Page 260 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 260

        16--Jeunes garçons et filles condamnés dans la province de Québec depuis 1930.
             16-----BQYs and girl. convicted in the Province of Quebec Binee 1930.
                              Délîts graves                 Délit& simples
                                 -                              -
          AN~ÉES             Msior OffenceB                 MiJ1.or Olfences
                   --1-- Fi!.:es                    Garçons  1  Filles  1
           'YEARS                          Total      -         -         Total
                      Boy~       Girls               Boys      Gir18
        1930.•..........  9ga    40       1,033       43.       '14        5<8
        1931. ...•.......  1,178  82      1,260       435       128        563
        1932.•..........  1.207  8.       ~, Z93      535       145        '80
        1933.... , ,......  1,321  105    1,426       65'       188        B44
        1934..••.. ... ...  1,306  78     1.444       868       221      I,G89
        }935., ... .... ,.  1,.559  74    1,633       674       177        SOI
        1936 •...•. ......  1.278  46     1,324       633       224       :S57
        1937 .•.•.. ......  1,350  42     1,392       683       292        976
        }938•••. ........  l.3I!}  3'     1,357       661       207       "8
        1939••..•.•..•..  1,21li  30      1,245       951       380      1,331
        1940.•. , •.••....  1,412  49     1,461      1,149      456      1,60.5
        1941. ......•....  1,572  85      1,637      1,819      511      2,330
        lQ42 ..••.•....•.  1,563  54      1,617      1.960      4117     2,427
        lQ43, .•. , •.• , ...  }:î~  <9   1,455      1,335      40<      1,741
        IG44••..•••. , •••        37      1,212       145       302      1,047
        1945•...........  1,205  34       1,239       780       368      1,148
        1946........ ....  1.073  1  4'   1.122       592       341      1,033
              3-CRIMINALlTt ctNtRALE                3-GENERAL CRIMINALITY
         Le tableau suivant donne le nombre des  The foIJowing table gives the number of
       enfants et des adultes condamnés, ainai que le  children and of ndultB oonvieted nnd the total
        total des oondamnationB pour tous crimes et  convictions for ail offcnces.
          17-Nom.bre total del8 condamnations au Canada, par provinces, 1945 et 1946.
         17-Total Number of Convictions in Canada, by Provinces, in 1945 and 1946.
                                        Adultell- Adults  Enfants-Children
                                      Crimes et
                 PROVINCES             délits  Cnnvictinnll  Délits  Délit!!  TotlLi
                                      graves  lIomm.e.iree  grB.veII  simple.
                                        -        -       -        -
                                     Indict.ab1e  Summary  Major  MinOT
                                      Offences  Convictions  Offences  Ofl'encell
       I1e-du~P.•Édouard.•••. Prince Edward Island.  231  1,394  55  <0    1,740
       NOul.'elJe--EcOSllI'.....•. Nova &lotÎa ....••....  2,116  1  9,786  390  103  12,39,5
       Nouv!"..&u-BrunswÎck..• New Brunswick••.• , ..  1,248  9,818  221  117  11,404
       Québec .. , •..• , ..•• , ....•....••...•... ...  9. M)2  ] 58, 5kO  1,2::19  1,148  J70,559
       Ontario•.••..••..•.... , ... , ..••...•.. ...  17,287  209,713  2,3\l1  1,137  23U,.s:,H
       l\olanhoba.•.....• , ...• , ..•. , ..... ..... ...  Z.517  22.820  277  65  25,1379
       Saskatchewan ••••...•.•..••....•.. ..... .. .  2.204  8,9!)6  282  52  II.5-34
       A1beJ'ta... , . , .............. , , ... , , .... , ..  3.201  Il ,576  384  147  15.308
       ColomlJit-Ddtll.oniq\1e.British ColuItlbia_,. _.  3.480  22,887  51<  322  27,205
       Yukon et Territoires••.Yukon and Territories.  89  "'"  ....  .. '   437
           C.\.NAOA .••.... ...  0<  .........  41,965  1  455.918  5,758  1  3,151  506.792
       Ile-du·p.·Edouard.•••• Prince Edward Mand.  320  2,715  54    1     3.0nO
       Nouvelle-Eco"ll! ...••• NovaScotia .........  2,261  12.915  293  91  15,1560
       Nouveau·Brunswick••• New Brunswick •••••.  1.492  13,925  257  125  Ifl,799
       8~t~~·.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  21,379  176.99ti  1,122  1.033  187.729
       :fI.1anitoba•.•••.•••••.• " .•. , •... " •••••..  2,834  ~i6,014  238  bO  39,146
       Saskatchewan. , .• , .•••••••• , .••••.••• ' •••  2,503  13.985  182  13  16,68::1
       Albertl'l......••.•.•.•...•...•.••..••••••.  :::1,.526  16,289  ;327  78  20,220
       Colombie--Britannique. British Columbia..•..  3,91û  32,203  183  395  36,997
       Yllkon Ilt Tenitoiree... Y"kon and Territoril's.  130  47G           G06
           Col-NAnA ...........................  46,939  659,672..1  4,949  2,907  714,467
   255   256   257   258   259   260   261   262   263   264   265