Page 163 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 163

130                   INSTRUCTION-EDUCATION

                         DlAIRES                             SCHOOLS
            De 1923-24 A 1930-31, les statistiques des  From 1923-24 to 193a-31, Catholic comple-
          écoles prin:ul.ires complémentaires catholiques  mentary prirnary school statistics were given
           étaient données en regard de celles des High  opposite those of Protestant High Schools but
          Schools protestants. ,EUes sont maintenant
                                               they are now classified with Prot.estant inter-
          classées avec celles des écoles intermMiaires
           protestantes par suite de la création, en 1929,  mediate schools through tbe creation, in 1929,
          d'écoles primaires supérieures catholiques.  of Catholic supcrior primary schools.
                   4-Statiatiques des écoles complémentaires et intermédiaires.
                    4-Statistics of Complementary and Intermediate Schools.

                               Nombre de..          Elève.. inscrit.  Présence mOY6Doe
                                  -                     -                 -
                               Number of            Pupil. Enro\led  Average Attendnnce
                -               rnatitu-  I""titu-                           Pour-
              YEAR8      Éeole.  teurs  trioes  Garço""  Filles      Nombre
                           -      -      -       -      -     Tolal    -      -
                         8ohoob  Mnle   Fema!e  Boy.   Girls         Number  Pcr-
                                Teacbero  Tenchera                          centage

          104G-41 ... .........  883  2,658  4,842  111,200  96,387  207,587  178,806  8B.14
          1939-30 .... , .......  860  2,683  4,663  113,645  91,951  205,596  181,774  88.41
          103S-39 ............  832  2.578  4,518  110.511  93,009  203.520  176,568  86.76
          1937-38 ............  772  2,645  4,275  106.552  89,G39  196,191  171,077  87.20
          193fl..37 .... , .. , ...•  774  2,~71  4,335  107,3G3  90,255  197,llI8  171,128  8~.60
          1035-3B ............  833  2,637  4,013  1l0,0(i9  95,512  20G,181  179,379  87.00
          1034-35 ............  7B9  2,477  4,344  104,388  00,889  190,277  170,728  87.43
          1933·34 ........ , ...  753  2,608  3,996  104,301  78,82B  1&3,127  166,740  91.05
          1932-33 ....... _....  715  2,S46  3,953  100,748  80,784  181,532  159,MO  87.89
          1031-32 ............  563  2,309  3,433  85,018  68,992  154,010  134,233  87.16

          194ü-41 ..... _... _..  84  71   264   3,954  3,910   7,864  6,318  80.34
          1939-40 ... , ........  79  53   226   3.3B3  3,369   6,732  5,502  81. 73
          1038-39 ............  83  D4     234   3,367  3,468   B,83a  5,534  80.97
          1937-&8... ' ........  711  46   218   3,250  3,OBI   6,311  5,046  79.00
          193&-37 ............  76  40     208   2,995  2,794   5,789  ~,705  81.27
          1931\-36 .•.. , .......  76  31;  211  3,089  2,875   5,9M   4,8S!1  81.46
          1934-35 ............  76  3(;    209   3,114  2,995   ~,109  4,942  80.90
          1933-34 .....•......  74.  30    208   3,209  3.100   6,309  5,118  81.12
          1932-33 ...... , .....  7B  21   227   3,HB   3,2G2   6,678  6,351  80.13
          1931-32 ........ ....  73  15    218   3,099  3,08l   6,180  4,91lJ  79.60
          1930-31. .......... ,  73  19    218   3,058  3,024   6,082  4,892  80.43
          1029-30 ........... ,  76  18    217   3,152  2,<;)9G  6,148  4,767  77.04
          1928-29 ............  00  17     183   2,611  2,583   5,194  3,929  75.114
          1927-28 ............  69  24     191   2,837  2,8U    5,648  4,260  75.42
          1921l-27 ..... , ..... ,  68  21  105  2,280  2,41G   4,69G  3,592  76.49
          192.~-2B ... .........  64  16   lU    2,059  2,155   4,214  3,241  71),l1I
          1924-25 ... ..........  ~  14    142   2,101  2,208   4,309  3,215  74.61
          1923-24 ...... ,., ...  54  11   147   2,185  2,251   4,43B  3,428  77 .28
          194G-41 ...........  967  217~9  5,lOB  )15,154  100,297  215,451  185,124  85.90
          1939-40, ...........  939  2,736  4,889  1I7.00ll  95,320  212,32ll  187,276  83.20
          1935-39 ......•.....  915  2,632  4.752  113,878  9M77  210,355  182,]02  8/J.57
          1937-38 ............  851  2,690  4.493  109,802  92,700  ' 202,502  176,123  86.97
          1036-37 ............  850  2,711  4,543  110,358  93,049  203,407  175,833  86.44
          1935-36 ............  909  2,673  4,824  H3,758  98,387  ' 212,140  184,237  86.84
          1934-36 ............  844  2,513  4.553  107.502  93,884  201,386  175,670  87.23
          1933-34 ... , . .......  827  2.538  4,204  107.510  81,926  189,436  171,858  00.72
          1932-33. " , . ... . ...  791  2,667  4.180  104,164  84,04B  : 188,2!O  164,891  ll7.61
          1931-32 ..... .......  63G  2,324  3.651  88,117  72,073  160,190  139,149  86.86
   158   159   160   161   162   163   164   165   166   167   168