Page 162 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 162

        L'école primaire élémentaire comprend trois  The e1ementa.ry pri!IlJlry school is composed
      OOUl'1l réguliers de deux années chacun: infé-  of three regular coursee of two yeal'1l eaeb, viz:
      rieur, moyen, supérieur. Une section prépara-  Iower, intermediate and superior.  A prepar-
      toire, appelée le année chez les catholiques,  atory section designated as lst year in catholic
      prépare au programme élémentaire les enfrmts  schools, for children who have not yet attend-
      qui n'ont pas encore fréquenté l'école.  Dans  ed school prepares them for the elemcntary
      la section préparatoire et dans le coure inférieur,  course.  In the preparatol'Y section and in the
      l'enseignement est purementol'aI.  En 1940-41,  lower grade, teaching is purely oral. In ]940-41,
      il Y avait 7,976 écoles élémentaires avec un  there were 7,976 elementary scbools with a
      personnel enseignant de 12,047 instituteurs et  ma.le and female teacbing staff of 12,047.  The
      institutrices.  On comptait aIors un totaI de  number of pupils enrolled at that date was
      313,300 élèves inscrits.             313,300.
                    3 -  Statistiques des écoles primaires êlê mentaires,
                       3-Statistics of Elementllry Primary Schools.

                           Nombre deo           Elèves icocrits  Prbence moyenne
                              -                     -                 -
                           Number DI            PupiJ. EnroUe<!  Average AHendano.
            -                      lnatitu-                              PDur-
          YEARS      ~col••  IIMtitU-1  tricea  OarçolUl  Filles  NO~brel  ce.ntage
                      -              -      -       ~     Total           -
                     Sehool.  Male  Femal.  Boy.   Girls         Number  Per-
                            Teaehers  Teachers  1       1               oentage
                         ÉCOLES CATHOLlQUES.-CATHOLIC ScaOOLS
      1940-41 ............  7,474  529  Il,1l71  136,176  133,747  269,923  222,301  82.36
      1939-,)0 .....•......  7,477  512  10,131  138.788  137,3';8  276,146  230.636  83.52
      193~39 ............  7,376  485  9,905  140,972  139,677  280,549  231.881  82.62
      1937·38............  7,328  482  10,253  145,190  146,076  292,\66  238,609  81.67
      lUan-a7 ............  7,224  464  10.105  145,962  147,313  293,275  237,781  8l.08
      lita.j·3n ............  6,1l!l7  483  9,724  142,540  143,512  286.0.~2  232,242  81.19
      11l:14--:l5 .... , .......  6,950  563  9,n76  146,005  145,710  292,406  238,932  8l. 71
      1\1:1:1-34 ............  6,805  548  9,640  145,421  140,781  295,202  242,490  82.14
      W:j2·33 ............  6,601  525  9,685  143,073  149,441  297,514  243,183  81.74
      1931-32 ............  6,836  774  10,381  160,908  163,283  324,281  266,349  82.14
      1930-31 ............  6,774  741  10,266  158,372  161,604  319,976  260.375  81.37
      1929-30 .............  6,680  745  10,148  155,088  160,689  316,777  240,266  78.93
      1928-29 ...... , .•...  0,624  762  0,950  155,103  158,227  313,420  247.042  78.82
      1927-21>........ ...  6,696  807  10,020  156.474  IGO,089  316,563  250,270  70.01l
      1940-41 ............  502  142  1,40&  22,451  20,926  43.377  34,202  78.85
      1039-40 ............  527  151  1,431  23,028  21.457  44,485  36,268  81.&1
      193~39 ............  531  144  1,452  23,871  22.142  46,OJ3  37,281l  81.04
      1937-38 ....•.......  526  132  1,442  24,197  22,638  46,835  38,035  81.21
      1036-37 ...... , ., ...  &22  117  1,461  24,792  23,101'>  47,897  38,388  80.16
      1931'>-36 ........ , ...  525  119  1.406  25,468  23,666  49,134  39.033  79.44
      19M-:l5 ..... ,. .....  1'>35  129  l,53O  :J6,(\41  25,121  51,762  41,341  79.87
      11l33-34 ............  &39  126  1,552  27,325  25,827  63,152  42,633  80.21
      1032·33 ............  6.32  110  1,539  26,721  26,372  52,093  41,890  80.41
      1031,:12 .......... ,.  547  110  1,572  26,800  25,207  52,007  41,091  70.01
      1030·:11 ............  1'>73  08  1,571  26,233  24,857  1'>1,140  39,924  78.07
      1920-30 ............  576  04  1,540  25.987  24,75.~  60,742  38,785  76.44
      192i1-·~9 ......... _..  599  96  1,561'>  26,142  25,050  61,102  38,678  75.56
      1927·28 ............  613  97  1,566  26,111  24,917  61,028  38,868  76.11'>
      1940-41. ...........  7.976  671  11,.376  158.627  154.673  313,300  256,503  81.87
      193940 ............  8,004  663  11,M2  161,81<)  158,815  320.631  266,894  83.24
      1935-39 ............  7,907  629  Il,447  164,843  161.819  326,662  269,170  82.40
      1937-38............  7,854  614  Il,690  169,387  169,614  339,001  276,64~  81.61
      19:i6-37 ............  7,746  1'>81  11,566  170,7M  170,418  341,172  276,169  80.96
      1931'>-36 ............  7,522  602  11,100  In8,008  167,178  336,186  271,276  80.93
      19M-36 .•.•..... _..  7,481'>  602  Il,206  173,336  170,8al  3+1,167  280,273  81.44
      1933-34 .•.•. ,., ....  7,:144  674  Il,192  172,746  176,nOS  348,364  286,123  81.85
      1932-33. , .. , .......  7,193  635  11,224  174.794  174,813  .349,607  281'>,073  81.6-1
      1031-32 ............  7,:i83  884  H,963  187,798  1118,4110  376,288  307,440  81.70
      1930-31 ............  7,347  839  11,837  184,655  186,401  371,116  300.290  80.92
      192!J-30 ............  7,266  839  Il,688  J81,075  186,444  36n,519  288.041  78.69
      1925o211 ............  7,223  858  Il,524  181,335  183,277  364,612  285;720  78.36
      1927-28 ............  7,209  904  Il,586  182,586  186,006  367,591  289,137  78.66
   157   158   159   160   161   162   163   164   165   166   167