Page 77 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 77

SUPERFICIE DES TERRES~L.4ND AREA                      45

          ont une étendue'et une beauté remArquables.  of the population resides in the St. Lawrence
          La plus grande partie de la population réside  LowlllJ1ds, but a considerable proportion is
          ~ur les terres basses du Saint-Laurent, mais  spread over the Appalachiun and Laurentian
          une proportion considérable habite les hautes
          terres apalachiennes et laurentiennes.  ·Les  highlands. The \·a..~t reserves of water in these
          immenses réserves d'eau des hautes terres,  highJllJ1ds, and particularly in the Laurentians
          particulièrement des Laurentides, eonstituent  eonstitute a factor of great importanee to the
          lm élément d'une grande importance pour le  industrial devetopmen t of the Province.  In
          développement industriel de la province. Dans
          leur descente vers Je Saint-Laurent, elles four-  their descent to the St. Lawrence they furnish
          nissent une source presque inépuisable d'éner-  an almost inexhaustible store of power fol'
          gie électrique.                      electriclll transmission.

          2~Super6cie des terres agricoles, boisées ou improductives du Canada, par provinces.
            2~Area of Agricultural, Forested, or Unproductive Land in Canada, by Provinces.
                                   (cu mIlles carrés -  in square miles).

                      Description          Mf\.riti-  Qu~l>t!(',  Ontario  Prairies  C.-B.-  Canada
                                            me.                       D. C.

             (1):            LAND (1):
           Oc,up~ejj  '"  ..'  Occltpied ....  . ...  J5,070  80,180  S.~,690  171,520  5.5~0  256,1J57
             Défrieb6e. cl en pa-  lmproved and pasL-
              tUrlu~e......•.  ure..  ..  . .  6,830  17,610  26,,340  156,810  3,640  2U ,234
             Boi56<:.~....   Foreoled..  . ....  8.240  12,520  7,350  14,710  1.900  44,723
           1Tl.()GC1.&:péi~6. . . .  . ....  Uru.JC('upit:d . ..  . ...  16,290  88,220  69,180  1~0.790  Jo,160  298,708
             Herbes, brousse, et.c  Grass. l'rush, etc ..  3,710  1,310  7.180  56,790  3.710  82,763
             .Doir;:fe.q. . .  . .  Foreated ...  12,580  36,910  62,000  84.000  11,450  210.940
               TOl'lI.L. . ..  '.'          31,360  68,350  102,870  312,310  20,700  549,660
           Non boiséoa  .   Non-roresled.          18.920  33,520  213,600  7,350  293,(197
           Boisées  .       ForesLed     .        49.4.30  69.350  98,7lO  13,350  255,66,~
           Boia tendre'.     "ofLwood:
             Vendable  .      Merclll\D1ahle, ....  10,635  198,000  a6,900  11.030  35,400  292,463
             Jeune bOlS  .    Young STowlh ..  6.420  45,560  29.300  39,630  50,460  175,310
           Hois mixle:       Mi.ed "'ood
             Vendable .. " .  i\hrch..ntshle. ..  7,580  2-1,400  24,100  12,460  (2)  68,790
             Jeune bois..     Young Ilro,,"th ..  ·1,790  20.500  1J7,400  1,'j,9lU  (2)  141.1J00
           fiois dur:       Rardwood,
             Vend..hl".....   Merehantahlc....  3,120  2,830  5.900  S,IIJO  (2)  20,260
             JcUl.i.C bU16.   Young gro..... t b..  1,(100  5,640  lO,200  52,400  (2)  72,140
           Productivê..~.  . .  l)roduct.ive  34,445  291J.870  ln.800  16!J,59ü  85.860  770.565
           Improduel iv,,", ..  U nprod uCI,I\'e  240  67,500  63,400  140,100  128,ÔOO  449,840
           Tenure:          Tenure:
             ~~~~~6J;f:~~~~~~-  Prj"alely owned.  22,29il  20.737  15.558  30,235
              ne     ,  .     Crown b\Dd ..  12,389  337.663  221,642  279,455
               TOTAL ...•                   34,685  364,370  237,200  309,6S0  214,"0 1,220,405
          Terre. producLiv'"H (3).. .  Pruductive land (a)... .  45,225  383,290  270,720  ô23,2Q0  221,8l0  1,,;14 .102
          IneulLes eL autr"" (4)..  W..Le ""d uthe.. (4). .  ",,175  1·10,2014  92.562  183.208  137,46\1 l,fl52,IM
               GR.\NlJ TO't".'I.L ....•. ,.,  .••.....  50,400  523,534  361,282  706,498  359,279 3,4GG,556

           (I) AeLuelle. ct pot"nl.ielle8.      (1) Pre',e"! and pot.enlia!.
           (2) TH" petite ou lIt/(lillealllc.   (2) '''l'Y .rnoll or Degligible,
           (3) Total d•• Lom·.; agricoles et hoi.ée.• mOlllll Ir.. 1erres  (:3) Tutal ogrieull ural aud lorcaled land los. (oreste<!
          a~ricokli boisé:es.                  aArjcuhurallsûd.
           (4) Comprend muskcgs. pierres.  traC<:~ de routeg,  (4) Includea open mUbkeg, ruek, I"uad ailowaDCB9,
          tcrrl':i urbaUl(·a. etc.             urhan land, etc.
           Extrail ùe An'll1Ja;re d1f Canada. 1942.  E:.:I.rllct f:('om Canada Yt'ar Book, IOJ,.:J.
   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82