Page 364 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 364

326                          PRODUCTION

               95 - Personnel des usines électcJques centrales de la province, 1932-34.
                 95--Employees in Central Electric Stations of the Prm'ince, 1932·34.

                           CLASSIFICATIO~                    1932    1933   1934

         Total du per~onnel occupé. ..  . .Tob.l uumher of pel"l30DB employed...  3,411  3,214  8,432
          Pourcent~e du wto.L du Canada. _...  Per cent of total for Co,nadn., ....  22.55  22.25  22.92
          Administrateurs, commis et employés  Officers, clerks and other 8&.laried
            del.o bureaux.. .  .     employees. .. . . . . . .  .  1  1,356  1,315  1,074
          OuvrieI'l'l et journalienJ  .  Employees on wag(\il,  2,115  1,959  2,358
         Per.!lonnel des lll'iDe9. commerciales.  . .. Employees in CQmmerci[l,ll"tation.~..  3,275  1  3,0~  3.249
          2'iou-produclrices.       Nou-genero.ting.            71             24
          Produclrioo.9  .          Gene:rating ...           3.198  3,069   3,225
           HydrauliQues  .           Hydraulic.               3,195  3,066   3,222
                                                                       32 ..
           A cornblUltib!e.           Fuel.                      3      3      3
         Personnel des usine... municipales.                   196     185    183
          ProduetriooB  .                                      158     1.'i3   99
           Hydrauliq u~s  .                                     96     93      96
           A combustible.                                       62     60      3
         Pel"l'!onuC! des llilincs non-productriees  .. Employees iD non-generating statioDl'l  115  52  lOS
         Personut'] de" lL'li.nes produetriœs....  ... Employees in generatillg t;tatlon~.  l'  3,356  3,222  3,324
          HydrauIiQue~...           Hydro.ulÎ<'.        : : : :  3,291  3,159  3,318
          A combustible. .  .       :Fuel.                             .3      6
        96 - Nombre des abonnés des usines électriques centrales, dans la province, 1932-34.
           96-Number of Customers of Central Electric Stations, in the Province, 1932-34.

                           CLASSIFICATION                    1932    1933   1934

         Kombrt' d'aboDnés....  . ....•Number of customers...•.  472,446  471,874  449,443
 du tetal du Canada..  Per cent. of total for Canooa ..  28.tiO  28.31  27.07
           Eclairage commerci:l.l.   Commereiallight.....    74,075  73,451  57,026
           Berviœ domestique (1)     Domestic serviee (1L    385,211  385,175  378,705
           Petite force motrice.     Power (small)  .        11.617  11,57(:1  12,035
           Grosll:e force motrice.   Power \[arge)  .       (2)  8..  (2)  990  1,006
           Eclai:rllge de!.' rUes.   Street tighting.          .84    .79     671
         AboDn~ de.EI u&nu commerciale~  CustomerB of commercial sta.tions.  441,248  439,427  416,067
          Non-productrices.         Non-genera.ting..        10,615  2,579   2,856
          Productrices              Geuerating...            430,633  436.848  413,211
           lfydrauJiques ..          HydrauHc.               430,408  436,6.52  413,003
           .1\ combustible.          Fuel.                     225     19'    148
         Aboun~s deol usines munici-pales ..  ...... Cll8tomers of murncipuJ.<rt.atiollS ..  31,198  32,447  33.376
          NOD-productrices.    ..... '  Non-ge[lerating  .   Il,969  10,711  17,789
          Product.rieeg..  .        GeneratÎ.ng....          19,229  21,736  15,587
           Hydrauliques ..           HwlrauJic.              14,701  14,537  15,224
           A eombustible.            :Fuel..                  4,528  7,199    363
         Abonnê5 dell UQnes DOD-yroductrieA~  Customers of DOD-geDl'ratln!:': stll.tion.~ .1  22,584  13,290  20,645
         AboDnés dl'8 lliliDCS productrices.. .  Customers of geDerating stations.. . .. i  440.862  458,584  428,798  L
          Hydrauliques.. ,          Hydrll.ulic.             445,109  451,189  428,281
         N:m::::::::~'~bOnnéS(~erviCedomes- A=:~'e number o~:~~~~;~c:~~J  4,753  7,395  511
          tiqlJl'l) pfl.f 100 habita.nœ.  customerB per 100 of populll,tioD....  1  13.26  12.97  12.M
           (1) Le service de la ferme (\lit compris do.:ns le service domestiquc.-Farrn l:I!!fvice Ïl'l included with domestic l'erviœ.
            (2) Certainœ compagnies n'ont pas fait de dilltincUon entre ces deux clMBe.EI d'lI,bonn~-'3.--Some companies do not
         di..,Unguish between the!le two classes of clliltomem.
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