Page 158 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 158
65-0ccupation des immigrants arrivés au Canada, en 1941 et 1942.
65-0ccupation of Immigrants into Canada, in 1941 and 1942.
1941 1942
Via port. De. Vi.. POtt. De.
OCdUPATION ocêBni· ~tat.... oc6anj4 l1:tats-
qUB8 Uni. Total (Juee Uni. Total
Vi" From Vi" From
Ocean United Ooean Uniood
Por~s State. Port. St"OOB
--- --- ------ ---
C1sltit1ote1trs j ouvriers a(J7'ù;clea : FQTmÙ1.(J claM:
Bommes ..•.... ,.. _."', .. Men." ... _~. ,_ ....... 34 183 217 21 151 172
Femmea.................• Womon ............... 13 60 73 7 63 70
En/ants.................. Children. .............. 12 53 70 11 6fl 77
Journaliers, ffll1nœ'Uth"'e8 .. Labourino clau:
Hommeo.................. Men.............•.•.. 257 146 403 12B 114 242
Fernme8.................. Women .............•. 9 32 41 34 52 Bll
EDr"nto....... _..... Cbildren ...... 16 400 50 19 405 54
Métier~ divers .- M txhaTI ica :
Homme............ _..... Men............... , .. 173 410 5B3 186 299 485
Femmes .................. Womeu ............... .,0 125 175 53 92 14011
En/ant,•..•...• , .•... , .... Children.. ............. 35 7B 1I3 06 67 123
Commis, com.merçants; Trading cla•• :
Homm8B ............... _. Men.................. 116 295 411 89 200 289
Femmes .................. '\VomeD ........•...... 98 196 294 9l 219 310
EnIants. , . ,. , •.••. , •.. , .. Children ..........•... 50 72 122 39 60 gg
Mine'l-4-Ta .- Mt·n'ù10 cJass :
Hommes ................. Men.................. 10 9 19 14 7 21
Femmes ..... " ........... WomOD .........••...• 2 2 8 2 10
EnlaDes.......... _...... Children ... ............ 2 2 6 6
Dome6liqucs .- Dom.t.'J'io 88l'llOfll.s .-
Femmos .................. Women. .............. 510 121 631 352 105 .1i7
Non cla••ifi{;s: Nol c1"".i[""J :
Hommes .... , ............ Men.... 340 1,878 2,2l8 280 791 1,071
Femmes ..... _.......•.... \Vomen. 544 1,812 2,356 000 1,737 2.397
EnIo.nt................... Children. ............ 408 1,075 1,543 4,14 1,038 1,.]52
--- --- --- ---------
Totaux: TOloL. :
Rommee. ................. Men ... ............... 930 2,921 3.851 718 1,502 2,280
Femmes ......... ~ ........ Womec .. ............ 1,149 2.340 3,489 1.164 Z,2G5 3,429
EDr"nt............ Children .. ............. 656 1,333 1,989 596 1,271 1.8ü7
--- --- --- --- --- ---
GRA:N 0 TOT AL....••••••••.•.••. 2,735 6,594 9,329 2,478 5,098 7,578
66-Classi6cation des immigrants au Canada, 8elon le port d'arrivée, de 1935 à 1941.
66-Classification of Immigrants into Canada, according to Port of Arrivai, froIn
1935 to 1941.
PORTS 1935 1936 1937 1938 tll39 19400 1941
----------------- ------ ------ ---- --- ---
2,901 3,478 4.003 6,081 5,801 075 158
~t~~~:~:si.ï~h.~·::::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: : 20 21 33 51 463 3~7 lOB
Kali/ax ..... , ........ , ........•....... ,., •.. 1,494 1,664 2,432 3,058 2,837 502 349
Sydney-:-lord-North ......................... 247 324 48J 436 336 B64 1.110
Syùney ...... , .......... , .... , .•. , ...... _... 7 4 14 7 9 12 4
Montr~al ..... , .....•.... , ... , .. , ... , ....... 64 55 82 147 136 97 111
Vll.ncouver.. , ............................... 187 20<1 200 2411 270 360 220
Victoria .............•.............•........ 61 44 48 U 58 98 60
New york ............................. __ ... ~3 878 1,170 1,139 1,270 671 316
Hostun ............... , ., •........... " ...•• 10 6 7 8 II 14 14
Autres-Otllers.. , ......... ,.................. 72 104 87 215 16S 210 315
Venant de. :C;;~ahl-Unia-FmOlCn.ited SlalAls.. ,' . 5,291 4,876 5,MI) 5,833 6,649 7,13~ G,5!}4
Ta..."............. ........ ........ ... 11,m 11,643 15,101 17,2.« 16,994 n,32A 9,1128
Renseignements fournis par lB Service d'immigrat.ioD, Oll::~~~ation Bupplied by the Immigratiol> Bmnnb.