8 yearJ;:
          (si approprié). , ,  .  (üusE'd).,",  .  ..... .......  1,940,000 .. ." .  1,940.000
                TOTAL •••.                      6,75O,J09  69,101,712  7.43!t,672  83,271,711
                                                  •       •        •
                               EXPENDITURES                                 •
         Provision de r~~ervea.....••..  Pro'\.·isiorul for RellE'rVell ...  12,01)9  2,777,14.'5  51,627  2,840,841
         Contribution  li.  l'SI5BUrSlllle-  Unemployment  lrulltrance
          chÔmage.. ,  ,   ,  Contrihution .. ' . , . . . . ..  .,  ' . ,  Il,729  14,752  26.481
         Dépenses de guerre  , . ,  W Ilr and Other EmerlteJl.cieli  , .  33,088  1,!)76  35,064
         Autres dépenses d'll.dmll:listrl.l--  Oth~r Genf'ral Government
          tion Il':én~rale,.... , ..... , ..  Expenrlituree. . .. . . . . . . .  9551, 155  8,4}9,359  1.336,421  10,713,956
         Prot.ection contre l'incendie ..  Fire Protcf'tion...........  139,357  4,065,S02  302.940  4,508,118
         8ervice dl'! police  .  Polke Prot.t'ction  ....•.  52,538  ,'j,193,594  432,801  5,678,933
         Applil'at.ion de Ill. loi. . . .  .  .  Law Ellforcement  ' .. '2';;.','7·." ~'  295,538  34,39n  329,937
         Eclairage deo, rlles .. , .. ,  .  Strf'f't Li~htj1\il':..  ~"  895,6R5  213,462  1. 36.'i, 932
         Autre!l protFlctiflDS.. , , ,  .  Other Protkcwon"" , " , ..  14,613  19,4!i6  34,069
         Travaux p,lblice  .  ~~~~t~~rks~~'d "'vi~t~ "2;244;095  7,437,777  l 395,452  11,077,324
         Hyp,;iêne et enlèvement des
          vidang€'8        .  Rt'ICoval  •  . ..  87,.'iOB  2,080, '755  252,403  2,430,666
         Con"ervation de la santé  .  Consen'ation of He~ltb,  27.631  1,902,941  37.408  1,957,980
         Se~oul'l! de chôrnQ,ge....•.....  Unemptoyment Relief.  .  ':;0,973  12.410  63,392
         Assistance de cbarité et diver-  Che.rity and MisccUaneous
          ses    , " .........•...  WE'lfare. ., .. ,.....  54,304  736, :1l7  87,9:';4  878,50.'5
         Bien-~tre de r~nfanee..•.....  Child Welfare-.,  "  .  4fJl,451  12,760  504,211
         Hospitalisation et Sf\r1.'Îces roé-  Hospitalizat.ion and Med-
          dicau~   ,    ", ,  ical Servil"('s  ,....  540,074  1.803,568  12!),07R  2,4n,620
         InstitutioIl.'l de bienfaisan('P...  Charitable Inst.itlltions..  . , ... , ....  624,101  27,393  651,494
         Sub'\.'lmtiooll aux commiseions  h'Innic!pal  Gra.nts  to
          soolaires......•.....•.....  8choQb,        .  109,066  108.(,14  217.tiSO
         Servirl'!! de récréation f't com-  Recl'\'lItion and Communit"!!·
          mUnAtl:lI: ..•.•••.•• "  •.•...  sel'l:irœ ......•..... , ..  17,10,'3  1,846,420  lJ5,SOS  1.980,031
         Servire de la d('tt.e obHgataire.  Debentule Debt. Charge".,  1,009,461  22,482,903  2,886,544  26.378.90B
         Service de la dette t.·mporaire.  Temporar)' Debt CJw.rges.  74,545  331,250  63,651  400,446
         Escompte AlIr taJll'B  .  Discount on Tax€'8 _  .  10,541  137,8,'30  12,840  161. 211
         lItiHtés Pllbliques el ~ervîeeE  Public Utilities ami losti-
          institutionnels (déficits im-  tllt.ional Sf'rviC6JI (Df'ficit~
          putFS à section gp.nérale) ...  provided for)  ..  206,965  303,958  23,701  534,624
         Contributioru;  municipalel'l  1vhmidpal  I.evies· f~~
          pOlir utilités publiqurs rt  UtHitiE's .. , ....•... , ...  7,228  ...  7, '228
          Bervic~ î .....                              1
         DéJX'llses de Cll.tlita! li. ro/lme  Capital E:.-penditures poov-
          le revenu  ,.",  .  ided out. of revenue ....  B90,910  3,041,170  559,943  4,OOB,02:1
         CollEeil de comté (si c\:uu<ifié  Co\mty Rates (if sep;reg-
          séparFment), .....•. ,  .  ated)  , ..  240,098   7'36   7,442   24S,3~';
         Contribution A la Commission
          Mtltropolitaine dr Montréal  Montreal  lI,'1etOOPOlitflDI  6,129  9.43,356
          (~i dn~~i~o:é::.r./I~~~.t~~ ~: ,'. ,.,~~b.a.r~~. ~i.f. ~~~~~g.a.t~~~: l'·-·c~c·.=~~=~=~~~=;.=·;;--::=-i---::=--=::-;-::~
                                                                 8,168,982  80,329,4"
          (D Chiffres préliminaires,           (1) Preliminary figurœ.
   287   288   289   290   291   292   293   294   295   296   297