Page 288 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 288

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                                                150:000.  961,000  140,000  1.450.000  ,37,'i,OOO  300,000  ,'i0,000  yell.r  thl"
                                     Total   •                                for

                                                                              01 Ql4tlbec,
           1949.  March.1949.  capital  statut   'Yln:ooo"         30,000  10,000,000  10,991.000  PToviTK;tJ

           mars          De  -  Capital  Aul;oriséell  par  Statutory  •  ....  ....  .....  olIM

           31  31st                1      1  1              J
           le                          Voted     :~~~:~~.. 1"  140,000  1,450,000 . .,.  ï:S75:00Ô'  300,000  "50:000  5,860,000  EZpendÜUTt
           finissant  Ending      voter  A  -  he  To  •  ::::::  .........  ....  ..........  ...........  ...........  . ... 2;395,000  ..........  .....  ..  01 lM

           l'année  Year  the  DtPENSEB-EXPENDITURES  Total  •  303,700  9,806,000  14,771:l,OOO  882,000  6,745,100  3,117,600  1,256,600  13,7R5,350  SG!i,900  1,001,500  94.'),000  5,:nll,000  487,500  lIL433,250  2,fl;37.100  3.534.200  1,316,000  !l,ti63.flOO  2,9.')1,657  14,050,000  1u~.130,~57  EmmaU'  1949.  31,

           pour  for               1     1                         .    1     from Edrad  Match

           Québec,  Quebec  of  Ordin.u.ire8""""-Ürdinary  AuWrieéee  par lIwt.ut.  Btatul.ory  •  2 ,496;iX)l)..  0,087,UÛO  000,000  492,000  150.000  3.').000  1,270,000  160.000  7,1\1ll,250  880.500  75,200  ··00:600·  968,700  2:I,~U,II!JQ  ending

           de  Province                            ····ï,068.000  ·····i;f.8f.:OOO·  ·..  ·..  .....  1949.
           province  the           1   Voted  1  303,700  7,310,000  8,691,400  882,600  5,677,400  2,511,600  1,256,600  373,900  851,WO  910,000  4,049,000  327,500  .  1,951\,600  3,459,000  000  DO  "~7  00  85,.5IO.l.U7  1  mAcIiI  SI

           la  of                 voW!'  A  be  •      12,200,350  10,867,000  ~1~  1  ~nn  •  le
           de                          To                                     fini8ean&
           d'penses  Expenditure                                              l'année

           de.                                                                pour  Qu'bec.
           budget  EstÏJnated                                                 de

           du  the  of         SERVICE                                        pr&ffinr.t  la  dB
           9--Sonunaire  9'-SuJnmary                                    . TOTAL  dllp6~B8  M8

                                                                              de  Budget

                 ----     !  ~  .  .-  "'  ..  i.z  o  "  "'  ~  ~  o  ~  cl  Z  1  II  III  IV  V  VI  VII  VIII  IX  X  XI  XII  XIII  XIV  XV  XVI  XVII  XVIII  XIX  XX
   283   284   285   286   287   288   289   290   291   292   293