Page 161 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 161

128                   INSTRUCTION-EDUCATION

                           2-Résumé des statistiques scolaires.
                           2-Summary of Educational Statistics.
                           lJlooles  lJlcoteA com-  tcoles eupê- Collê,ll"eB
                           Olémen-  pl~mentairC6  rieure.a cl  c1W:::ii-  Autr..  Éooles  Univer-
              ANNlJlES      lairee  ct iuterméd. High Scbool.  qucS  écoles  normales  sitée
                -            -      --       -      -     -     -     (3)  Total
              YEARS        Element- Complement-  Superior  CI"'Aical  Ot.her  Normal  UniveT-
                            ary  ary and loter-  and  Colleges Sehool.  School.  9it.iee
                           Schools med. School. Righ Schools
                           NOMBRE D'ÉCOLES -  NUMBER OF SCHOOLS

        1940-41 ..... , ..... " .......  7,976  967  306  47  426  69   4   9,U5
        1939-40 ....•....•..........  8,004  939  346  (4) 47  410  63  4  9,813
       1935-39 ....•.. '" ..•.......  7,907  916  368  31  433   51     4  9,709
        1931-38. " _...•....•.... , ..  7,S.~  851  322  30  386  43    4  9,490
       1936-31 ... , _.•.............  7,146  850  306  29  302  36     4  9,332
       1935-36 .............. ......  1,622  909  219  29  330   33     4  9,112
        1934-35 .•..................  1,485  844  279  29  326   32     4  8,998
        1933-34 ....................  7,344  821  271  211  308  32     4  8,815
        1932~13 ..............•.....  7.19~  791  238  29  289   32     4  8,576
        1931-32 ........... .....  7,383  (I)  M6  (2)  212  29  301  31  4  8,602
        1930-31. ............... ::: .  1,341  13  142  28  234  20     4  8,448
        1929-30 ..............•.....  7.250  76  694  26   204   20     4  8,279
       1928-29 ....................  7,223  66  682   24   181   20     4  8,200
        1927-28 ...... _............ -  7,209  69  636  23  184  20     4  8,145
        192(;-21 ... _..•.........• , ..  7,210  68  618  22  194  19   4  8,125
        1925-26 ... , ................  7,226  04  613  21  180   19    4  8,U8
        1024-26 . .............•..•..  7,212  65  590  21  186   18     4  8,08&
        1923-24 ......• , ............  7,192  64  651  21  174  18     4  8,014
       1940-41 .................... 313,300  215,4.'il  1l0,5H  12,970  54,567  3,598  10,617  720,850
       1939-40 .......... .......... 320,631  212,:i28  112,876  12,642  47,051  3,082  10,528  719,UI
       1938-39 .................... 321),662  210,J,,5  ll7,720  11,105  52,180  3,052  10,612  731,686
       1937-38 ........•..•........ 33\1,001  202,502  104,886  11,134  47,192  3,483  9,880  718,084
       1936-37 .................... :Hl,172  203,407  90,696  10,785  43,ti08  3,100  8,872  710.606
       1935-36 .................... :l35,186  212,H5  91,121  10,5ü4  40,103  2,002  8,538  700,259
       1(1:14-35 .................... 344,167  201,380  89,273  10,GOI  30,343  2,581  1,293  691,644
       1933-M ..................  348,3r>4  189,436  (11,290  lO,7!12  35,102  2,724  7,021  684,619
       1932-33 ......••...•........ 349,607  188,210  83,700  10,734  35,441  2.840  .6,703  6n,250
        1931-32 ........•........... 376,288  (1) 160,100  (2) 76,:J86  10,S99  39)5ti9  2,675  6,854  672,861
        1930-31 .................... 371,116  ii,082  222,144  10,710  33,5:J8  2,029  7,132  65] 351
       192\l--30 .......... _......... 366,019  0,148  211,017  10,451  31,072  1,988  0,962  634,157
       1928-29 .........•..... ..... 364,612  G,I94  207,567  10,:108  27,888  1,921  7,111  624,601
       1027-28 ...•....•....•...... 367,591  5,648  192,606  10,136  27,MI  1,950  6,211  6U,7U
       1\l2f,·27 .................... 366,163  4,696  186,S7:1  9,7114  29,031  1,884  1,050  605,491
       192ô-26 .................... 3(14,414  4,214  184,204  9,112  26,091  1,854  6,875  591,364
        1024-26 ........ , .... .. ...  365,l~9  4,309  179,071  \l,363  26,283  1,771  7,478  593,414
       1923-24 ............ ........ 365,335  4,436  171,714  Il,285  24,180  1,623  7,332  583,90&
        1940-41. " .......... , ......  12,047  7,835  5,427  1,385  2,300  729  1,248  30,971
       1939-40 ............ ·· .. 4···  12,223  7,626  5,399  1,386  2,084  074  1,207  30,600
       1038-39 ....................  12,076  7,384  6,611  1,126  2,273  018  1,148  30,U6
       1937·38....................  12,309  7,183  4,881l  1,152  2,066  562  1,094  29,245
       1936-37 ...................  12,147  7,254  4,644  1,\48  1,832  611  1,031  21.567
       1931>-36 .............. , .....  Il,792  7,497  4,278  1,120  1,820  486  1,000  27,999
       1934-3.S ....................  11,898  7,006  4,168  1,127  1,776  477  1,099  27,610
       1933-34 ........... , ........  ll,S1l6  6,742  4,104  1,147  1,727  468  1,061  27,115
       1932-33 ....................  11,8.19  6,747  3.71l0  1,110  1,792  466  1,067  26,821
        IIl31-32 ......... ' ....•. ....  12,8:17  (1)  5,975  (2)  ~,435  1,085  2,01lU  423  1,100  26,921
       11l30-31 ....................  12,676  231  8,788  1,07ô  1,622  314  1,081  25,791
       1929·30 .........•..........  12,527  235  8,200  1,019  1,471  288  1,034  24,783
        1928-29 ....................  12,382  200  7,():11  991  1,304  281  1,019  24,168
       1927-28 ....................  12,490  216  7,M1  921  1,332  277  llû7  23,741
       192(;-27 ....................  12,346  176  7,381  914  1,385  262  935  23,399
        1921>-20 ............ ··· ... · .  12,244  150  7,188  883  1,274  200  867  22,868
        1924·25. , ............... ...  12,067  160  6,899  882  1,261  24<l  777  22,2112
       1923-24. " ......•..........  U,997  168  6,044  856  1,108  234  786  21.,682
         (1) Seulemenl le. écol"" intermédiaires prot""tantca  (1) Only Proteslaol iOI.ermcdialo.chools Irom 11l23-24
        d. 1923-24 à 1930-31                 to 1930-31.
         (2) AvanI1931-32, les écoles compl<lmentnireB catboli·  (2) Before 1931-32, CaLbolio complernenlary .cbools
        ques: sont. inclusc8.                are included.
         (3) LOB .lalL<tique. do. <lco!e. nffiliGe. aux université.  (3) Stl>1 i.tics 0.1 Bobool...ffilialed 10 univeniLi.. "t'll
        sont comprise:::: ~ü1l9 ~R ruurique " au(res éco)eB".  included under the hefl<iing "Olber scbools".
         (4) y compris collo!:"" ci",..illUC. pour jeune. fille.s et  (4) lncluding cl....ieal colleges for girls and religioUll
        insL.itut.9 religieux pour Jeune8 Aons.  iD..l:I:til ut ions for young meo.
          Extrail de 8t<>li.lique. d" l', Québoo.  Extraot from Educal;onal 8t<>lialiu, Quebeo.
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