Page 257 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 257

242                             JUSTICE

                 Il-Convictions sommaire., par provinces, en 1944, 1945 et 1946.
                 ll-Summary Convictions, by Provinces, in 1944) 1945 and 1946.

                                     1944              1945      1      11><6
               PROVINCES       Hç)D:lmea  F'emme.!l  Hommes  Femmee  Rommea  Femmell
                                 -        -        -        -       -        -
                                Male     FemaJe   Male    Female    Mail!  1  Female
          ne.rlu.P.-t .... P. E. I. _......  1,218  69  1,312  1  82  2.591    124
          N,~li:cO$lIe.... ,N. 8cotiR ......  8,198  562·  9,141  645  12,280  fij.)
          N,-Brunswick..•...•...••••••  9,103  430  9,394    424    13,410     515
          Québeo...••••.••••• ,_ ••.••••  141,294  5,299  loI,M4  7,066  17U,022  6,974
          Ontario .....• ,. ,_ .•.•..•.•..  189,595  10,343  198,933  10,780  334,350  19,804
          Manitoba ......••.••• _, ..•..  21,309  1,293  21,609  1,211  34,326  1,688
          SMkatchewan....••..••.•.••.  7,386  402  8,569     427    13,369     616
          Alberta., ..•••.....•.••. , ••.  11,316  634  10,822  754  15,380    909
          Col.-Brit ...... B. C..••...••.  20,475  1.391  20.980  1,907  29,694  2,509
          Yukon & Terr ..••• '" ., .....  391  19   321       27      445      31
              CAlf.6,D.6, ••• , ••••••••••  410,285  20,442  432,595  23,321  625,867  n,80S
                                               1                 1       1
            Les convictions sommaires consistent surtout  The Act for Summary Convictions dealB
          en infractions aux lois provinciales et aux  more particularly with infractions of provincial
          règlements municipaux. Ce sont les causes  statutes and municipal by-laws. Cases tried
          jugées en vertu de la Loi des Convictions som-  under that nct are called summary convictions.
            En 1946, les convictions sommaires dans la  In 1946, su~mRry convictions in the Prov-
          province de Québec comprennmt 122,ggg in-  ince of Quehec include 122,998 breaches of
          fractions aux règlements de la ciJ'culation,  various aud traffic reguJa.tjons. 4,941 offences
          4,941 infractions aux lois du jen, 8,310 infrac~  against  Gamhling Acts, 8,310 bl-eaches of
          t,ions à divers règlements municipaux et 7,167  various municipal by-Iaws and 7,167 cases of
          cas d'ivresse.  Ces diverses infractions repré-  dl'llllk€nness.  These various infractions re-
          sentent 81'}c. du totaL              present 81 %of the total

                      12-Convictions sommaires dans la province de Québec.
                      12-Summary Convictions i.n the Province of Quebec.

                                   Convietioll8- Convie tiOIUl    Sentence.
                 ANNt.ES                HD~.. I   Option   nél Mnt  BuroNl,
                 YEARS          Toh.!                    d'amend"  option
                                         Male    Female  Option ol  CommiUed  Delerred.
                                                          a Fine   without   etc.
            190.5-(){)  .        14,022   12.273   l.i49   10,453     736    2,S03
            1910-14.             23,759  21,124    2.634   18,804     f>fiÎ  4,28:0-
            1~15-·19..           24,747   21,136   :"611   19,716     ,'592  4,430
            1920-24.             33,,5.10  30,763  2,767   28,433   1.121    3,9if,
          192.5•••••••.•••••••••••••••.  25,364  23,317  2.047  21,100  1,023  3,241
          1926•••••••••••.••••••••••• ,  24,428  22,071~  2,353  20,144  1,492  2.792
          19:27•••••••••••••••••••••••.  28.732  2M33  2,_  24,462    982    3,288
          1928•••••••••••. ' ., •••••••••  29,302  25,002  2,400  24,667  1138  3,697
          1929•••••••••••••••••• , ••••.  /H,099  47,490  3,609  42,617  1,089  7,393
          1930•••••••••••••••••••••••.  60,098  11.5,94.1  4,157  4.'i.528  1,631  12.933
          1001               .   99,381   94..490  4,891   79,971    2,160   17,260
          1932               .   112,132  105.915  6,217   89.7i9    1.981   20,372
          1933••••••••••••••••••••.••.  117,433  1l0,741  6,692  99,662  1,962  15,909
          1934               .  1l6,313 .  109,659  5,644  100.888   1,592   12.833
          1935•••••••••••••.•••••••••.  118,499  112,347  6,152  101,636  2,322  14.Ml
          1936••••••••••••••••••••••••  111,254  1015,959  5,295  87,11)4  1.358  22,702
          1937               .   99,404   92,660   6.749   79,058    1.61S   18.728
          1938             ,  .  89,443   83,025   6,418   72,576    1.511   15.356
          1939               .   91,607   86,894   4,713   74,050    1._     15,66ij
          1940               .   93,965   89.424   4,541   75.007    1,545   17.413
          1941               .  152,330  14.5.423  6,907   129,488   1,474   21,368
          1942               .  195.672  186,779   8.1l93  1i2,303   1,098   22,271
          l'II43       , •••..•  181,426  172,21':6  9.139  152,19!j  1,]26  28,104
          1944 ••••••••••••••••••••••••  146,593  141.294  15,299  124.640  1,731  20,222
          1945               .  HiS,SSO  151,514   7,066   133,144   1,049   24,387
          1946           .      176,990  170.022   6,974   151,486   1.3M    24,144
                                           ElI:tra.l:~ from Swli-8lin 0/ Crimi"",1 ond IlUltlr Oifmeu, OU.WIll.
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