Page 153 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 153

120                           POPULATION

           GO-Décès cau8és par quelques maladie8, au Canada, par province8, en 1941.
            GO-Death8 Cau8ed by Certain Disea8es, in Canada, by Provinces, in 1941.
                                        Tuberou lose  Maladies du cœur
                                         Tuberculœis  Reart Diseases
                                      Nombre  Taux   Nombre  Taux   Nombre  Taux.
                                               (2)            (2)            (2)
                                      Number  Itate  Number  Rate   Number  Rate
         He-du-P.-~douard. . . . l'rince Ed ward Island.  70  73.7  215  226.2  109  114.7
         Nouyell...teoeae...... Noya 8eoLia .........  420  74.2  1.368  236.7  792  137.0
         N.-Brunswiek............................  314  68.6  968  211.6  480  104.9
         8~~~ri~'".. ~:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  2,685  80.0  11,676  308.3  3,521  105 7
         Manitoba .............................  328  44.9  1,467  201.0  863  118.3
         SBSkateh ewan ..........•..............  284  31. 7  1.416  158.0  815  91.0
         Alberta ....                   320    41.3   1,304  175.1    712    89.4
         Colombi...Drit~~';;Q·~e· B'rit;~' C~i~mbi;'~: : : :  633  65.2  2,379  290.9  1.194  145.0
              CJ...N'ADA •••. , .      6,072   52.8  26.602  231.5  1J,.t17  U6.8
                                         PDeumonlc      Nllphrite      Violence
                                         Pneumooi!l     Nephritis    ViolenL D~alhs
                                      Nombre  Taux   Nombra  Taux   Nombre  Tau.x
                                               (2)            (2)            (2)
                                      Number  Rate   Number  Rate  NUlllber  Rate
                                         80    84.2     91    95.7     59    62.1
                                        463    80.1    387    67.0    612    88.6
                                         44:;  97.3    250    54.7    310    67.8
                                       1,882   56.5   3.449  103.5   1,883   50.1S
                                       1.076   44.2   2.007   53.0   8.306   87.8
                                        334    45.8    266    30.5    488    66.9
                                        350    39.1    322    35.9    463    51.7
                                        374    47.0    25S    32.0    627    78.8
                                        351    42.9    372    45.5    795    97.3
                                       5,955   61.8   7,399   64.4   8.442   73.5
           61-Taux (2) de mortalité par certaine8 maladies dans le8 cités et villes (3).
               61-Death Rate (2) from Certain Diseases in Cities and Town8 (3).
                            M..ladiea mlecLieusesl
            CITÉS lin' VILLES     (Il       Tuherculose    Cancer    Medians du cœur
                 -           InlecHou8 Dli:1eases  1  Tuberoulo.i.    Reart Di.ease.
            CITlES AND TOWNS
                              1940   11»1  1940   11» 1  HI40  1941   11140  1941
         Cap-d<>-la-Madeleine ......... ...  .... . . .  ()!1.0  25.1  34.5  58.5  126.4  108.7
         Chleoutimi.. . .............  39.5  43.6  223.7  143.4  138.2  124.7  138.2  143.4
         Drurnmondville .............  39.6  9.5  29.7  28.4  69 3  132.6  19.8  94.7
         Granbv ...........•.... '" .  29.2  .. '23:2'  36.5  35.2  43.8  77.5  146.0  1B3.1
         Grand'M ère ................  32.9  77.0  81.3  98.9  116.2  109.9  151.0
         Hull ............••..... ....  15.0  21.3  146.9  154.8  109.4  100.2  221.9  2.36.7
         Joliette .......•............  7.1  62 ..8  71.9  125 ..5  143.9  203.9  122.3  172.6
         JonQluère ..................  9.1  29.1  72.7  43.6  81. 8  87.2  72.7  50.8
         Laebine..............•. ....  13.6  31.8  54.9  122.8  104.5  236.4  234.'1,
         La Tuque ..................  40.0  "'25:3"  30.0  76.8  Wl.O  75.8  60.0  37.9
         Lauton ....................  12.2  50.8  61.0  38.1  61.0  63.6  36.6  101. 6
         Lé\'ia ..........•...........  25.4  41.7  127.1  !JI. 7  263.4  150.1  194.9  266.9
         Longueuil ............•.....  .... .....  33.3  56.4  183.3  141.1  233.3  296.3
         Magog.................. ...  46.0  77.5  11.5  33.2  80.5  121.8  103.4  77.5
         Montmagny ............ _... ....  .... .... .....  87.2 ..  43.6  .........  152.7
         Mont.réal. ..................  13.1  11.4  71.1  78.5  159 ~3"  157.4  186.6  241.8
         Outremont. ....... , ........ .... .....  . ...  20.0  26.0  67.5  100.8  115.0  217.9
         Qullbeo.......•............  2!J.1  4l.l  83.4  108.1  156.3  146.0  158.9  175.1
         Rimou!'iki. ..................  85.7  166.9  614.3  542.2  157.1  214.0  57.1  242.6
         Rivi~re-du-Loup............  43.5  34.4  217.4  137.7  130.4  183.6  141. 3  68.9
         Sl-Hyaciot.he ...............  41.2  33.7  88.2  112.4  211.8  202.3  252.9  196.7
         SI.Jean-'st. John ............  15.6  14.7  218.8  837.1  187.5  131.9  148.4  241.8
         St-.lllrùme ..................  8.2 .........  16.4  35.3  106.6  114.8  147.5  185.4
         St-Lambert. ................ ...... ... .. .......  28.6  31.2  42.9  124.7  100.0  249.8
         Slulwinigan Falla............  20.6  4.9  42.6  49.2  M.5  78.7  79.8  108.2
         Sherbreoke .................  18.2  Ht.5  li4 .5  97.3  142.4  ]80.7  239.4  225.2
         Sorel.......................  26.8  24.6  44.6  66.3  08.2  57.1  160.7  138.8
         Thetford Mines .............  31.3  23.6  195.3  259.5  117.2  70.8  117.2  204.5
         Trois-Ri vi~rc8-Three Rivers ..  26.2  21.4  181.0  216.6  97.7  88.1  166.7  159.5
         ValleyBeld. 8alnberry de .....  7.6  23.5  136.4  70.4  197.0  41.1  174.2  146.6
         Verdun ...................  5.0  7.4  30.0  28.2  90.3  112.9  95.0  187.1
         VietoTlaville .............•..  12.3  11.7  49.4  70.5  61.7  140.9  86.4  1l7.'"
         We,tmount.. ............... ........ .. ......  26.7  30.7  120.6  153.0  190.0  3û3.8
          (1) Comprend la 6ôyre typhoïde. la rougeole. la ......-  (1) [llclndw,," lyphOld fever. me""].... AoOIlel levlll'
         latine, la coqueluehe et la diphtérie.  whoopi uA'-et>ugh and diphteria.
           (2) Par 100.000 Il.mes.             (2) P"r 100.000 populado n.
          (3) A.y&nt 5,000 de population el. plus.  (3) Having 5.000 populaLiDo and OVe?
   148   149   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158