Page 366 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 366

328                           ,~RODUCTION

                  99 - Recettes des usines électriques œntroles de la province.
                     9l}.--Revenue of éentral Electric Stations in the Province.

                         RECETTES~·REVENl:'E                 1932    1933   ]934
                                                              •       •      •
         Re,,''''' (v,"" d'''''trici''). . .  .. Revenu, l'om ,,], of ,'''teie ,n"", .1  44,720,404 44,519,730;:1 46,818,247
         Pourcentage du t.otal du Ca.nada  . Per cent of toUlI for Canada..  36.89  37,87  38.42
           Eclairage commercia.l.    Commerdallight.        5,615,201  5,4lH,794  5,!l80,350
            Service domestique.       Domestic service.     8,210,401  7,795,948  7,77/',,391
            Petite forc#! motrice. .  POW(!f (sman).        2,306,544  2,203,010  2,180,729
            Grosse force motrice.    Power (large) ..       27,343,\182 27,831,16] 30,084,962
           Eclairagf} de~ rues..........  Street lighting  .  1.244,276  1,197,826  1.18~,815
         Recette>l des U8in.e.~ eommeTlliaJe<>.  . •Revenue of commercial station.".  43,508,546 43,331.547 45,62B,974
          Kon.productrictlS. .      N oo-gl'.neratîng.....   321,790  84,451  87,759
          Productrices.....         Geuerating...          43,186,750 43,247,090 45,5.:19,215
           Hydraulique!>... _.       Hydra.lIlic..       ..  43,172,185 43,2::14,276 45,528.754
           A combustible.... . . . . . . .  Fuel.  ..    :1   14.571  12,814  10,461
         Recettes dell usine!! nmnieiplLle;::.  Revenue of munu:lpal.lltElotIoDfl.  1,211,85.~  1,188,192  1,191,273
          K ün-produt>trices.       Non-ganeratwg            220,867  182,845'  451,451
          Productrices. . .. .      Generatillg...      · .. ·1  990,991  1,005,347  139,822
           Hydrauliques..            H~·draulic.             731.604  748,662  133,929
           A combustible... . . . . . . .. . . . . . .  ..  FueL..  . . . . . . . . .. . .  ..  2.59,387  256,685  5,893
         Reoottee des usines non productrices..... Revenue of non-generating IStationH ..  542,657  267,302  539,210
                                                                     269' 1
         Recettes des u-~ine1> produdrioes.  . . Revenue of generating stations...  44,177,747 44,252,437 46,279,037
          H~·dr&uliq\!-es.. .       Hyclraulic.            43,903,739 43,982,938 46,262,l\SJ
          A combul>tlble  ,    '    FueL                 , ..  273,958  49   113,354
         Moyenl:!e d~ re~et~s nettes pa.r h. p. de  Average net revenue per h. p. of pri-  1
          me.chinene prln111.ue  ' .. _. . . . . . .  .  man' power  .  15.33  14.53  14.17
         Moyenne des rellettes nettes par h. p. de  Average net revenue per b. p. in main
          machinerie principale et auxiliaire... . .  and au;ù!wry plants  15. ]8  14.40  14.01
        . Moyennedesrecettesnettesp8J'k.v.a,de  Average Det revenue peT k. ';:'~.' of
          lacapacitédesdynaIDosdesus.inesprinc.  dynamo capacity_  '.  17.84  1  lG.50
         Moy.desrecettesnettespark.v.a.dela  Average net revenue per k. v. a. in  16 93\
          Mp. des dyn. des usines princ. et a<Uil.  main and aulliliary p!.an~. _  ,.  17,65  16.78  16.30
         MO~'enne des recettes nettes pa.r k. w.  Average net revenue per kilowatt honr
          heures de touteB ks usines. .  . .  . .  cQIL!lumed (cent...).  053  0.46  0.41
                  100 - Dépenses des usines électriques centrales de la province.
                    10O---Expenses of Central EIectric Stations in the Province.
                         D ÉPENSEB--EXPENSES                 1932   1933
                                                              •      •       •
         Tutal des dépeD.l3l'-!l  '  _  Total expeW;e8.. . . . . . . .. .  .  14,229,502  13,122,2IH  15,230,299
          Pouroootage du total du Ca.Dada  Per oont of total for CanadA.  19.15  18.78  20.05--
          Salaires et gages.        Salaries and wage>!.    4.ls75,614  4,613,591  4,902,004
          Cowhustible.              Fuel. ..                  25,256  14,599  3,840
          Taxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Taxes  .  3,094,915  2,906,877  3,296,653
          Aehat d'énergie électrique.  Cost of power        f'>,233,717  6,187,194  7,027,802
         Usines commerciales.     .Commereialstations ...  "1 13,686,380  13,286,165  14,746,193
          Sala.ireB et gllgc~.      8ala.riell and wages.   4,625,974  4,384,490  4.674,454
          CombuEtibJe. .            Fuel.                      3,014-  2,474  2,341
          Ta:les. ,. ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Taxes. . .. . .. .'  3,083,265  2,895,624  3,285,699
          Achat d'énergie électrique..  Cost 01 power....   5,974,127  5,953,577  6,783,699
          Usioes non-productrices..  Non-generating stations. ,  225,379  47,948  52,953-
          Usines producttiees  .    Generating stll.tiQD.l3.,.  13,451,001  13,188,217  14,693,240'
           Usines hydrauliqlll'B  .  Hydraulic mations.    13,455,446  13,182,789  14,687,816
           Usiaes à c-ombustible.    Fuel stations.            5,.555  5,428  5,424
         Usine.~ municipales..  ..... MunidJ;lal stations ....  543,122  486,096  484,106
          Salaires E't gages..   ..  Salanes and wages       249,640,  229,101  227,550
          Combustible..             Fuel                      22,242  12,125  1,499
          Taxes            ,        Taxes. _  .               11,650  11.253  10,954
          Aebat d'énergie électrique.  Cost of power.        259,590  233,617  244,103-
          Usines non-productriees.  N on-geueruting stations.  207,756  165,805  361,164
          Uaines productriOOll  .   Generating stations..    335,366  320,291  122,942'
           Usines hydrauliques  .    Hydraulic stations      100M3   117,739  118,816
           Usines li. eombustiblc..  Fuel statiOIl8".        209,313  202,552  4,126
         Usines non-productrioe~.  ,.Non-generating statiollB.  433,135  213,753  414,117
         Usines productrices... ".  . .Generating stations.  . . . . . . . . . . 1  13,796,367  13,508,508  14,816,182'
           USlnes hydrauliques.,.    Hydraulic..  ..  . .....  13,581,499  13,300,528  14,806,632
           Usines /l. combuBtible.   Fuel stations ..        214,868  207,980  'J,050'
   361   362   363   364   365   366   367   368   369   370   371