Page 277 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 277
Le tableau suivant indique la valeur des biens The following table shows the value of prop-
et. l'étendue des dettes des munieipalités de erty and extent of indebtedness of the city
cité, en 1933. Au tableau 16, le leeteur trouvera municipBlities in 1933. The reader will find in
une récapitulation depuis 1923 de l'actif et du Table 16, a summary of assets and Iiabilities
passif de toutes les municipalités, d'abord réu- of ail municipalities sinee 1923. They are first
nies, puis groupées par genres. given in total, then grouped by kinds.
15-Bilan des cités de la province, en 1933,
15-Balance Sheet of the Cilies of the Province, in 1933.
Actif - ASBets Passir - Liab;ji•.ie.
En Meuble. Fond. Au(rcs
CITÉS arr6ragef!l H dtomorl,iB- DOD B fion emprunl~
- de t.s.xes, etc. immeublea aernent rncl1ctéB et,
CrrIES - - - Total
Cash on Movable & Siokiog Uoredeemed ourcr
HllJld. Ts~ Immova.ble Fund Bood. Loons and
ArreA.rB, etc. Properly Debts
Arvida..... $ 31,208 $ 88,334 S 1l9,642 S 75,000 $ 25,440 li 100,440
Cap-de-Is-M..deleine. 134,821 800,138 $' 13,616 963,574 922,400 164,270 1,086,670
Chicoutimi. . .... 265,504 1,507,148 116,616 1,8611,267 1,546,95J 605,721 2,152,672
Granby ' 63,800 833,906 136,282 1.033,988 785,822 11,787 797,609
Grand'Mêre.. 89,373 1,920,524 122,627 2,132,524 1,767,900 527,330 2,295.230
Hull. 610,957 2,567,910 472,844 3,651,711 4,312,600 435,536 4,748,136
Joliette...... .. 160,006 ),817,761 2~0,475 2,228,242 1,137,500 289,628 1,427,128
Lachine..... 860,082 4,327,427 1131,457 6,118,966 5,147,332 3,027,273 8,114,605
Lévis.......... 264,273 1,231,275 436 1,495,984 1.099,250 267,116 1,366,366
Longueuil.. 133,019 1,749,463 50,097 1,932,579 1,558,300 983,466 2,641,765
Monlréal.... . . .. 81,680,IH2 15~,408,518 30,395,589 268,384,649 255,789.285 78,462,343 334,251,628
Outremont... .. .. 626,58.') 3,349,828 1,295,830 5,272,243 6,176,126 1,658,83~ 7,834,962
Québec.. . . ... 7,746,21:J ~2,283,4~8 1,726,948 31,765,629 27,786,01~ 9,519,134 37,305,150
Rivière-du-Loup. ..... 236.610 1,533,569 37,134 1,806,313 1,423.800 177,198 1,600,998 183,004 986,444 16,380 1,184,828 ),045,400 29,867 1,075,257
Shawinigan FaUs. .. . . 464,169 3,070,~96 161,830 3,696,695 3,640,600 948,785 4,589,386
Sherbrooke..... 690,500 9,546,672 2,023,1l9 12,260,191 6,370,007 3,471,741 9,841,748
Sorel... ...... 105,992' 9-t6,700 ... 4''2,83" 1,052,692 1,322,800 28,983 1,351,783
Sl-Hyscin(he. .. 96,238 1,721,281 v 1,859,364 1,372,870 149,339 1,622,209
St-Jean.. . . . . . . . 300,090 1,341,270 121,267 1,762,627 1,399,861 55,269 1,455,130
S~-L.Dlb.rt ' 299,485 2,320,821 394,424 3,014,730 3,471,003 1,130,772 4,601,775
Thetford MineB. .. .. 110,455 775,920 ..... 8&l,375 455,093 l)4,550 569,643
TroiB-RiviêreB-Th.ltiv.. 2,073,020 6,753,955 1,484,024 10,310,999 9,076,200 2,606,980 11,683,180
Verdun. 1.307,813 ~,271,1I5 1,400,903 9,Oa9,831 8,633,859 3,254,001 11,887,860
Wesl.rooanl. 707,027 6,608,698 2,272,516 9,588,241 6,776,IM 5,614,833 12,390,999
TOT.n. '. . .. 99,128,785 240,764>,741 43,516,248 383,411,774 353.092,141 1U,55D,1&5 466,642,326
IG--Bilan des corporations municipales d,e la province, 1923-33.
IG--Balance Sheet of Municipal Corporalions of the Province, 1923-33.
Aclil- ABset. P"Bsll- LisbiJities
En cal8se. Meuble. Fonds Autn:.'s
ANNl!:ES Aorrél"l.lgiJB et d'ilOIOtl:,l9- Dow; noo 1 emprunts
- de 1axe8, eLo. immeublef! &emenl rachetés el dettes
YEARS - - - Tol.Rl - -
Casb 00 Movable & Sioking Uoredeemed Ol.her
Rand, T ..x 1mmo.....ble Fuod Bond. Lanne snd
ArrenTs, etc. Property Debt.
$ $ S $ S $ S
1933 ... ....... ....... 110,524,I1B 290,033,259 48,388.136 448,946,513 40S,161,625 131,784,610 539,046,23 5
1932 .. ... ........... 95,025,506 266,676,572 41,658,899 403,360,977 392,222,534 l05,453,B72 4.97,676,40 6
1931. ....... .. ...... 83,229.468 20B,20S,330 40,348,804 33l.786,602 362,132,334 82,680,750 H4,813,084
1930 . . . .. . . . . 76,108,981 259,558,025 36,158,600 372,125,606 323,395,745 85,731,661 4.011,127,40 6
34,502,282 354,279,011 293,557,500
1028. ..... .... o. ' •• '.' 68,763,S05 2.51,012,924 33,003,OOS 355,048,473 278,662,794 81,606,314 3~0,269,10 3 8
1929 .. . . .. . . . . .. '
56,975,765 265,068,800
1027 .. ............ , .. 64,147,363 207,5lJ,047 25,649,533 297,307,943 260,213,799 41,528,072 301,741,871
1026 .. ..... ....... , ... 58,590,991 207,367,749 23,317,823 289,276,563 246,330,140 41.361,022 287,~91,16 2
1925 .. ...... ... ... 55,996.465 203,345,BOO 20,533,017 279,876,291 231,152,242 46,360,971 277,513,213
11124.. ... ... .. .... 50,1128.171 196,181,679 18,4511,720 265,569,570 230,238,227 38,726,667 268,964,894
1923. ... ., . .... 46,357,156 187,720,075 15,923,4<46 250,000,677 214,066,255 41,780,223 2M,B55,478