Page 73 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 73

CHRONOLOGY                              41

                  Iceli\.nd.  June 4. Evacuation of Dunkil'k completed.  June 10. Canada declares wal'
                  on Italy.  June 18. R.evealed that CantI.Clian troops sti\.tioned in IceJa.ud and New-
                  foundÙl.nd.  June 22. Armistice signed between France n.nd Germa.n)'.  Aug. 17.
                  Canada and the United States establish Permanent Joint Board on Defence.  Aug. 19.
                  National registmtion in Canada commences.  Sept. 14. Proelaron.tion calls up single
                  men fol' compulsory militnry training of 30 days, effective October 9.  Oct. 31.
                  German ail' force defeated in BatUe of Britain.  Nov. 25. First Canadian airmen
                  trained under B.C.A.T.P. rcach England.
         1941.-Feb. 2. Formation of 25 Canadian !· squadrons for ovcrseas scrvice announced.  Feb. 3.
                  Compulsory military training in Canada extended from 30 days to four months.
                  March 11. President Roosevclt SigllS lcnd-Ieuse bill.  April 20. Hyde Park agree-
                  ment announced.  April 26. C:llla.dian trainees retained in service for home defence.
                  May 23. United Kingdom announces initial air trniuing to be transferred to Canaùa
                  and the United States.  June 22. German and Rumanian troops eross R.ussian
                  frontier without previous decJaration of war.  Italy declares 'l'al' on Russia.  July 13.
                  Canada approves Anglo-Soviet treaty.  Aug. 9. Prime Minister Churchill and Pres-
                  ident Roosevelt confer off the coast of Newfoundland.  Aug. 14. Atlantic Charter
                  proclaimcd.  Sept. 9. Canadians  raid  Spitzbergcn.  Oct. 18. Price  ceiling  and
                  basic wage rates announced.  Nov. 16. Cllnadians land in Hong Kong.  Dec. 7.
                  Japnn attacks.Pearl Harbor and allied bases in Pacifie.  Canada declal'es war on
                  Japan, Finland, Hungary nnd Rumania.  Dec. 22. Prime Minister Chnrchill arrives
                 in Washington fol' second wal'time conference with President Roosevelt.  Dec. 25.
                  Allied forees at Hong I<ong surrender.  Dec. 29. Prime Minister Churchill nrrive,;
                 in Ottawa for three-day visit.
         1941t-Ja.n. 1. Joint ùeclaralion of United Nations signed by 26 cOllntries.  April 18. United
                 States planes raid Japan.  June 18. Prime Minister ChurcbiJJ in Washington for
                  third wartime conference with Prcsident Roosevelt.  Jllly 23. C!l.nadian House of
                 Gommons passes by vote of 141 to 45 manpo\\'er bill removing lega\ obst.acle lo conli-
                 cription for overse3S service.  Aug. 19. Canndians attack Dieppe.  Sept. 4. Cana-
                 di,m governtncntgiven authorjty ta send call-up troops t.o AÙl.ska.  Sept. 8. CaniJ.d[t-
                  Rusaia wheat pact signed.  Sept. 14. Cann,dian govcrnment given authority ta send
                 co.Jl-up troops to NewfoundLand and Labrador.  Nov. 9. Cnnada breaks diplomatie
                  relil,tions with Vichy.
         1943.-Jan. 1. R.C.A.l<'. bomber group based in the United I(jngdom goes into operation. Jan.
                  14. Prime Minister Churchill and President Roosevelt meet for Courth wartime
                 conference at Casablanca, North Africa.  Feb. 1. R.C.A.F. squadJ'ons overseas to
                  he increased from 25 to 38 during 1943.  March 2. Budget places ineome tax pay-
                  ments on pay-as-you-oll1e ba.sis.  March 12. Authorit.y given to send caU-up troop;;
                 to Jamaica.  Mareh 30. British Foreign Secretary Eden anives in Ottawa.  May
                  11. Pl'ime !'vIinister Churchill arrives in Washington fol' firth wartimc conference
                 with President Roosevelt.  May 12. Fighting ends in North Arrica..  May 18.
                 Canada representcd at United N••tions food conference nt Hot Springs, Virginia..
                 June 16.  1\11'.9 Chiang I<ai-shek addresses Canadian Senntc and HOllse of Com-
                 mons.  July 10. British, Ca.nadian and United States troopOl invade Sicüy.  .Tuly
                 23. Trans-Canada Air Lines inaugul1ltcs trans-Atlantic service.  Aug. 10. Primc
                 Minister ChurchiJl reaches Quebec City for discussions with Prime Minister King
                 and sixth wartime conference with President Roosevelt.  Hc holds preliminary
                 conferences \Vith Ml'. Roosevelt at Hyde Park, New York, August 12 to 15.  Presi-
                 dent Roosevelt arrives in Quebec City August 17 and visits Ottuwa August 25.  Aug.
                 11. Au thority given to send Cll.ll-up troops to Bahamas, Bermuda and Brilish Guiana.
                 Aug. 15. CnlHuiia.u and Unitcd States troops oceupy mland of Kiska. in the AleutiltIlS.
                 Aug. 17. Thirty-nine day Sicilian cumpaign ends.
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