Page 365 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 365


                        97 -  Lon~ueur (en milles) des lignes sur poteaux.
                                   97-Pofe Line Mileal1e..

                            CLASSIFICATION                   1932    1933   Hl34

         Longueur ell JIIIUe/:! ùe~ 1ign.e~ '5UJ:' powQ,m< Total pole Hne ml1~ll"e....  11 ,137  11,122  12,122
          Pourcentage dn total du Ca.n~a.  .  Per rent of total for Canooa  2U.B8  1966  21.56
            POUl' lB t.raIll!JllÎ:>:;ioD.. .  For transmission. _.  ..  4,889  4,880
            POUT la dÎi3tribution ..  For distribution.    1  6,248   8,242
         U~nes commercial""..       Comnl'Jre1A! ~tlltioTlEl  1O,70 t }  10,110  11,070
          Non~productrice8.         N on-generating•..                 2H     252
          Productrieell ..          Genaratjng...             10,]20  10"196  11,418
            HydraUliques...           HydnLUlic ..            10,109  10,485  11,412
            A MmbMtihle.              FueL ..                   11      11      •
         UsÎne!l lnuniciplÙ~..  . . . . . . . . . . . . . Municipal stations...  431  412  452
          Non-prodllctriees.        Non-~nerating...           149     129    159
          Produci:.rLP.C!I ......   Generating-...              282    283    293
            Hydrauliques ...          Hydl"aulic.              "51     2.'52  283
            A combustible.            Fuel...                   31      31     10
         UBinefl non.prodnctri<::efl..  .. ~on~gen~mtiD,gst:ltions.  735  343  411
         Usines nroductrices.     .Gp.nerating f1tatjoI1S ....  10.402  10,779  11,711
            Hydrauliquefi....         :EIyùrll.ulie.          10,300  1f).7.'i7  1l.1J95
            A combnstjble.            Fuf!J. ....               42     42      16
                  98 -CapJtaUI engagés dans l'industrie électrique de la province.
                    98-enpital l~vc8ted in Electrical Industry in the Province.

                          CAPITAUX-CAPITAL                   1932    1933   1934
                                                               •     •       •
         Total des capita.ux engo.~éil  ,  Total capital iuvested  "  574,953,411 505,904,478 047,lS79,999
          Pou:rcentage du total du Canada.......  Per oent of total for Canooo......  43.04  013.77  45.28
          Gén~ration  .             GenE'lation ....      · . 424,7HJ,924 442,4!}3,196 466,798,630
          Trall/>,mi<;~i()n  .      Trauemiooion..          7] ,294,621 72.781,609 71,850,075
          Di9tribution..            Distribution.         ..  48,653,660 48,9.50,187  10,38~,524
          Généralités.              General...            · _ 30,288,206 42,679,506 38,848,170
         Uaines commerciales.  . .....Commercial f1tatioILS ..  · . 567,218,230598,992,103639,836,276
          Non~prodnctrice:!l.       NOll~g;ener-l\ting..  .  3,182,902  5'17,ORS  576.195
          Product.rices.....        Generating.....      . .. 564,035,328 598,415,020 639,2f:10,081
           Hydrauliques. ' ..         Hydrll.ulic         .. 563,96a,70S 598,348,773 639,221,897
           A combllBtible.            FueL                    65,62a  66,247  38,184
         l'sines municipalcs...  . .. ::I--Iuniclpal I<latÎoIls..  7,735.181  7,!>lZ,375  8.043.723
          NOD-produetricefi..       Non~g;enerating..        822,625  690,751  2,379,263
          Produetricell  .          Geuer-ating ....        6,912,556  7,221,624  5,664,470
           HYdrauliQues  .           Hydraulic.             5,369,867  5,445,098  5,620,470
           A CQmhu!Jtible.           Fuel.                  1,542,689  1,776,526  «,000
         Usines non-produotriccs  ..... N on·gcot'rating stations ..  4,005,527  1,267,834  2,955,448
         Csines productrices..   . ,Generating stations.  .  '1570,947.884 605,636,M4 644,924,5.51
           Hyrlralli'l"f!!I...       Hydraulic.          ·:i56~:~glgr~ 60t:~~::~~J 644,8:~:~
           A combustible.             Fllel
         Morenn!'1paF h. p. dela maohineried'éner-  Avcrage per h. p. of primary
          gle prlffiaue.            power.     .     >          197    19B     196
        Moyenne par h. p. y compris la machi-  Averagc per h. p. Îneluding auxiliary
          cerie auxiliaire..        equiprnent     .            195    195
        Moyenne po.r k. v. a. de la capacité deB  Average per k. v, a. of dynamo
          dyIUl.mos  _. . . . ..  _.....  .         229    231     228
        Moyenne pll.J" k. v El. y compris la machi-  Average per k. v. a. including auxitiary
          nerie auxiLiaire.      . ..  equipment         _.            229     225
   360   361   362   363   364   365   366   367   368   369   370