Page 367 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 367


                 101- Total de la machinerie, y compris celle des usines auxiliaires.
                    lOI-Total Equipment Inc1uding Auxiliary Plan.t Equipment.
                                                         Québec         Canadll.
                                                      1933   10"  1  1033  1  193-1
                    TOUTE!! U~IXIl8-""LL&l'....TIONS
         TotAl, force mot.rice pl:'i.nul.ire.  .Total primary  ., .. H.P.  3,091,2.58  3,342,452  .'809.'7.1  7,061,592
          Pourtelltage du total du Canada.  Pel' cent. of t.otal for Canada..  45.40:  47.33  100.00
                                                                     100 001
          TurbiIletS et rolles hydr:l.IùiquM..  Water whe.els and h'.rbineol.No.  264  256  814  805
            Capal:'itr; totale.  Total capacit~,.  . .H.P  3,048,405  3,303,700  6,30;';,997  6,000,674
          MlLdtine à vapeur.    tlteam eDKilles.  . .No.  3      3      103    103
            Capaci té totale.    Total capacity.  . .H.P.  2,250  2,250  32,339  3I,9i4
          Turbin(l-~ à vapeur..  Stcam turbiM~..  .  '1\-0.  Il  8      112    110
            Capacité totale.     Tr.tILL capadty.  .  H.P,  40,370 ,  36,224  435,094  432,198
          Moteurs à ga.z et lr. pM,role..  Gas and ail çngineil.  . ' .. No.  •  383  388
            Cap&cité totale..    Total capacity.  . .1I.P.  233,  273  36,125  36,776
                                                     2,653,444  2,872,465  5,656,417  5,877,199'
         ca;::::::::yd ::::'duC~~~~D::::n~::o:I forCanada...:1  46.91  48.87  100.00  100.00
          Dynamos, C. A..       Dynamos, A. C    ..'lia.  281   271   1,177   1,178-
            Capacité totale. capacity..  . .. K.V.A.  2,652,913  2,871,\)34  5,649,254  5,870,134-
          D)·o.amos, C. D ..    Dynamœ, D. C.    .No.     ,      4     211     201
            Capacité totale.     Total capacity.  .K.W.  531    531   7,163   7,065
         Total, force motrice primaire  Total primaty power..  ... H.P  3,047,758  3,302,433  4,842,686  5,097,613
          Turbiues et roues hydraulique!',.  "\\Tatcr wheels and turhiI:lIi1:l.. No.  241  231  553  642
            Capacit~. totale.    Total capac.ity.  . .H.P.  3.019,770  3,274,510  4,563,973  4,817,600
          l\.ia.chioes à Yll.peur ..  Steam engines,..  No.  3   3      6]      .2
            Cll.p>lo(:ité totale..  Total eapucity.  .., .H.P.  2,250  2,250  19,145  18,805-
          TUlbineB à Yapeur...  Steam turbines..  . .. No.  7    •       8      68
            Capacité totaLe..    Total capacity.  . .H.P.  25,625  25,500  23S,I29  2.39,254
          MOUlurs à. gaz; et A pétrole.  Gaa and oLt engines.  . . No.  4  4  285  287
            Capacité totale..    Tot:l.l capacity..  .H.P.:  113  113  21,439  21,854
         Capaeité des dynam05...  . .. D~'=o capacity.  2,616,550  2,838,791  4,072,908  1,.290,336
          Dynamos, C. A         Dynamos, A. C ..  . ... Ka.  252  241   758    757
            Capar.itê totale..   Tota] capacity.  .K.V.A.  2,616,019  2,838,260  4,007,737  4,291,203
          Dynamos, C. D .....   DynamO/!. D. C ...  . ... ~o.  4  4    100     180
           Capaeitk totale..     Tata! capacity.  ..K.W.  531   531   S'}71   :;,07a.
                 USINES I.1U::'IICll' .l.LES-XUNICIP li- ST ATIONS        1
         Total, force motriee pdDlB.ire  Total primaI")' power...  .H.P,  43,500  40,019  1,96û,889  1,O63,97l}
                                                           1      1
          Turhines et roues bydrs,uliques..  Water whe",l.'! and tUlbine:'l.. Ka.  231  25  2.1  2.3
           Capacité tota.le.    S:a:IL~:=it.~.. .. ..... :::~:t::I.  28,635  29,135  1,742,024  1,743,011
          .I\·laehines à. yapeUl.                                       42      41
            Capacité totale.     Total capa.oÎty.  . .H.P..           13,214  13,139
          Turbinc5;l vapeur ..  Stea.m turbine8....  No.  4      2      44      42
           Capacité totale..     Total cap:Jcity.  . .. H.P.  14,745  10,724  190,965  192,044
          l\.foteura il. gaz et à pétrole.  Gas a.nd oH engines.  .... No.  1  2  07  101
           Cs,pacité totale..    TotaL cilpacity.  ..H.P.  120  '.0   14,686  14,822'
         Capacité des dywuoos.  . " ..... Dyo.amo cl:IpIlcity.  36,894  33,074  1,583,509  1,580,863-
          Dyn.a.mœ, C. A ....   Dynamœ, A. C...  No.     29      30    410     421
           Capacité totale.      Total eapacity.  .K.V.A.  36,894  3.3,074  1,581,517  1,578,871
          Dynamos, C. D ....    Dynamo:>, D. C   No.                    21      21
           Capacité totale.      Total  . .K.W             1.902   1,992:
   362   363   364   365   366   367   368   369   370   371   372